Looking at Li Hao, the gloating guests were all stupefied with their mouths wide open, so wide that an egg could fit inside!

The nine men all fell in an instant!

Was this a movie?!

If it weren't for the fact that these people were bullied by Tiger Lord, they would have thought that these people were actors specially invited by Li Hao!

"Brat, I didn't know you were so good at fighting!"

Tiger Lord's eyes twitched as he leaned on the gold-plated cane in his hand. A vicious expression emerged on his face.

Young, proud, and very good at fighting.

This young man before him was much more unreasonable than he was back then. It was truly hateful.

"How is it?"

Li Hao did not stop. If others did not offend him, then he would not offend them. However, if others offended him, then he would definitely retaliate even more ruthlessly!

This was the world.

When Li Hao was still a beggar, he already knew that if a wild dog came to bite you, and all you knew was to cry and run, the wild dog would bite you the next time it saw you. However, if a wild dog bit you, you would ruthlessly tear off its fur and break its head, and the next time the wild dog saw you from afar, it would run away with its tail between its legs.

In Li Hao's eyes, people like Tiger Lord were just wild dogs. To deal with someone like Tiger Lord, you had to beat them until they were in pain and afraid!

"Hur hur, good, very good!"

Tiger Lord looked at his subordinates who were groaning as they got up from the ground and sneered. At this moment, he would never lower his head!

"Brothers, if you can't touch this brat, just smash things and chase away the guests. I want to see how many people he can stop!"

Tiger Lord had been fighting in the martial arts world for so long, he was naturally not a bold and unwise person. Once he saw that the few people he brought were not a match for Li Hao, he immediately changed tactics.

So what if you, Li Hao, can fight?

We have more people!

We won't fight head on with you. If he let these nine people separate to smash things and chase guests, no matter how powerful you, Li Hao, are you able to use the Body Division Technique to stop these nine people at the same time?

Furthermore, Tiger Lord had already called for his subordinates, he believed that once his subordinates arrive, Li Hao would definitely pay a heavy price!

If a person could fight, he could fight against ten, he could fight against fifteen, so how could he fight against fifty? One against a hundred?

Tiger Lord sneered in his heart. 'When my men come, I will drown you in a sea of people even if I have to use tactics!'

"When the time comes, it won't be enough to vent my anger by accepting 200,000 yuan a year. I should at least get 500,000 yuan!"

Tiger Lord bitterly thought as he retreated into the crowd.


Tiger Lord's minions understood tacitly and quickly dispersed, smashing chairs and pushing guests away.


"Don't push me, I'll walk by myself …"

The guests who had been watching from the sidelines and wanting to make a fool of themselves had all been struck by bad luck. They were usually the bosses who lived like princes, and the attacks of these delinquents were neither light nor heavy. With this push, many of them fell to the ground, making the scene even more chaotic.

The coldness in Li Hao's eyes became even more intense. It was true that he had no other choice but to use this move of Tiger Lord's, but Li Hao was not one of them.

His company had the Immortal array, the Six Paths Soul-Sealing Formation. As he became more and more familiar with the array, he was able to use the array to do many things. If he wanted, he could use the array's power to bind these nine people to the ground and leave them immobile!

However, this was simply too shocking. If he openly used power that did not belong to the mortal world, then he would definitely be pushed to the forefront of public opinion, and he might even attract the attention of the relevant departments. This was something that Li Hao absolutely did not wish to see.

However, with them messing things up, should he continue with today's opening ceremony?

Li Hao pursed his lips, finally made up his mind. He was prepared to directly use the power of the Six Paths Soul-Sealing Formation to subdue this group of people without a care in the world!

As for what would happen in the future, he would deal with it when the time came. He would deal with it when the time came!

With a thought from Li Hao, he could already feel the cool energy flowing through his body from the heart of the formation. However, at this critical moment, a shout suddenly came from the entrance!

"What are you doing?! All of you, stop! "

Hearing that voice, many people were confused, but Li Hao was extremely familiar with it.

Zhuo Yanyu, this is Little Swallow's voice.

Seeing Zhuo Yanyu's similarly excessively young face, many people present couldn't help but raise a question mark in their hearts at the same time.

What day is it today?

First, the excessively young boss, Li Hao, came over to show his prowess, and now, this excessively young girl came over. What's wrong? Has the world really changed? Was it really the young people's world now?

Although Zhuo Yanyu's voice was loud and clear, she didn't have any intimidating aura. In fact, she was far inferior to Li Hao.

Tiger Lord's face became stern. He was prepared to capture this girl who didn't know the depth of the heavens and the earth, but when he saw the man walking to the girl's side, the anger on his face instantly turned into shock. He swallowed back the words that were about to leave his mouth!

He didn't know Zhuo Yanyu, but as someone who had roamed the underworld his entire life, how could he not know about the current head of the police department in Pearl City, Zhuo Yishan?

Looking at Zhuo Yishan's undisguised concern towards Zhuo Yanyu, even a fool could imagine that his relationship with this young lady was definitely not ordinary!

"Dad!" Quickly capture these hooligans! "

Zhuo Yanyu turned around angrily and walked towards Zhuo Yishan.

Zhuo Yanyu looked at the mess in the living room and felt angry in her heart!

She had previously helped Li Hao design and arrange this place. She had put in a lot of effort into arranging every single table and chair. Just to wait until this day, when everyone was seated, she could see the bright smile on Li Hao's face.

Ever since the night Ruyi Tower caused such a ruckus for Hua Kui, her heart had been filled with an indescribable admiration and affection for Li Hao. This young miss who had been pampered since childhood had never put in such effort for anyone!

But now?

She had only gone home to pick up her father for such a short time. The reception hall that she had spent so much effort and effort to arrange was actually smashed into a complete mess by these guys who dressed like black cockroaches!

Let alone Little Swallow, who had a fiery temper, even a person with a good temper would not be able to tolerate this!


Zhuo Yishan nodded slightly and took out his phone from his pocket.

Seeing that his daughter was so angry that her face turned red, Zhuo Yishan was naturally in a bad mood. He had already been mentally prepared when he agreed to come here, and might have to help his daughter's friend solve some problems. But that doesn't matter, as long as he caught a few people, it didn't matter whether you were a hooligan or a hooligan.

"Big Brother Zhuo, Big Brother Zhuo, this is all a misunderstanding!"

When he saw that Zhuo Yishan was about to make a phone call, Tiger Lord was already sweating.

Looking at the flattering smile on his face, everyone felt like they couldn't react at all.

Tiger Lord, who was as ferocious as a fierce tiger a second ago, had now turned into a flattering kitten in the blink of an eye?

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