After having settled everything with Hua Fei yesterday, Li Hao went back and told the specific plan to the little swallow Zhuo Yanyu. After listening to it, the little swallow happily agreed and threatened that Hua Lingtong dared to touch the man she liked. If he had a chance, he must slap him in the face.

Li Hao also has some doubts. It seems that the power of the Zhuo family is not as simple as the police system. Otherwise, how dare the little swallow agree to the arrangement of the Quality Supervision Bureau? The Quality Supervision Bureau and the Ministry of public security are only independent and separate level departments. If there is no fishiness behind it, Li Hao doesn't believe that every link can be unimpeded just because Qianjin, the director of quality supervision, is Zhuo Yanyu's best friend.

After returning to Haotian industry, Li Hao contacted the company's copywriting department to write a statement on the firm attitude of condensate and condensate in the frenzy of price reduction and discount. The name of the article is "give me your confidence", and soon began to publish it on the Internet, At the same time, it began to arrange the promotion of popular sections of portal websites and the publication of paper magazines.

The impact of Meiji frozen age water of Huarong Group continues to improve. The cruel discount is passed from one to ten and from ten to a hundred. Finally, four days later, the sales of Meiji frozen age water began to reach an unprecedented peak, which has already exceeded the sales of condensate and condensate!

Ning Zhenlu is OK. After all, she is on the high-end line, and those famous ladies are not bad for money. However, the condensate sold to middle and low-end consumers has been greatly impacted. The popularity of counters in major shopping malls has been greatly reduced, and it has been completely overshadowed by condensate!

"Da Shao, the latest sales statement has been released. According to the statistics of the finance department and the marketing department, the sales volume of our Meiji frozen age water has reached the historical peak, and the sales volume of other ancillary products has also been increased. Although we have made severe discounts and greatly reduced the profits of single commodity, there are still a lot of profits from this high sales volume!"

Standing in hualingtong's office, general manager Wang Xuecheng happily reported: "the sales of condensate is still steady, but condensate is miserable. The products that were sold out of stock every day are almost difficult to sell under our rolling. Finally, it's their turn to be sad!"

"Hehe, those old people of the board of directors are short-sighted. They didn't agree with my method at the beginning!"

Hua Lingtong smiled with satisfaction, pointed to the computer screen in front of him and said: "Look, Li Hao, they made a statement about why they don't reduce the price. What's your name? Please give me your confidence. Hehe, what conscience card do you want to play? It's naive. These days, there are so many things you trust or don't trust. To put it bluntly, the people will trust who can save money!"

"That's it. Those old die hards on the board of directors are old. How can they compare with your eyes?"

Taking advantage of Hua Lingtong's happiness, Wang Xuecheng flattered him at the right time, and then said, "I see, it won't take half a year. If it goes on like this, Li Hao and they won't be able to hold on for up to three months. At that time, the boy will come and cry and ask for peace with you!"


Hua Lingtong snorted coldly, "with his intelligence, we should know that there has been no way to reconcile with him for a long time."

Wang Xuecheng was silent. He also heard about Li Hao breaking Hua Lingtong's head in public at the celebrity reception that day. He knew that it must be his boss's taboo, so he wouldn't be silly to talk.

"By the way, my useless brother seems to be Li Hao's friend. Has he made any news recently?"

Hua Lingtong took a cigar and asked faintly, as if he suddenly remembered something.

"There's nothing unusual. He either stays in the villa all day or goes out to spend time with his friends."

Wang Xuecheng bowed down and reported: "Ah Mui has been staring at him when he went out. If we didn't take Ah Mui with us, we all arranged people to monitor. He didn't have any contact or relationship with Li Hao. It seems that he also knows that you want to move Li Hao, so he means to avoid it deliberately."

"Hehe, very good."

Hua Lingtong nodded with satisfaction, waved his hand and said, "go down and let Mary come in."

Wang Xuecheng looked at opening the drawer and took out a box of Durex's flowers, Ling Tong, and bowed away wisely. He knew that the boss in a good mood would have to make a good turn with his close secretary. It's not unreasonable to do something for a secretary and nothing for a secretary.

"Li Hao, it's a holiday. Where are you going?"

In the villa of Chen Yu's father's house, Chen Xi's grandmother looked at Li Hao with a smile and asked while putting vegetables in his bowl.

"I'm going back to the orphanage to see the dean's grandfather and the children."

Li Hao smiled and answered.

"I remember you said last time that your orphanage is in Fengjing ancient town?"

Grandma Chenxi smiled kindly and said, "it's just that Chenxi has nothing to do this summer vacation. Otherwise, let her play behind you. What do you think?"

"Er... What about your two elders?"

Li Hao slightly stagnated and said in surprise, "are you willing to let Chenxi leave you?"

"Willing, why not willing?"

Chenxi's grandmother smiled and said, "we old couple want to live a small life for the old couple, and you young couple also want to live a small romance for the young couple! Grandma is open-minded! And I'm sure I can rest assured that you take care of Chenxi!"

After listening to her words, Li Hao's eyes moved to Chen Xi next to her. She just lowered her head to eat and didn't speak, but her pretty face was already red like a ripe red apple.

Old man Chen Yu sipped the wine in the glass beside him, and didn't mean to express his opinion.

"If Chenxi is willing to play, I'll have no problem."

Li Hao smiled and said, "after the transformation of Fengjing ancient town, it has changed from poor and dilapidated to beautiful scenery. It is really worth visiting."

"Chen Xi, are you willing?"

Seeing Li Hao's promise, grandma Chenxi didn't smile and quickly stabbed her granddaughter with her arm.

"All right, then go and play."

Chen Xi's cold temper, coupled with the fact that she was allowed to go back alone with Li Hao on vacation, poked the girl's shyness, and her words were even less.

"OK! That's settled!"

Chen Xi's grandmother made a decision directly and gave it down. It felt like setting a lifetime for them!

Originally, Li Hao was going to stay in the Pearl for a few more days and deal with the confrontation with Hua Lingtong before going back. But the next morning, he received a phone call, which made him change his mind in an instant and decided to take Chen Xi back to the orphanage immediately!

The phone was called by a child named Xiaofeng in the orphanage. After Li Hao connected the phone, Xiaofeng only sobbed and shouted a word.

"Brother Li Hao, please come back soon. Something happened to the orphanage and grandpa Dean!" ###### the next day, I held back for a long time and didn't think of any reason to ask for support, so I decided to get straight to the point - go and recommend this book to my friends!!!!

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