
To females, this term was not the most vicious, but it was definitely a face-smacking remark.

As for Zuo Fei Fei, who was a woman from the upper class, a face-smacking was an enmity that couldn't be resolved just like that!

They don't worry about food or drinks, nor do they lack designer cosmetics or bags of clothing. A wave of good guys or little fresh meat will line up to be pasted.

It was precisely because they lacked nothing that people fought for their face when they were alive. To slap their face was equivalent to brazenly forming enmity.

Who was Zuo Feifei?

Was he someone who would suffer a loss?

Without waiting for Li Hao to move, she had already dashed into the elevator like a rabbit, using her only remaining high heels.


Zuo Fei Fei had a cold smile on her face as she said in a cold voice, "Aunt will show you what a shrew is today!"


After saying that, she raised her hand and smacked the woman's face!

Zuo Fei Fei Fei loved sports and exercise very much, and she had also learned martial arts. When it came to fighting, even ordinary men might not be her match, not to mention this woman.

This slap was both fast and ruthless. It left five clear finger marks on the side of the woman's face, and it even started to swell up slightly.


A trace of anger appeared on the woman's face. She waved her hand in an attempt to fight back, but was kicked in the lower abdomen by Zuo Fei Fei. She immediately bowed in pain and fell down the elevator wall.

"Pan Xiaoling, who do you think you are? I'm curious about what gave you the courage to speak to me like that!"

Zuo Fei Fei Fei grabbed Pan Xiao Lian's hair that she had just finished at the hairdresser's. Her beautiful big eyes were shining with a frightening light.

"You'd better let me go, or else I'll make you suffer!"

Pan Xiaoling bit her lips as tears rolled down her cheeks, but her mouth was still as stubborn as before.

"You want me to look good?"

Zuo Fei Fei sneered, grabbed Pan Xiaoling's hair and dragged her to the elevator. She kicked her out of the elevator and said, "Sure, but you don't need to sit in the elevator this time. I'll be waiting for your revenge."

Pan Xiaolan fell to the ground with her hair in a mess, staring at Zuo Feifei with hatred until the elevator door slowly closed.

"Put your shoes on."

After pressing the elevator button, Li Hao handed over the shoe that Zuo Fei Fei Fei kicked out with a smile.

"Do you think I'm unladylike?"

Zuo Fei Fei put her jade-like feet back into her high-heeled shoes, and her beautiful smile returned as she combed her hair.

"This is you."

Li Hao smiled lightly and shook his head: "Don't say anything when you can. Besides, that woman is asking for trouble. Serves her right."

"Her name is Pan Xiaoling. It might be a bad fate, but she was in the same class as me in junior high and had always disliked me. I don't know how I managed to offend her."

Zuo Fei Fei pouted and said: "But she didn't dare to be so impudent when she saw me in the past, and now she's been invited as well. It seems that she's climbed up to a higher branch. I'd like to see which big god hired her later on!"

"If the tree is in the forest, the wind shall destroy it."

Li Hao smiled and said: "You are prettier than her, and your family is more noble than her. Without you, she would be considered a flower, but beside you she can only be a leaf, of course I hate you."

"Forget it, what am I afraid of?"

Zuo Fei Fei laughed as she grabbed Li Hao's arm and said, "Anyway, this Ru Yi Tower is your sister's territory. I'm with a young master like you, so I'm not afraid of anyone!"

"How weird."

Li Hao reached out to scratch her nose and scolded with a smile.

With Zuo Fei Fei's identity and ability, she would burn incense if she didn't go and cause trouble for others. Who would dare to mess with her?

As the two of them spoke, the elevator quickly reached the third floor.

Arriving here once again, Li Hao couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

When he first came here to play with Zuo Fei Fei, he immediately did something stupid like making a ruckus. Now he thought, if his brother didn't have such a deep relationship with Liu Yuying, maybe he would have reached the end of his life already.

But sometimes, everything in the world was so unpredictable. Who would have thought that after causing such a ruckus at the Ru Yi House, not only was Li Hao fine, he even took Liu Yuying as his elder sister?

"Big Sister Fei Fei, Big Brother Hao'er, you're here?"

Just as they stood still, Zhuo Yanyu's voice rang out.

"Little Swallow is here too!"

Li Hao and Zuo Fei Fei turned around, looked at Zhuo Yanyu who was walking towards them, and smiled.

"Yes, I was dragged here by mom to see the world."

Zhuo Yanyu held a goblet in her hand and wore a dignified evening dress. Her well-developed figure seemed even more mature, and she also seemed like a little noblewoman.

"Big Sister Fei Fei, Big Brother Hao'er, aren't you going to change clothes?"

Because she came directly from the company, Zuo Fei Fei Fei was still wearing her work suit, while Li Hao was wearing his casual clothes. In this situation, his casual clothes were even more out of place.

"Yes, my clothes are in my aunt's car. She should have already taken them to the locker room. I will go look for her now."

Zuo Fei Fei smiled and nodded. Then she looked at Li Hao beside her and asked: "What about your outfit?"

"Do as you please. I'm used to acting alone, so I can't stand the restrictions. What are you trying to do?"

Li Hao shrugged. "After Einstein became the most famous physicist in the world, he once walked on the road wearing a shabby coat. His friends said, 'You're so famous now, why don't you get a decent set of clothes?'" "Those who know me, no matter what kind of clothes I wear, they will not underestimate me, but those who do not know me, so why should I change my mind for their sake?"

"Hehe, in that case, Brother Hao'er really has Einstein's intelligence!"

Zhuo Yanyu held onto Li Hao's arm and laughed.

"It's okay, it's okay."

Li Hao touched the bridge of his nose, his gaze involuntarily following the snow-white neck of Little Swallow to look at the seductive sight of her low-cut evening dress.

It must not be because of my vulgarity, but because the human eye can't help but search for beautiful things, this is instinctive, hmm, just like this, you can't blame me for being lecherous.

Li Hao told himself in his heart.

"Just let him be!"

Zuo Fei Fei smiled and nodded at Zhuo Yanyu's forehead, then turned around and said: "You guys continue chatting, I'll go change."

With that, she walked towards the door.

However, just as she reached the door, a group of people stepped forward and prepared to enter. When the two sides met, an angry scream rang out.

"It's her! It was this bitch who hit me in the elevator just now!"

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