Sitting in Zuo Feifei's Porsche 911, Li Hao was still unwilling to be molested. He couldn't help saying, "the Pearl City is so blocked. What's the use of buying a sports car? It's not that you can't drive fast."


Zuo Feifei gave him a white look and didn't have a good way: "spent your money?"

Then he seemed to know that Li Hao was depressed and said with a smile, "besides, I'm also for you? If I ride a small electric donkey for hundreds of dollars, how can I pick you up and run around?"

"It's not unreasonable for you to say so."

When Li Hao heard her say this, she felt a little vanity in her heart, and nodded her head to forgive her for flirting with herself.

You see, he is such a generous good man.

Porsche runs through the busy street from left to right, and soon comes to a building.

After parking the car, Zuo Feifei got out of the driveway: "today, I asked director Liu to shoot a promotional film of condensate for us. Director Liu is a famous director in the advertising industry and has had a lot of successful advertising works."

"Well, since you want to do it, it's better to keep improving."

Li Hao nodded.

In fact, he came with Zuo Feifei today. Another idea is that he wants to record a paragraph as an expert of traditional Chinese medicine and release it together with the advertisement, so as to promote traditional Chinese medicine.

If you want to warm up the popularity of traditional Chinese medicine in the hearts of the masses again, it is the best to bind and publicize through coagulant.

After Zuo Feifei got on the elevator, Zuo Feifei said: "this time the advertising subject is integrated with classical fashion, and through the form of similar interviews to let Yiqiong tell her own experience, so the venue chose a more spacious and bright room. After the conversation, let Yiqiong do some posing and shooting."

"Well, if I can, I want to take some photos myself."

Li Hao touched the bridge of his nose and said shyly.


After hearing this, Zuo Feifei looked at him in surprise and said, "would you like to? That's really great!!"


Li Hao was stunned by Zuo Feifei's reaction. He originally thought that he was suspected of seeking fame and privacy through the back door. Zuo Feifei would certainly dislike her sultry, but he didn't expect her to be so happy.

"You are a hot news figure now!"

Zuo Feifei took out her mobile phone with a smile and opened several web pages. Sure enough, not only did Li Hao win the small needle Wang ningwei's deeds have been exposed in major media, but the final recognition of old needle Wang Ning Yitian pushed Li Hao's reputation to a peak!

The youngest master of traditional Chinese medicine!

Young miracle doctor!

Demon genius!

Such terms were all added in front of the word "Li Hao", which made him famous in the medical community. Together with some gossip media with a wide audience, they also reported on the matter.

Li Hao looked at the endless news on the Internet. While feeling the terrible speed of information dissemination in the network era, he smiled and said, "I didn't expect that I'm so famous now!"

"That's not!"

Zuo Feifei took back her mobile phone with a smile and said, "if you also come forward to shoot, you will have the evidence of the most famous medical experts at present, which will greatly increase the credibility of our products. At the beginning, I was afraid you didn't want to show up, so I didn't mention it. I didn't expect you to put it forward by yourself. It's simply better!"

"Indeed, my appearance in the advertisement can not only pave the way for the listing of condensate with the current hot popularity, but also create a wave of momentum for traditional Chinese medicine."

Li Hao secretly nodded and said, "it's really rare to have the best of both worlds."

When the elevator stopped on the 17th floor, Li Hao and Zuo Feifei walked out of the elevator.

This floor is a huge transparent glass room, which is arranged like the scene of an interview program, and there are all kinds of lights and sound collection equipment next to it.

Liu Yiqiong, who was dressed generously and appropriately, was confidently communicating with the host. Sitting on the sideline, a middle-aged man with a duck tongue hat was staring at the monitor in front of him without blinking. His eyebrows were sometimes slightly wrinkled and sometimes stretched, which was very professional.

"Director Liu, here we are."

Zuo Feifei and Li Hao pushed the door in, walked next to Director Liu, and whispered hello.

Who knows, director Liu turned a deaf ear to this, but he still stared at the display screen in front of him and completely devoted himself to his work.

Li Hao pulled Zuo Feifei, who was still ready to reach out and pat director Liu, and shook his head slightly towards her. Such people who are fully engaged in work can't be disturbed. Otherwise, they will be extremely annoyed and add unnecessary trouble at that time.

Standing by and watching the shooting, Li Hao can see that director Liu is a very strict director. Liu Yiqiong's true feelings are perfect in the eyes of others like Li Hao, but he can always find out the hidden small defects and ask Liu Yiqiong to be perfect as much as possible.

In this way, after two hours of shooting, the last one was finally shot.

"All right, Ka!"

Director Liu waved his hand violently, then got up from the seat, finally showed a smile on his serious face, clapped his hands and said, "after that, everyone is hard!"

"Feifei, brother Hao'er, are you here too?"

Liu Yiqiong, who finished shooting, walked towards them with a smile, and then gave Li Hao a big hug with excitement: "brother Hao, thank you for those condensing truths you gave me. After I went back to wipe my body with them, all the damaged skin on my body was really good! You gave me a second life!"

"It's not that serious. That's what I should do."

Li Hao smiled and shook his head.

"Miss Zuo, are you here?"

Director Liu also came over at this time. After the shooting, he smiled more.

"Director Liu, there's another small thing here. I'd like to ask you."

Zuo Feifei smiled and nodded with Director Liu, and then said, "please take the props on the scene. Can you make a short film for him?"

With that, she reached out and pushed Li Hao in front of director Liu.


Director Liu looked up and down at Li Hao, frowned and said, "I think Yiqiong has interpreted Ning Zhenlu very completely. There is no need to add another paragraph, and another person will introduce it again, which will disrupt the original rhythm and layout. It is a very superfluous thing."

Although Liu Dao refused very tactfully, Li Hao saw the taste of contempt from his disdain without much cover up.

"Director Liu, you don't think I'm a second or third rate unknown artist, and I'm close to Zuo Feifei, a little rich woman, so she came and asked you to make a short film for me?"

Li Hao smiled at director Liu and asked sharply.

"Isn't it?"

Liu Dao saw that Li Hao had the good intention to stand up and talk to him. He couldn't help humming: "what I hate most is the kind of person who relies on the hidden rules!"

"I think you may have misunderstood."

Li Hao smiled bitterly and thought it was necessary to get a better outfit in the future, otherwise it would be troublesome to be despised by others every day.

"Director Liu, let me formally introduce you!"

Zuo Feifei turned her eyes and stepped aside. She said aloud, "this is Mr. Li Hao, chairman of Haotian industry and the largest shareholder of our ningzhenlu project. He is the real boss of this project!!"

As soon as he said this, director Liu was stunned and couldn't say a word.

He never thought that this young man, who was regarded as a little white faced, was the real boss#### Thank you very much for the 1050 Book Dou Hao reward from today! Thank you very much for the 1050 Book Dou Hao reward from today! Thank you very much for the 1050 Book Dou Hao reward from today!

Important things are to be repeated for 3 times

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