
Looking at this foreigner with golden hair and blue eyes, everyone present became silent. For a moment, they were unable to react.

Li Hao was also startled. He was slightly stupefied as he looked at the extremely anxious foreign girl in front of him.

If he didn't know that Zuo Fei Fei was going to take Liu Yijun to shoot the film, he really would have thought that Zuo Fei Fei had deliberately asked this international friend to be his support.

"Do you know how to treat illnesses?!"

Seeing that Li Hao did not answer her, the blonde girl grabbed his hand and asked again anxiously.

"Oh, sure!"

Li Hao reacted and nodded.

After all, a doctor's parents' heart was a matter of life and death. Seeing how anxious this foreign girl was, he did not think much of it and followed her to the back of the crowd.

At the back of the crowd, there were two tall, handsome, foreign men guarding a girl with blonde hair lying unconscious on the ground.

"Bring her here."

Li Hao looked at the two anxious men and said, "I'm a doctor, I can take a look for your friends."

Due to his understanding of languages, Li Hao didn't have the slightest difficulty communicating with foreigners. He opened his mouth and spoke in fluent English.

"Emma, who is this Chinese person? Can we trust him? "

One of them, a fair-skinned man with three-dimensional facial features asked doubtfully as he looked at the foreign girl that had brought Li Hao here.

"Many of the people over there just said that this person is a young Chinese doctor with extremely high medical skills."

Emma explained anxiously, "Alice seems to be in a very bad situation too. If we drag this on any longer, it'll be over for us!"

"Chinese medicine? "You actually gave Alice's life to him for something that doesn't even have any scientific basis?!"

The fair-skinned man snorted lightly with a disdainful look on his face.

"It's up to you whether you can treat it or not. If you don't believe in traditional Chinese medicine, then don't waste my time."

Finished, Li Hao ignored these foreigners and turned to leave.

Li Hao's heart was also filled with anger. He loved Chinese medicine, so he didn't want to hear others sully Chinese medicine.

If Chinese medicine was really useless and useless, then Li Hao wouldn't have anything to say.

However, from what the Fairy Doctor said, even though the Chinese medicine was hard to explain with modern science, it was still a treasure obtained from thorough research on the human body.

I was supposed to be useful to you, so you said mine was fake even though you didn't understand it yourself?

Impressive in western medicine? Weren't those guys from the University of Edinburgh Medical School all over the young master?

Do you f * cking believe me or not? If you don't believe me, I won't treat you!

Seeing Li Hao turn around and leave, Emma became anxious and glared at the two young men beside Alice. She angrily said in a low voice, "I'm ordering you, with your noble status as the royal family of England, to carry Alice there immediately!"

"Yes …"

The tall and handsome young man pursed his lips. His expression slightly changed, but he had no choice. With Emma's noble status, he had no choice but to pick up the unconscious beauty in his arms and walk towards Li Hao.

"What's wrong?"

Ning Wei didn't start the treatment in advance, but stood on the stage waiting for Li Hao to come back.

"It's nothing, I'll pick my opponent next."

Li Hao shook his head and did not say much.

"Godly Doctor, Godly Doctor!"

Before he could open his mouth, Emma caught up with him again. With an apologetic look on her pretty face, she bowed deeply to Li Hao, "Respected Godly Doctor, I apologize to you for my friend's earlier rudeness. I sincerely implore you, to help my poor Alice."

"With your friend's sense of superiority, shouldn't you say that we can afford to help treat my friend's illness?"

Li Hao stood on the stage and sneered as he looked at the two foreign men carrying Alice.

"I know you don't care about money."

"I know you care about respect, respect for you, and respect for Chinese medicine," Luv Ma said.

"Bring your friend here."

The light in Li Hao's eyes softened a bit. Although those two foreign youths were like idiots, this beauty was actually quite sensible.

"Thank you, thank you so much!"

Seeing that Li Hao had agreed, a relieved smile appeared on Emma's face. She didn't know why, but perhaps it was due to the praise and praise from the crowd around her that she had an inexplicable confidence in this unknown young man.

"Can you do it alone?"

Ning Wei frowned. Although he didn't know what was happening over there, there was a unconscious person in front of him. If he was in a coma, then the illness must be more serious than the one he chose.

"No need, just choose this international friend as my treatment target."

Li Hao refused Ning Wei's request and said, "Don't worry, I remember that we are comparing needles. I will still use acupuncture to treat her."

After saying that, he ignored the people around him and focused all of his attention on the unconscious Alice in front of him.

Li Hao first opened Alice's eyes to look at her eyes, then carefully examined her face. Finally, he picked up Alice's hand and held it from left to right, while his right hand began to check her pulse.

After a while, Li Hao said in a low voice: "I was poisoned!"


This was not an illness at all. The reason that caused Alice to lose consciousness was because she was poisoned!


Emma's face changed slightly as she understood Chinese. However, Li Hao didn't see the expected surprise in her eyes, which made him feel somewhat surprised.

What kind of status did these foreigners have? Was it so common to be poisoned?

"She ate my dessert because she wanted it. Alice must have suffered for me."

A trace of self-blame appeared on Emma's face as she whispered.

"Move to the side."

Li Hao didn't notice Emma's sad whisper. He nudged her back a little, then quickly rubbed his hands together to warm them up. He then placed them on Alice's exposed belly and rubbed them together.

"Ugh …"

Very soon, although Alice was still unconscious, her face began to twitch under Li Hao's massage. Then, she unconsciously opened her mouth and vomited!

Li Hao still did not stop. Luckily, Alice had not been poisoned for a long time. Fortunately, the first thing he did was to expel the remaining poison from her stomach.

A few minutes later, when Alice was unable to spit anything out, Li Hao finally took out a thin, silvery needle from his waist.

"Buzz …"

Under Li Hao's control, the silver needle between his fingers started to tremble violently, like a tiny stream of water flowing down a stream. Even when Li Hao stabbed the silver needle into the big hole of Alice's body, the end of the silver needle was still trembling.

"This is …"

Seeing his technique, Ning Wei's pupils suddenly contracted. He even forgot to give acupuncture to the patient on his hand.

As the most outstanding young man of the Needle King bloodline, he could not believe that in this world, there was actually a acupuncture technique that he had never seen before!

"The Water Needle Technique could only slow down Alice's blood circulation, thus suppressing the effects of the poison. If I want to force out the poison, the Fire Needle Technique is the most effective way."

Li Hao muttered to himself. He had not fully comprehended the Fire Elemental Needle Technique yet. If he was going to use it to heal someone, he would not be able to do so.

"Come on!"

Li Hao gritted his teeth and picked out a four-inch large formation. He lightly twisted his finger tip to heat up the silver needle as if he was drilling through wood. Then, he suddenly stabbed at Alice's shanzhong point on her chest!


After being pierced by Li Hao's needle, Alice's unconscious body suddenly bounced up from the ground. Her body was instantly covered in sweat like the rain!

"Alice, are you okay?!"

The expressions of the two men behind Emma drastically changed. Watching Li Hao use a needle to stab Alice, they already felt that it was extremely risky. Now that Alice shouted again, they immediately rushed over to push Li Hao away.

"Howl …"

After waking up from her coma, Alice looked at the silver needles on her body and let out a long sigh of relief. She said, "He really made me feel good!"

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