"Young …"

Alice rushed to Emma's front with excitement. She was about to open her mouth, but then changed her words as if she had thought of something. "Emma, I feel much better now. Besides being very thirsty, I don't feel any abnormal at all!"

"You are thirsty because you have just lost a lot of water in your body, whether it is through sweat or defecation, so thirst is a normal phenomenon."

Li Hao stood on the side and explained with a smile.

"Thank you."

Alice suddenly stepped forward and hugged Li Hao, giving him a big hug before he could react.

A pile of soft and fragrant jade instantly attacked. Feeling the soft sensation coming from Alice's chest, Li Hao's whole body instantly tensed up.

Then, before he could savor it, Alice let him go.

At this moment, Li Hao only had one thought in his mind — I was forcefully hugged, I was actually forcefully hugged!

But why didn't she hug him for a little longer?

"Li Hao, add me your WeChat."

Emma smiled and handed over her cell phone, which had the code for adding her WeChat.

Li Hao nodded, opened up his WeChat and scanned it as well, then added Emma's WeChat.

It's really convenient to have an international chat tool. Otherwise, if you wanted to keep in touch with international friends a few years ago, you could go up and say that we added a QQ, but they used an line instead. How awkward would that be?

"If you need anything, contact me again."

Emma seemed to have noticed that there were still some matters on Li Hao's side that she had yet to settle, so she didn't stay any longer. Since Alice had nothing more to do, she wisely took her friends and left.

"I'm done."

Li Hao pouted at the back of Alice and said, "When she came, she was still unconscious, but now she's still alive and kicking. The result should be obvious, right?"

Ning Wei was silent. The expression on his face kept changing.

He had also cured the middle-aged man he had chosen. The middle-aged man had also been thanking him profusely, but after seeing the miracle that had happened to Alice, they all fell silent.

"I think the result is obvious."

At this time, one of the referees, old man Chen Yu, stepped forward and said, "Although Li Hao took a bit longer to treat him, the severity of the illness on both sides is completely different. Moreover, if an expert can see it, Li Hao's acupuncture method is an absolute art that I have never seen before.

"I, I also think that Li Hao is better."

Although the owner of the Chinese Medical Hospital was the Medicine King Valley, and he should be supporting Little Needle Wang Ningwei, but in front of the ironclad reality, he had no choice but to speak the truth, "Li Hao's acupuncture skills can be said to be godly, I have never heard of him."

They weren't intentionally flattering Li Hao about anything, but they were indeed speaking the truth.

The Five Elements Divine Needles were the absolute arts of medicine in the Immortal World, and even the Fairy Doctor Bian Que hadn't completely learned them. In the mortal world, there had been saints that could be learned before.

However, there was a difference between the Immortal World and the Immortal World. Saints who could enlighten the mortal world were always unruly and unruly. People in the Immortal World naturally wouldn't teach them the Five Elements Divine Needles.

For people like Li Hao, who had a good relationship with the immortals of the Immortal World and the Underworld, he was truly the only one from ancient times!

"Beautiful. I knew Haozi would win!"

The supportive students from the Chinese Medical Academy were the first to react as they all cheered loudly.

Huang Ning waved the flag vigorously. When he was raising the flag in the school, he had never seen him use so much strength!

The outstanding representatives that they supported and their idols did not disappoint them!

How about the foreign western medicine representative team?

So what if he inherited a thousand years of orthodox Chinese medicine?!

Ever since Li Hao's lightning-like rise, he had not suffered a defeat!

"Incredible!" "With just a few needles, I can see that someone who's about to die has been revived!"

"There's really a young hero!"

The surrounding crowd also nodded their heads, looking at Li Hao in surprise.

Although Li Hao was wearing the most ordinary casual attire, compared to Ning Wei who wore a long gown, he did look a little out of place. However, it was not as if he could see through anything due to his medical skills.

The eyes of the masses were clear!




The reporters below the stage had now rushed to the front of the crowd, picking up their cameras and desperately pressing them against the shutter in their hands. Ferlin's radiance was flashing crazily, shining brightly even in the daytime.

After the battle for the medical competition, which had become a hot topic in the media, was over, every family wanted to snatch the first piece of news and quickly publish it in their own magazines or upload it to the internet.

News, especially some entertainment news these days, wasn't really that important sometimes. However, timeliness would always be the top priority. Second-hand news was far from being valuable compared to first-hand news!

"I refuse to accept this, I refuse to accept this!"

Just as all the flowers and applause were dedicated to Li Hao, the silent Needle Wang Ning Wei suddenly roared out loud.

Li Hao turned his head and saw that the originally calm and refined Ning Wei's face was flushed red. With a ferocious look in his eyes, he clenched his fists and roared madly, "How could the Acupoint King bloodline of the Medicine King Valley lose in acupuncture?

He pointed at the calm Li Hao, and roared like a mad lion: "You are just lucky to have met with a good patient, even if you managed to win against me, our Needle King bloodline did not lose, even if my skills are inferior, but my grandfather is the Needle King of the Medicine King Valley, can you win against him?!"

Li Hao didn't say anything. He just looked at Ning Wei who had lost his composure with ridicule. Within the ridicule, there was a trace of doubt.

Although this little needle Wang Ning Wei was a proud and aloof person, he had always given Li Hao a gentle and refined impression. Even in the process of practicing martial arts, Li Hao had noticed that Ning Wei didn't show any signs of going berserk.

If he wanted to go berserk, he would do so. Why did he have to wait until the result was announced before going berserk?

The surrounding people were all focused on discussing and mocking Ning Wei's narrow-mindedness, but Li Hao's mind cleverly noticed this suspicious trace.


However, before Li Hao could think too much, a vigorous and angry roar suddenly sounded out.

An old man with white hair walked out of the observation team formed by the hospital and strode onto the stage. Under everyone's disbelieving eyes, he viciously slapped Ning Wei's face!

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