Zhuo Yanyu's luck might not be too good today, because any wine cup that passed through her hands would inevitably have their fate broken tonight. Moreover, even if it was just broken, the broken glass would still have blood.

The first wine cup she used tonight was previously smashed by Li Hao, and it even smashed Hua Lingtong's head. Just now, the second wine cup in her hand was once again broken by herself, and she even personally cut her own face with fragments!


Seeing this scene, the entire audience burst into an uproar. Zhuo Yanyu's mother screamed even more, "Yan'er, have you gone mad?!"

Yang Yun was very willing to let her daughter interact more with talented people like Zuo Fei Fei, so when Li Hao and the rest started a conflict with Hua Lingtong, she did not bring back her daughter.

However, she never expected her daughter to be so excessive!

Broken phase, this is broken phase!

For a woman, especially a beautiful woman, what did it mean to have a bad appearance?

This was even more torturous than taking their lives!

"What are you doing? "What are you doing?!"

At this moment, Yang Yun no longer cared about being a famous lady. She rushed in front of her daughter, angrily and anxiously looking at the wounds on her face that were still bleeding. Her heart ached to the point that tears were about to flow out.

"Mom, it's fine. You have to believe Brother Hao'er."

Zhuo Yanyu pursed her lips and smiled, and even comforted her mother.

"Silly girl …"

Li Hao's heart was greatly moved. He knew that Little Swallow had some sort of indistinct feelings for him, but he didn't expect that this fiery Lich King would be so bold as to dare to use his beautiful face for his experiments!

Fool, aren't you afraid that I'm a liar?

"Young man, quickly help her!"

Yang Yun really couldn't do anything about her daughter. She turned around and grabbed Li Hao's hand, and could only place all her hope on the miraculous effect of Li Hao's medicine.

"You're too desperate."

Zuo Fei Fei looked at Zhuo Yanyu thoughtfully and shook her head with a bitter smile.

"Does it hurt?"

Li Hao walked up to Zhuo Yanyu, a trace of affection flashed across his eyes, and he said softly: "It's not good for you to learn anything, but to make others go crazy?"

"Hee hee, it doesn't hurt!"

Zhuo Yanyu forced a smile and said, "Big Brother Hao'er, you have to take responsibility for this. If you can't cure my injury, then I'll be depending on you for the rest of my life."

"Stop talking."

Li Hao scratched her nose, turned his head and said: "Quickly go and get the sanitary pads!"

Soon, the waiter of Ru Yi Restaurant jogged to bring a box of sterile tampons, which he handed over to Li Hao.

"Don't worry, I promise I'll give you a face as beautiful as ever."

Li Hao smiled with relief and opened the small jade bottle in his hand. He dipped the sterilized cotton ball into the bottle of Congealed Dew, and waited until the cotton ball was full of the Congealed Dew before wiping the wound on Little Swallow's face.

"Eh? It's cold and itchy! "

After the cotton ball dipped in the Congealed Dew brushed against Zhuo Yanyu's face, her long, shapely eyebrows immediately raised, "What a comfortable feeling!"

"Is it really effective?"

When they saw Li Hao wipe Zhuo Yanyu's wounds, the surrounding people also curiously gathered over. They looked with surprise at the wound on Zhuo Yanyu's face that had already stopped bleeding and discussed softly.

"This little brother of yours is a very charming man, making so many young ladies willing to sacrifice themselves for her."

Standing beside Liu Yuying, Zuo Yu Ling looked at Li Hao and Zhuo Yan Yu, who were surrounded by the crowd, and said lightly.

"Is that so?"

Liu Yuying took a sip of the red wine in her cup and asked with a smile. She looked at Li Hao in the crowd with a proud face.

"You don't know, in the last week or so, my family's Feifei has been preparing for the release of the Congee Dew without rest or food!"

Zuo Yu Ling pointed out.

"It's my little brother's honor to have such dutiful partners like you."

Liu Yuying smiled and raised her glass to Zuo Yu Ling, "Let me toast you."

She knew that Liu Yuying was purposely pretending to be confused, so she didn't continue talking. She clinked her glass with Liu Yuying and sighed in her heart, "Fei Fei, this good man still needs to be snatched by you …"


Li Hao patiently and carefully wiped the wounds on Zhuo Yanyu's face evenly with the Congealed Dew. Then he smiled and threw the cotton swab in his hand into the trash can and said, "It's fine now."

"That's it?"

Yang Yun suspiciously looked at Zhuo Yanyu's face which was still red from the wound, and angrily said, "You with the surname Li, who are you fooling?!"

"That's right!" The scars on his face are so obvious that only a blind person would be unable to see them right? "

"Like I said, the Chinese medicine is about to be lonely. Where can you find such a magical product?"

"Ai, looks like another braggart …"

"Ai …" "What a pity for the Zhuo girl's beautiful face."

Looking at Zhuo Yanyu's face, the surrounding curious celebrities also sighed in admiration. They felt disdain towards Li Hao's earlier words; it wasn't worth it for Zhuo Yanyu.

However, Li Hao did not panic at all. He looked Zhuo Yan Yu in the eye, and said: "Why aren't you panicking?"

"I believe you."

Zhuo Yanyu stared back at Li Hao, her beautiful eyes flashing with a serious expression.

Sometimes, when a girl's heart was set on something, it was really scary.

"Believe what? This is a swindler! "

Yang Yun angrily pulled her daughter behind her, pointed at Li Hao and said, "What kind of bewitching soup did you give my daughter? "Let me tell you, this matter is not over. I only have this one daughter. Even if you have the Ruyi Lou behind you, our Zhuo Family will not be easily bullied!"

"Auntie, don't be in such a hurry. Now, look at Little Swallow's face."

Li Hao, however, was not the least bit annoyed by Yang Yun's anger. When all mothers were injured, he extended his hand to point at Zhuo Yanyu who was pulled behind him, and patiently said.

"What are you still looking at?!"

Yang Yun turned her head in disbelief. However, when her gaze locked onto her daughter's face, the initial anger instantly turned into disbelief and shock!

The hideous wound on Zhuo Yanyu's face, which had just turned red a moment ago, was mysteriously healed with just a few words. Moreover, the blood scab had already started to rise, seeming like it was about to fall off.

"They actually formed their scabs so quickly!"

"Oh my god!" How magical! Is it really effective? "

When Yang Yun saw this, the guests' gazes once again landed on Zhuo Yanyu's face. Low exclamations of surprise immediately sounded one after another!

"The reason why Little Swallow did not scab and heal immediately just now was because everyone's absorption of the Congealed Dew was both fast and slow, but the slowest and slowest would definitely have an effect within half a day. I can guarantee that!"

Li Hao explained in a clear voice, and at this time, the blood scab on Zhuo Yanyu's face had automatically fallen off. On her face, it was still a smooth and bright color, and if not for the spinning blood scab, no one would have believed that her face was bleeding a few minutes ago!

"Divine medicine, this is simply a divine medicine!"

"Holy shit!" It was actually this magical?! I want to buy it, I want to buy it! "

"Me too, me too!"

Seeing with their own eyes and witnessing with their own eyes the miracle on Zhuo Yanyu's body, these famous women instantly went crazy and tightly surrounded Li Hao!

"Calm down, everyone. Let me explain in advance, our Congealed Dew is not cheap at all!"

At this time, Zuo Fei Fei stood out and squeezed to Li Hao's side and said in a clear voice.

"No matter how much it costs, we will buy it!"

"Yes!" Forget it, no matter what, I must buy it! "

Li Hao and Zuo Fei Fei looked at each other as if they had gone mad, and a thought simultaneously arose in their hearts.

The Congealed Dew would definitely be sold out by now …

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