Ning Yitian wanted to get out of the way, but Chen Yu shook his head and asked him to stand in place and receive Li Hao's worship.

"Xiao Wei will follow you and work for you in the future."

Ning Yitian patted his grandson's shoulder. Although there was love in his eyes, he didn't hesitate at all.

A good man is free in all directions. He always stands next to his towering tree. He can't grow into another towering tree.

"There is nothing behind who gives. Everyone's good brothers help each other."

Li Hao smiled and waved his hand. Then he stretched out his hand to Ning Wei again and said, "should we get to know each other again now?"

"Brother Hao."

Ning Wei's face also showed a trace of smile. He stopped acting, recovered his quiet nature and held Li Hao's hand.

"Now that everyone is together, why don't we talk about how to save traditional Chinese medicine? Do you have any good ideas?"

After saying it, the people took their seats. Ning Wei made a few cups of tea for Chen Yu at the sign of master Ning Yitian.

"Xiao Hao, do you have any good ideas?"

Chen Yu's eyes looked at Li Hao and took the lead to listen to his opinions.

Because all along, Li Hao's wisdom has been amazing. Whether it is to overthrow LV Siyuan or Wang Tianhao, in addition to his strong strength, his strategy has always been a magic weapon to win. If Chen Yu wants to say that the most thoughtful person present, he thinks it must be Li Hao.

Master Ning Yitian also looked at Li Hao with great interest, as if waiting for him to speak.

Li Hao picked up the teacup in his hand, blew the curling heat on the surface of the cup, took a sip and said, "if you want to revitalize traditional Chinese medicine on our land again, the first thing to do is to build momentum!"

Seeing everyone listening attentively, Li Hao paused and continued: "Nowadays, the biggest problem faced by traditional Chinese medicine is that the audience is less and less. Everyone goes to western medicine when they are sick. It is precisely because the audience is small that there is no reputation. Because there is no reputation, traditional Chinese medicine will gradually decline. If we want to make traditional Chinese medicine revitalize again, we have to let it enter the sight of the masses again."

"That's reasonable. That's why I value the gimmick of you and Xiao Wei fighting doctors today."

Ning Yitian smiled and said, "do you think you were the only one who contacted the media to report the operation before fighting the doctor? We have also made great efforts here."

"Hehe, this should be regarded as a hero. Think alike."

Li Hao said with a smile. Of course, he knows that Ning Yitian and they have also found the media. Otherwise, with the power of Zuo Feifei alone, it is impossible to win so much attention in the real media and online media in such a short time.

But at that time, he thought Ning Wei was sure to win himself. Unexpectedly, the result was like this.

"But just from the media is not enough."

Li Hao said, "this is not only an era of information explosion, but also an era of people's forgetfulness. The network is updated all the time. People's topics of concern may change several times a day. If we only expect to fry news, even if traditional Chinese medicine has a short recovery, it will only be rootless duckweed, and the heat will soon drop."

Master Ning and Chen Yu were silent. Obviously, they also thought of this.

"What should we do?"

Chen Xi pursed her lips and asked with a frown.

"We still need publicity, but it is not the illusory speculation of news, but to implement the publicity!"

Li Haoshi opened his mouth with great surprise: "Ning Zhenlu, which I am cooperating with Zuo's medical makeup to promote, is known as the extraction of pure natural traditional Chinese medicine. At present, the sales volume of Ning Zhenlu is still very tight. It has become well-known in the rich and noble circle, and will soon start to promote it in an all-round way to the general public."

"Ningzhenlu is extracted from pure natural traditional Chinese medicine. If it sells well, will it also enhance the position of traditional Chinese medicine in the hearts of the masses?"

Li Hao said, "these are the benefits you can really see when you use them on yourself. They are iron facts!"

"It's really good!"

Ning Wei nodded: "this method of bundling publicity with commodities will indeed promote the benefits of traditional Chinese medicine."

"In addition, in the past few years, traditional Chinese medicine can compete with western medicine. Why is it more and more difficult to resist these years? I don't know if you have thought about this?"

Li Hao touched the bridge of his nose and said faintly.

"I think there are several reasons."

Ning Wei replied: "first of all, unlike western medicine, traditional Chinese medicine has modern science as evidence. Although the medical theory of traditional Chinese medicine is exquisite, there is no way to explain things such as Qi, cold, heat and even acupoints with modern science, because it is too mysterious, which will make many people worry."

"Yes, go on."

Li Hao nodded.

"Second, traditional Chinese medicine is still not popular enough."

Ning Wei sighed: "trapped by the shackles of traditional and old ideas, many famous traditional Chinese medicine experts cherish themselves and rarely accept apprentices. Even when they teach, they will leave a few hands. As a result, the inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine has always been only among a small number of people, and the natural competition for western medicine can not open the door."

"Anything else?"

Li Hao nodded again. He still appreciated Ning Wei. This man was born in a famous family. He not only had excellent medical skills, but also could say these, which proved that he was really useful. He thought he had worked hard to revitalize traditional Chinese medicine.

"And the most serious thing is that quack doctors kill people!"

Speaking of this, Ning Wei's tone was also sharp and sharp, clenched his teeth and said: "we have a large population in China, in which dragons and snakes are mixed. Many black sheep abduct everywhere under the banner of traditional Chinese medicine, and seriously ignore human life, which greatly reduces the image of traditional Chinese medicine among the people, and even leads to the saying that traditional Chinese medicine is basically feudal superstition and jumping God. It's really hateful!"


Li Hao nodded and said, "so I have an idea that is not very mature."

Looking at the questioning eyes of the people around him, Li Hao said: "After the accumulation of funds and contacts is sufficient, I want to form a company or organization with a group of traditional Chinese medicine to open large hospitals everywhere. However, at first, I can open clinics in many communities and give free free clinics to patients. After the reputation of traditional Chinese medicine has been reversed, the scale of the clinic can be gradually expanded and strengthened. At that time, it is not natural If you can go to the free clinic forever, you still have to make a profit. "

"This plan is too grand and too difficult!"

Master Ning and Chen Yu looked at each other, and they all saw thick surprise from each other's eyes.

"Of course it's hard."

Li Hao smiled bitterly and said, "the Chinese medicine is now terminally ill. If this road is simple, how can you choose me to do this?"

"Xiao Hao, I believe you will realize this grand plan in the future!"

Chen Yu got up and looked at Li Hao. He said in a deep voice word by word.

"Well, yes."

Li Hao nodded and said to himself in his heart.

No one knows that Huaxia Jishi hall, which will be popular all over the world in the future, was put forward by founder Li Hao in such a small office today... ###### the second watch, and the third watch later. Please contact me as soon as possible for the children's shoes that won the prize yesterday. In addition, I have received a reward so far today. If I haven't received a reward at the third watch later, I'm sorry It's likely that you can't add more

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