"Tiger Lord, it must be the fault of our boss. Please calm your anger, calm your anger."

Laifu wiped the sweat from his forehead. He did not dare to get angry over the fact that Tiger Lord had brought someone to push him. He smiled and said, "Please come in, please come in."

"Tell your boss to come and see me."

Tiger Lord swept a glance at Laifu before he walked into Haotian on the back of his gilded cane.

"Quick, tell your boss to meet Tiger Lord immediately!"

The sunglasses guy who was following behind Tiger Lord pushed him a little and proudly walked inside Haotian's business.

"Hello? "Brother Gou?"

Laifu's face was filled with panic as he hurriedly took out his phone to call the yellow dog. He said, "Brother Gou, the Tiger Lord of the Jianjie District is here!" "What should we do?"


On the second floor, the yellow-skinned dog with its subordinates who were staring at the production line received the call. Its expression changed as it hurriedly put down what it was doing and ran upstairs.

"Big bro Hao'er! Big bro Hao'er, it's me!"

The yellow dog stood in front of the electronic door on the third floor and pressed the doorbell.

Because Li Hao had originally assumed that this company's third floor belonged to a relatively secret private room, other than himself, Zuo Fei Fei, and the others, even yellow-skinned dogs didn't have the right to enter directly, so they had to agree to open the door from the inside.

Li Hao was currently accompanying old man Chen Yu and the others. He didn't need to personally receive the guests. When Little Swallow's father, Zuo Fei Fei's aunt, or Liu Yuying arrived, he would personally go downstairs to greet them.

"What happened?"

Hearing the yellow dog's eager look on the video call, Li Hao got up with some doubts and opened the door for him.

"Big bro Hao'er, something bad happened!"

The yellow-skinned dog walked in and swallowed its saliva. It anxiously asked, "Do you still remember the underworld boss, Lord Tiger, that I mentioned to you before?"

"Yes, why?"

Li Hao frowned, and said: "Didn't I tell you to leave him alone? Since all of you have decided to follow me on the right path, it's best that you don't come into contact with the people on the wrong path again. "

Two days before the opening, the yellow-skinned dog had mentioned to Li Hao that Tiger Lord was a character. This guy was the boss of the Jianjie District in the outskirts of Mingzhu City, and was considered to have risen to prominence in the underworld. Many factories and companies in the suburbs would have to provide them with supplies, otherwise, they would be disturbed.

The yellow-skinned dog once asked Li Hao if it wanted to send an invitation to the tiger, but Li Hao rejected it.

What he hated the most were these local thugs who relied on their power to bully others. Of course, he wouldn't give them any face.

"Brother Hao'er, I listened to you. I didn't send anything to Master Hu and the others, but now, they've come looking for me on their own accord!"

The yellow dog said, "Just now, downstairs, Laifu gave me a call. He said that Tiger Lord and the others have already entered the main entrance and are in the living room on the first floor!"

"He even came looking for us himself?"

Li Hao's frown deepened. He closed his eyes and concentrated slightly. In his mind, he saw the scene in the living room on the first floor. He instantly saw Tiger Lord, who was leaning on a gold-plated walking stick, and the black-clothed people, who were surrounding him.

These days, he had been thinking and thinking about the use of the Six Paths of the Soul Lock Technique. Within the company, he had acquired many magical abilities that he had never even dared to think of before.

"Don't worry about them. If they are honest, I don't mind sharing an extra cup of tea with them."

Li Hao pondered for a moment and did not plan to chase them away. This was a type of tolerance that allowed people to be friends with gentlemen, but also allowed people to become friends with villains.

"But Brother Hao'er, I'm afraid that they've come with ill intentions this time. They want you to go down and meet them by name!"

However, the yellow-skinned dog wasn't as optimistic as he said with a bitter face.

Tiger Lord's fame was like thunder to the ears. Tiger Lord could make a big scene, but he could also make a small name for himself. When he fought with others, he could set up a gang fight with hundreds of people. When others were not interested, he would send small gangsters to make people sick in front of other people's stores every day. He was a ruthless person who could bend and bend.

It was precisely because of this that the manufacturers of this area had obediently submitted to him on a monthly basis. Tiger Lord had taken too much, the asking price was within the tolerance of others, so after being arrogant for so many years, he was still living a comfortable life, and no one wanted to touch his bad luck.

Tiger Lord sat on a chair, with a few lackeys standing in front of him.

"Tiger Lord, you're here too?"

"Hehe, Tiger Lord, you are getting stronger and stronger!"

Some of the small bosses that were invited by Zuo Fei Fei and the others also knew Tiger Lord, so they all came over to greet him.

Tiger Lord also nodded to them one by one, as if he wasn't a black boss who was collecting protection fees, but was rather a well-loved and respected cadre.

Looking at the surrounding bosses who were being so courteous to him despite paying the protection fee, Tiger Lord felt even more pleased with himself. At the same time, he felt that Li Hao was being too unreasonable.

Look, these old bosses of the Jianjie District all obediently gave themselves a confession. You're a newly opened company, what makes you special?

Since everyone has already handed it over, if you don't, then wouldn't it be embarrassing for me and the other bosses to do so?

Furthermore, before he came here, he had asked his subordinates to investigate this place and found out that this place was only a trading shop. He then transferred the name to Li Hao, but was unable to find anything else.

Therefore, Tiger Lord didn't think too much and didn't take Li Hao seriously.

"Master, the boss of Haotian Industrial has not come down for so long. Does he not take us seriously?"

The man in black beside Tiger Lord lowered his body and whispered into Tiger Lord's ear.

"It seems that the newborn calf is not afraid of the tiger. I, Tiger Lord, have been amiable for so many years. The martial arts world has almost forgotten my temper!"

Tiger Lord coldly snorted as he lightly stomped the ground with the gold-plated cane in his hand!

"Master, don't worry!"

When the black-clothed man saw Tiger Lord's action, he nodded his head heavily. A look of eagerness appeared on his face.

"Everyone, give face to Tiger Lord, no one is going to participate in today's ceremony."

The man in black beside Tiger Lord looked like his spokesperson as he walked forward and clapped his hands. Then, he released his voice and said, "Go back!" Tiger Lord has something to do here! "

After saying that, the remaining black-clothed men beside Tiger Lord immediately began to move, pushing and pushing the people who had arrived earlier from their seats.

Suddenly, when a man in black was' persuading 'the boss to leave, a loud shout exploded in the living room like a thunderclap, instantly attracting everyone's attention!

"How dare you!"

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