That night, Li Hao laid on his bed. In his hand was a pill the size of a longan, emitting a purple glow. It was noble and mysterious.

Holding this Purple Cloud Great Void Pill, Li Hao's heart was in turmoil, and he was unable to calm down for a long time.

With this Purple Cloud Great Void Pill, he would have the chance to comprehend the heart of the heavens and enter the long river of time. He would choose to foresee the future or see the past.

If it were anyone else, they would definitely choose to foresee the future if they had the chance.

Although the future was constantly changing and it was not certain that he would be able to foresee the future. However, compared to looking back at the past, there was no doubt that the future of the unknown had a greater attractiveness.

However, to Li Hao, this was not the case.

He had already decided that he must look at the past in the same way. He must see what his past was like before he possessed memories!

He did not believe that, as a natural born saint rarely seen in a thousand years, he was actually a parentless little beggar!

But why had they abandoned him?

If he knew the truth after seeing the past, would it be a different kind of blow?

His parents, the kind of family that would normally be the most warm to an ordinary person, made Li Hao have a complex feeling in his heart that he wanted to find, but was afraid to.

As the ancients approached their homeland, they became even more fearful, and did not dare to ask anyone.

Li Hao's current mood was similar to this.

"What's the point of thinking so much? When we see the past, the truth will naturally be clear to us. What's the use of struggling and tossing and turning now?"

Li Hao took a deep breath, driving all the negative feelings out of his mind and no longer bothered about it.

The mediocre Fang Yuan disturbed himself, but the saints' hearts were clear.

It was a quiet night. The next day, Li Hao woke up very early before dawn. He didn't disturb his roommate as he carefully put on his clothes and left the dorm.

The Hundred Flowers Fairy had told him yesterday that this Purple Clouds Great Void Pill must be consumed before morning comes, at a place near the summit of the mountain, in order to achieve the best results.

Since Li Hao was at school, if he wanted to find a place near the top of the mountain, he could only go to the top of the mountain at the back of the school.

The sun rose early in the summer morning. Li Hao rushed out before sunrise. It was only around 4 in the morning. The dark campus was empty.

Li Hao's speed was very fast. In order to avoid attracting the attention of the security guards who were on duty at night, he rushed to the mountain behind the campus. In just a few minutes, he had climbed to the top of the hill.

It was the end of the night, and the moon had already disappeared. The stars were also sparse. This was the darkest time of the day.

However, very quickly, the black star in the sky shone brightly. The black star was also known as the Long Geng Star, and it was even more famous with the names of Taibai Jinxing and the rising star.

Once this star shines brightly, it would mean that the night was truly about to end and the bright dawn was about to arrive.

Not long after, a trace of white appeared in the sky in the east, and Li Hao suddenly opened his eyes. In the darkness of the night, his eyes flashed, as if they were resonating with the rising star in the sky.

Li Hao's eyes stared unblinkingly at the distant horizon. Before the rising sun was about to rise, his pupils suddenly shrank as he keenly caught a trace of a mysterious purple gas from the clouds.

Violet Qi from the East!

At the same time, Li Hao immediately swallowed the Purple Clouds Great Void Pill that he had prepared a long time ago!

"Hiss …"

In an instant, Li Hao only felt a wave of fresh air rushing to his head, a purple dragon was circling and roaring in his mind, releasing a heaven-shaking roar. Li Hao felt that the Eastern Purple Clouds in the sky seemed to have created a mysterious connection with him!

Just like an iron grade encountering a magnet, the purple Emperor's Qi coming from the horizon was like a long dragon sucking water, unceasingly gathering towards him!

In a split-second, Li Hao felt as if his entire body was instantly blown into powder. Then, wrapped by the Emperor's Qi, his consciousness shot up into the sky, borrowing the vigorous morning air that soared into the sky, he pierced through the sky and entered a mysterious space!

"This is …" Where is it? "

Li Hao could not feel his body, but his consciousness had never been so clear before. In front of his eyes, the surging torrent was gone without a trace, emitting an indescribable aura.

"Didn't you say that comprehending the heart of the heavens is the only way to enter the river of time?"

Li Hao stared at the surging current in front of him with his consciousness. He felt that this should be the legendary river of time, could it be that he had already gone through the process of comprehending the heart of heaven, and succeeded?

"Forget it, I won't think too much about it!"

He steeled his heart. Although everything in front of him was unknown, Li Hao could not care so much anymore. Since he had already reached this stage, he could only brace himself and go down.


With a thought, Li Hao's consciousness plunged into the surging current in front of him. He faced upwards, going against the river of time as he went upwards.

According to Li Hao's understanding, if the river below his feet represented the present, then if he went down the current, then what he saw should be images of the future. That was why Li Hao went against the current, wanting to see his past.

As the river flowed, Li Hao felt a great pressure as he went upstream.

However, he also saw the events that happened one by one around him. He got WeChat from Chao Fu Cheng, Haotian Industries, Ru Yi Hall, his acquaintance with Zuo Fei Fei on campus, his first meeting with Chenxi, and Wang Yun at the beginning to snatch Su Ling away.

Everything from the past replayed in front of his eyes like a movie. What was amazing was that there was no record of him trading with the deities of the underworld.

In the dark, there seemed to be some karma that obscured the heavens.

As time went on, Li Hao also saw his previous life. Before college, he had always lived in an orphanage. He even saw the childhood sweetheart Peng Ting, and the scene of her being taken away from the orphanage in high school.

As he continued upwards, Li Hao felt the pressure getting stronger and stronger. In the cold winter, he saw himself as a child again. Alone, cold and hungry, he could only tremble in the cold corridor.

"We're almost there, we're almost there!"

Under the pressure, Li Hao's vision became increasingly blurry, but he still clenched his teeth and endured.


A loud sound suddenly entered his ears as the scene before his eyes abruptly changed, revealing a natural scenery of beautiful scenery, filled with beautiful flowers and birdsong.

A toddler chattered as he chased behind a white-robed youth. He happily smiled and sweetly called out for his big brother.

Looking at the white robed man's back, Li Hao felt a sense of familiarity.

"I never thought that the Li Clan would actually be at the peak of our generation. The Qilin Twin Stars, the Qilin Twin Children, they are only small in size, just that …" It's going to be tough on you. "

As he walked, the man in front suddenly stopped and muttered to himself.

The little boy behind him didn't understand and continued to run to his feet with a smile.

"A sage always comes from the mortal world. Little brother, don't blame me …"

Suddenly, the man in white turned around and looked at his face. Li Hao, who was in the river of time, was completely stunned, this man's face was most likely similar to his own, wasn't he the one in the painting in Liu Yuying's room in Ru Yi Hall?

Then, in the scene inside the river of time, before the little boy could even react, the white-robed man suddenly tapped the center of his forehead. The young Li Hao fell unconscious …

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