"Elder Zhang Guo has joined the group chat."

"Lu Dongbin has joined the group chat."

"Weaver has joined the group chat."

"The Arrow God Houyi has joined the group chat."

"Chang'e has joined the group chat."

"Hundred Flowers Fairy has joined the group chat."

Just as Li Hao stared at the screen in a daze for so long, the number of people in this Immortal World chat group continued to increase. It was so dense that Li Hao couldn't even see it anymore.

Tens of minutes later, the people added to the group stopped.

"In order to make it easier for all deities to issue a decree in the Immortal World, I, under the orders of the Immortal Emperor, set up this WeChat group. If there is a decree in the future, the Monarch and I will send it out here so that the deities can receive it immediately."

After adding the number of people to the group, the Queen Mother, the creator of the group, was the first to speak.

"We shall follow the decree of the Empress."

"It's much more convenient to have a group. Empress and Monarch are wise."

After the Queen Mother had spoken, the immortals within began to speak one after another without exception. They all praised the Queen Mother and the unspoken Immortal Imperial City to the heavens!

Li Hao didn't say anything and just looked at the screen. As a spectator, he felt it was funny.

It seemed that no matter whether they were in the heavens or in the earth, they were all the same. The deities were like the small employees of the company, while the Queen Mother was the general manager, the Immortal Emperor was the chairman, and his subordinates were all the same to their superiors.

The fawning of a deity was sharper than that of a man!

"Oh right, I also invited a fellow Daoist Li Hao from the mortal world into this group. He is an extraordinary person who has helped quite a few people from the Immortal World. Furthermore, he is my friend. Everyone should know him as well."

After the deities exchanged a few more words, the Queen Mother opened her mouth again. She then said to Li Hao, who was still diving, "Fellow Daoist Li Hao, come out and greet everyone!"

Li Hao, who was looking at the phone, rubbed his nose and smiled wryly in his heart. He originally wanted to quietly observe these deities, but he didn't expect that the Queen Mother would actually call him out.

"Cough cough. Hello everyone. My name is Li Hao. This is our first time meeting. Please take care of me."

Li Hao sent a voice message. There was no helping it, he had already been called out by the Queen Mother. If he still didn't say anything, then he really wouldn't give face.

"En, everyone be at ease here. This is not the imperial court, so there is no need to be overly restrained."

The Queen Mother spoke once again, adding a "snicker" emoji at the end, causing the atmosphere to lighten.

"Wow!" It's actually a fellow cultivator from the mortal realm! "

"Ever since the Three Realms were sealed away by Daofather Hongjun, it's been quite some time since I've seen a mortal!"

The group of deities immediately started a heated discussion, and the topic of conversation was naturally the "newfangled species", Li Hao.

Seeing their enthusiasm, Li Hao felt that if he was given the chance to visit a park in the Immortal World, he would be able to earn a fortune!

"Don't worry, Fellow Daoist Li Hao. Big Sister will protect you!"

Chang'e also spoke up. After saying that, she added a cool emoji of a person wearing sunglasses at the end.

"Whomever my wife wants to protect, I, Houyi, will protect!"

Following closely behind Chang'e, the Arrow God Houyi also spoke up. He even added an emoji with a cigarette in its mouth at the end.

Li Hao didn't know whether to laugh or cry. F * ck, so these couple love to act cool!

"A fellow cultivator of the mortal realm?" This is so new! "

"Explode!" Hurry up and explode! "

The sisters of the Seven Fairies were already chattering away, each urging Li Hao to quickly take a photo.

"That year, Seventh Sister found a husband in the mortal world. Today, we sisters will see if we have a chance."

"Yes, yes!" Quick, explode and take a look! "

Li Hao also felt that it was a bit funny when these immortals talked at the same time. Originally, he thought that the legendary immortals were all high and mighty, but he never expected them to have such a cute and funny side.

"Cough, cough …"

A few of the Seven Fairies were chasing after Li Hao for the photo, when suddenly, one of their heads, which was glowing with golden light, made the sound of coughing. Instantly, the noisy chat group immediately quietened down!

Li Hao looked carefully. It turned out that the one who had spoken was the legendary Emperor Jiu Wu, the ruler of the entire Immortal World, the one who had spoken according to the law, the Immortal Emperor!

"Tian Chang, Tian Rong, don't chase after Li Hao anymore."

The Immortal Emperor helped Li Hao out, then said again: "Everyone can speak freely here, and you can also send red packets to cheer us up. This way, we will open a river here and send out a red packet first.

The moment the Immortal Emperor's words came out, the deities were immediately in an uproar!

"Lord Immortal Emperor wants to send red packets?!" Haha, that must be some rare treasure! "

Taibai Jinxing, the person who knows how to flatter, was the first to respond.

"I want to steal, I want to steal, get out of my way!"

Erlang Shen, Yang Jian, was completely domineering. He acted like he was going to fight even if he got a red packet.

"I want the Immortal Emperor's red packet. Hubby, you have to give it to me even if you get it!"

Chang'e also spoke up, and added a "cute" emoji at the end of her sentence. Li Hao had not realized before that Chang'e was an emoticon!

"My wife, don't worry. What's mine is yours, right?" If we get it, we'll have to turn it in! "

Houyi immediately began to take heart, and made love with Chang'e.

This sudden supply of dog food caught all the single dogs in the Immortal World off guard.

Of course, the Howling Celestial Dog was still very happy …

Li Hao's heart was also full of anticipation. He was ready to go, ready to fight for it!

The red packet that the Immortal Emperor was going to send, and it was also the first red packet in this group.

"Three, two, one, it's here!"

The Immortal Emperor began his countdown.


As his phone vibrated, Li Hao saw a bright red packet appear on his phone's screen. Due to the reflex of many years of snatching red packets, Li Hao felt like he had clicked down the moment the red packets appeared on the screen!

"Swoosh swoosh swoosh!"

How fast were the deities' hands?

Li Hao finally understood it now.

The red packet sent by the Immortal Emperor was accepted within a second!

"These people are really frightening …"

Li Hao thought to himself: "As expected of a group of bachelors who have been single for thousands of years. Their hand speed is truly amazing …"

Li Hao's luck was not bad, he actually managed to get the thing!

Destiny Talisman x1!

Li Hao compared it with Han Zhongli and discovered that the Luck King turned out to be Han Zhongli. What he snatched was a calligraphy brush, drawn personally by the Immortal Emperor, which was rumored to contain his understanding of the 'Dao'.

Of course, there were even more people who found nothing out of the ordinary, beating their chests and stomping their feet in the group. They were extremely vexed.

"I wonder what use does the Qi Proclamation have?"

Although Li Hao had gotten his hands on the treasure, he didn't know what the hell he was going to use it for.

With anticipation, he clicked on the "Mine" section of WeChat from the Three Realms and clicked on the item stored in his WeChat wallet — Fate Talisman!

Immediately, a golden light shot out from the screen, causing Li Hao's eyes to temporarily go blind …

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