About youth, about love, since ancient times there have been too many words to describe her.

And what was familiar to the most youthful boys and girls of modern China was the sentence that was especially popular on the internet.

"At this age, I like you

It's not because you have a house and a car

but because

That afternoon, the sun was shining just in time

You're wearing a white shirt that I love. "

The words were beautiful, seductive and picturesque, and because a white shirt was now causing less and less pure love, the phrase was all the more touching.

In front of Li Hao was a young man wearing a white shirt. He was riding a bicycle with a backseat and slowly stopped in front of the girls' dormitory. A pretty girl ran in front of him excitedly and sat on the back of his bicycle sweetly.

There was no luxurious carriage, no handsome young man with a divine appearance like jade, and no beautiful young girl that was as beautiful as a fairy.

There was only a few hundred yuan bicycle, an ordinary boy in a white shirt, and a girl of the same age with black hair that fell to her shoulders.

However, the sight of this extremely ordinary scene caused Li Hao to be greatly moved. It was as if there was a strange glow that was formless and dazzling.

If it was Zuo Fei Fei Fei's Porsche 911, it would have arrived at the school gates in the blink of an eye. But while it could be fast or fast, sometimes being slow was not necessarily a delay.

Especially for lovesick couples, they probably wouldn't get tired of being together for too long …

Li Hao's heart was burning with passion, and he completely understood the problem Houyi spoke of earlier. Wasn't this exactly the feeling he had when he was with Chang'e?

"Maybe giving them a double bike would be a good choice."

Li Hao thought silently in his heart. He already had an idea.

The two-person bicycle was a transportation vehicle that required the tacit understanding of both parties. It became popular around the world not because of its speed, but because of its romance and warmth.

Accompanying the breeze, gently treading on the bicycle, the best time is now, the person you love the most is by your side.

Was there anything simpler, warmer, more romantic?

Li Hao picked up his phone and replied to the Arrow God Houyi, "Big Brother Houyi, I think I've found a way to solve your problem."


Houyi immediately replied. Just from the text, Li Hao could tell that Houyi was wild with joy.

"En, please wait a moment. I will bring the items to you later."

Li Hao immediately left the school and headed towards the nearest bicycle shop.

A pair of bicycles was something that no one would buy in the first place. Other than renting them to ride in the park, there were very few families who would specially buy one for themselves. Thus, there were very few shops that sold bicycles.

However, he didn't know if it was because of the gas talisman's effect, but Li Hao had found this bicycle shop. Coincidentally, there was still a pair of bicycles that hadn't been sold out yet!

According to the people at the car store, this was a rental company that had originally sought out their family for a large number of orders, but now there was a sample car. Since the rental company didn't want it, they had always kept it in the car store and didn't even want to sell it.

The owner of the bike was very happy that he was able to get his hands on it. Not only did he give Li Hao a discount, but he also enthusiastically arranged for people to help him deliver the bike back to Li Hao.

Before the effects of the talisman disappeared, Li Hao felt that everything was going smoothly. Now, if he went to Dragon Street to gamble, he had the confidence that even if he didn't have A Wu to help him sense the spirit energy coming from the mother stone, he would be able to cut out a lot of good jade with his heaven-defying luck!

"Okay, okay. Just leave it here."

The staff of the car shop directly helped Li Hao transport the bicycles to the dormitory. Fortunately, it was class time and there weren't many people in the dormitory. Otherwise, the matter of Li Hao buying a self-confident bicycle would probably spread across the dorms like wildfire!

After returning to the dorm, the room suddenly became crowded with the addition of such a large item.

Fortunately, all of Li Hao's roommates had gone out to study and had not come back yet.

"Brother Houyi, let me show you the introduction video of this pair of bicycles."

After Li Hao sent the message, he specially went to the internet and looked for a romantic video of an extremely beautiful couple riding a pair of bicycles together, and sent it to Houyi through WeChat from the Three Realms.

After sending the video, Li Hao added on the feelings he had when he first thought of this idea.

The best time is now, when the person you love the most is by your side.

After doing all this, all that remained of Li Hao was to quietly wait for Houyi's reply.

Although he was confident in this idea, whether or not he wanted to trade would still depend on how Houyi felt about it.

"Fellow Daoist Li Hao, this is great! This bicycle is too amazing!"

After a long while, Houyi finally replied with a voice. This was the voice of this peerless hero who had once shot the sun with a curved bow. However, his voice was now trembling from excitement and emotion.

"Looking at the blissful expression of the pair in the video, I am really touched …"

Houyi's voice was choked with emotions as he sighed, "I truly admire you, to have … For the sake of friendship, who refined it? "

"Ugh …"

Li Hao was also slightly surprised for a moment, haha, a magic treasure with a friendship.

Leaving aside the role of transportation and competitions, bicycles could be considered an extremely emotional invention.

"When riding this bicycle, you also need a certain sense of balance. For the first time, you must be careful not to fall."

Although he shouldn't have to worry about the balance between the immortals, but as a conscientious seller, Li Hao still warned him carefully.

"Alright, I'll take it. Fellow Daoist Li Hao, thank you so much. Thank you so much!"

Houyi agreed, then asked, "I wonder what is the price for this pair of bicycles? How about a thousand joss sticks worth of fire essence? "


Li Hao nodded and agreed.

He sold Chang'e and co. a bottle of Chanel No. The perfume of 5 requires 500 points of incense power, this double bicycle, 1000 points of incense power is also more or less the same.

"Buzz …"

After both sides had reached an agreement, the WeChat of the Three Realms quickly revealed a trade with the Arrow God, Houyi.


After Li Hao pressed the "confirm" button, a beam of light shot out from the screen of his phone and enveloped the pair of bicycles in front of him. The pair of bicycles disappeared in a flash.

Li Hao opened his own WeChat wallet. Inside, other than the treasures he snatched from the red packets yesterday, there was indeed an extra 1000 incense points!

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