"You, if you have enough money tomorrow, come to the little girl mountain behind you! If you don't have enough money, I'll bring my brother and take away all the things here!"

The back of the cockscomb head was cold. Li haogang's means of throwing his bank card had completely deterred him. At this moment, if the other party aimed not at the door frame next to him, but at his neck, I'm afraid his life is gone now!

How thick the solid wood door frame is, but Li Hao just bounced, and the bank card was nailed in!

This is no less lethal than a bullet!!

However, he always remembered that his boss taught him that he must have professionalism in everything he did, and it was the same when he was a hooligan. So even though he was afraid of sweating and shaking his legs at the moment, he still bit his teeth and put down a cruel word that had no deterrent power, and then turned around to pull out the bank card nailed by Li Hao on the solid wood door frame.

"Did you forget to ask me for the password of this card?"

When the cockscomb man ran to the gate of the yard like running away, Li Hao whispered.

"Oh, yes!"

The cockscomb man was stunned, then cleared his throat, so he said solemnly, "I just want to try if you are conscious. Well, yes, you still know current affairs!"

He won't admit that he forgot to ask because he was afraid, otherwise he would be embarrassed.

"The password is the first six digits of PI."

Li Hao took a deep look at him and said faintly, "if you don't know what Pi is, you can go back and ask Du Niang with your mobile phone. Also, put down the picture in your hand."

"Cut! Look down on who!"

The cockscomb man hummed, "who doesn't know the Pi? I've been to junior high school, too, okay?"

Then he glanced at Li Hao with a gloomy face, turned around again, left the ink painting in his hand, and left the yard without looking back.

After the cockscomb head left, the people he called to move things followed him.

"Xiao Feng, take your brothers and sisters and bring them back.

After the cockscomb man left, Li Hao reached out and gently kneaded several acupoints on Xiaofeng's head, and Xiaofeng's nosebleed stopped immediately.


Xiaofeng looked at Li Hao admiringly. When junior high school students worship heroes at this age, Li Hao stabilized the strength of the situation as soon as he came back. Suddenly, in the eyes of these brothers and sisters, he became as powerful as the omnipotent hero in the film!

"Li Hao, your boy can't eat shit and eat a golden bean? Why are you suddenly so rich?"

After the people nearby walked away, Zhou Zhigang recovered from Li haogang's feat of throwing a lot of money. He looked at Li Hao in amazement and touched his chin.

Listening to his words, Chen Xi and Ning Wei behind Li Hao frowned.

The dog can't spit out ivory. Li haogang just helped him drive away the debt collector. This guy didn't say a word of thanks. Instead, he said such vulgar words, which is disgusting.

"Did you gamble again?"

Li Hao didn't answer Zhou Zhigang's words, but looked at him coldly and asked.

"How dare you care about me?"

Zhou Zhigang stared and raised his fist at him.

Zhou Zhigang is the only son of old Dean Zhou. He is a teenager older than Li Hao. He bullied Li Hao when he was a child. When he grew up, he didn't learn much. He barely got a high school diploma and went to society.

It turned out that it was just gnawing old. Although it was a burden, the old Dean wouldn't be able to afford him, but later he became addicted to gambling, often lost a lot of debt, and stole money at home. Later, the old Dean found out and scolded him severely.

In his anger, this guy stole thousands of yuan from his family and ran away from home. For this, the old Dean was seriously ill with anger, and then his health became worse and worse. At that time, Li Hao didn't have such magical medical skills as now, so he had to worry and had no way.

Zhou Zhigang hasn't contacted his family for several years. Li Hao originally thought that he should have reformed and started to rely on himself after wandering outside for so many years. Unexpectedly, now Zhou Zhigang suddenly came back and directly wanted to sell all the assets of the old dean to repay gambling debts, and took the old Dean as a hostage!!

At the thought of the suffering that the old Dean might suffer when they caught him, Li Hao wanted to crack his eyes and wished he could rush to save the old Dean immediately!

However, after weighing again and again in his heart, he just held back his impulse. At first glance, the second goods of the chicken crown head would not be an important figure of the usury gang. Even if he subdued him, he could not use this guy as a chip to exchange hostages with that gang.

For the boss of the gang, in front of five million and a little brother, Li Hao believes that this is not a difficult problem to choose.

So he decided to take a million as a reassurance, give them a look like they have a lot of money, let them relax their vigilance, and then contact the police to catch them all!

"Do you still want to bully me as a child?"

Looking at Zhou Zhigang who raised his fist, Li Hao suddenly felt that he was so ridiculous in his own eyes.

The ups and downs of life are really mysterious. When he first arrived at the orphanage, Zhou Zhigang was an invincible demon king in his eyes. He could bully himself if he wanted to bully himself.

But now, if he wants to, he can knock Zhou Zhigang to the ground with one hand. Even if he is too lazy to do it himself, he only needs a phone call, and there are countless ways to solve this scum.

He has had many opponents, including Wang Yun, LV Siyuan and Hua Lingtong, but he will never have Zhou Zhigang again.

"Shit, no matter how rich you are now, we didn't raise you!"

Zhou Zhigang was used to bullying Li Hao since childhood. Now when he saw Li Hao looking at him so contemptuously, he was furious and roared, so he punched Li Hao in the face!


A punch hit the past, but Zhou Zhigang felt a sudden sharp pain in his hand. His fist was accurately pinched by Li Hao. Before he could open his mouth and scold, a big hand immediately grabbed his neck, pushed his 200 kg body and pressed him heavily on the wall!

"Zhou Zhigang, don't you like gambling?"

Li Hao stared coldly at Zhou Zhigang, who couldn't say a word. He said faintly, "let's bet. Believe it or not, I'll strangle you right away, and I'll never have anything!"

After listening to his words, he felt less and less air in his lungs. Zhou Zhigang's red face finally showed a trace of panic.

"Zhou Zhigang, do you dare to gamble?!" ###### the second watch, some students may have misunderstood. Explain that it was said that there would be a minimum of three watch in the first week, and then a reward of 100 book beans plus one watch. At the beginning of the second week, it began to return to a minimum of two watch. There was no less. Don't see the misunderstanding clearly

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