Unlike Ru Yi Lou and Haotian, which were located in the outskirts of Pearl City, the headquarters of the Zuo family's Medicine Makeup was located in the most bustling downtown business district.

It took Li Hao about 40 minutes to get there by taxi. He looked at the magnificent building with the Zuo family's medicinal cosmetics, Haotian Industrial's mansion was nothing compared to this, it was hard to imagine that in such a powerful company, there would be two women with such hearts.

Although she was beautiful, no one dared to treat her like a useless vase. Zuo Fei Fei, Li Hao, and Li Fei had long experienced the intelligence of this beauty, and they believed that with the help of the Congealed Dew, she would definitely be able to make the first move.

After getting off the car, Li Hao walked through the automatic door of the Zuo family's Medicine Makeup Building. He walked to the front desk and asked: "Hello, may I ask which floor is the chairman's office?"

"Hello sir, if you're looking for our chairman, you need to make an appointment. Do you have an appointment?"

The front desk staff member smiled politely at Li Hao and asked.

"Uh, there really isn't any …"

Li Hao scratched his head, then said: "Could I trouble you to help me tell her, just say that Li Hao is here, I think she will know."

"Alright, I'll go ask for you. One moment, please."

Although the front desk clerk didn't think it was necessary, since Li Hao had requested it, she still patiently picked up the phone and dialed the chairman's internal line.

"Okay, okay, I got it."

He quickly put down the phone, raised his head, and a look of shock and fear appeared on his face as he looked at Li Hao. He bowed and said: "Sorry, Boss Li, I did not recognize you, please do not blame me, I'm sorry."

"It's fine, it's fine. You haven't seen me either. It's normal that you don't know me."

Li Hao smiled and waved his hand. He helped the little girl up and asked, "Can I go up now?"

"Director Zuo said that they will be coming down soon to rush to the press conference. You can go up and find them, or you can sit in the lounge below and wait for them to come down."

The front desk clerk was overwhelmed by the unexpected favor. She looked at Li Hao gratefully and said softly.

"Oh, then I'll wait for them downstairs."

Li Hao shrugged, turned around and walked to the resting room.

Zuo Fei Fei and the others might need to prepare some work stuff, but he wouldn't be able to help much if he went up. Since they still needed to receive him, they might as well not waste time and just wait downstairs for them to finish.

"Director Li, please wait a moment."

The girl at the front desk came in with a cup of cold tea. Li Hao's kindness was different from the other young masters and big bosses. He was easy to approach, which made her subconsciously want to get close to him.

"Thank you. Go back to your business."

Li Hao received the cold tea and took a sip. Being able to drink such a hot drink in the middle of a hot day while waiting for someone was quite a comfortable thing to do.

After the girl at the front desk left, Li Hao was not bored at all. He sat down on a comfortable chair, closed his eyes and began to meditate, experiencing the subtle changes that had taken place in his mind.

The Purple Cloud Great Void Pill was incomparably precious, and even if someone was lucky enough to consume it, they might not even be able to comprehend the effects of the 'Heavenly Heart' entering the River of Time, much less a situation like Li Hao where he absorbed the Eastern Emperor's Qi!

It could be said that from then on, with the protection of the Eastern Emperor's aura, his intelligence would rise to an extremely heaven defying level. If someone wanted to scheme against him, they basically wouldn't be able to escape his calculations.

"Heh heh, young man, where did you get that drink from?"

When Li Hao was resting with his eyes closed, another person sat down beside him.

"Oh, the receptionist at the front desk over there gave it to me. Go and ask them, they should be able to get you a drink."

Li Hao opened his eyes, looked at the man in a suit who was sweating profusely and said with a smile.

Wearing suits and shoes on such a hot day was indeed quite an ordeal.

However, when he looked around, it seemed that Li Hao was the only one here who was dressed casually. The other customers or employees who were in a hurry were all wearing suits or uniforms, looking very formal.

"Forget it."

The suited man took out a tissue to wipe the sweat off his face. He curled his lips and said, "It must be because you're handsome that you get this treatment. I've been here several times already, this Zuo family's medicine makeup business is huge, even their company's front desk is proud. I better not go and get disgraced."

There were many people in the resting room, but only he had the treatment of a beverage. However, it was normal, since Zuo Yu Ling or Zuo Fei Fei had definitely told him about his identity.

"Lad, you're still young. Are you here for a job interview or for a project?"

This man was very familiar with her, so he started chatting with Li Hao again.

"I'm waiting for someone."

Li Hao said indifferently.

"Waiting for someone?"

The man in the suit was stunned and said, "Oh, waiting for the HR from the HR department to interview you? Ha ha, you can do it! "However, your attire is a bit too casual, it might reduce your points."

"I'm not waiting for someone from the HR department, it's the chairman of the Zuo family's medicine makeup department."

Li Hao shook his head and said.


The suited man was stunned once again. He pouted and said, "Young lad, don't tease me. You said to wait for the chairman? Zuo Yuling's left boss? Stop fooling around, how busy is she every day? You will have the time to care about us? "

"I really didn't lie to you."

Li Hao looked at him with a serious expression.

"Fine, fine, you don't have to say it."

However, the suited man didn't believe Li Hao at all. He thought that Li Hao was hiding some sort of secret. He muttered to himself and turned around before starting to chat with someone on the other side.

"Director Zuo, this way."

About ten minutes later, the receptionist who served Li Hao cold tea once again pushed open the glass door of the lounge. Behind her were two dazzling beauties.

"Why did Director Zuo come here personally?"

"Tsk tsk, the two Zuo directors are really the best in the world!"

"Director Zuo actually came here personally. Did the sun rise from the west today?"

As soon as Zuo Yuling and Zuo Fei Fei entered, everyone in the lounge turned to look at them.

"Li Hao, you've been waiting for a long time, right?"

Zuo Yu Ling and the others walked in front of Li Hao and asked with a smile.

"No, there's still some cold tea to be had here. It's fine to wait a little longer."

Li Hao raised the cup in his hand and smiled.

"Well done."

Zuo Yu Ling turned her head to look at the girl at the front desk and said, "Tomorrow, pack up. You don't need to be at the front desk. Go upstairs and be Fei Fei's secretary."

"Thank you, Director Zuo! Thank you, Director Zuo!"

The staff was stunned by the pleasant surprise. He bowed several times towards Zuo Yu Ling and raised his head. His eyes were filled with gratitude as he looked at Li Hao. He was crying.

She wasn't stupid. It was just a small matter with a drink. If it wasn't for Li Hao specifically bringing it up, how could Zuo Wuji promote her?

"Hurry up and go. The people over there should be arriving soon."

Zuo Fei Fei grabbed Li Hao's arm, and the three of them walked towards the door in large strides.

After Li Hao and the others left, the entire lounge remained, and everyone stood there dumbfounded.

"F * ck!" So this brat is really waiting for you, Zuo Dong?! "

The suited man fiercely slapped himself in the face as he watched them leave, so much so that his intestines turned green with regret!

If he had known earlier that Li Hao and Chief Zuo would get promoted with just a single sentence, he would have at least exchanged a few more words with Li Hao!

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