Little girl mountain is located behind Fengjing ancient town. The mountain is steep and overgrown with weeds.

It is said that there was a love story here. It is said that in ancient times, a poor scholar who studied hard in a cold window fell in love with the daughter of the local rich family. In order to let her favorite people go to Beijing for the exam, she stole the money from her family and gave it to the scholar as her money to go to Beijing.

After the scholar left, the girl waited for him day and night, but her family told her a worthy marriage, forcing her to marry a childe brother. In order to be faithful to her lover, Miss Qianjin died. Later, she even ran away from home and hid in the mountain.

However, Miss Qianjin was finally found by the servants sent by the two families. In order not to give in, she finally crashed into the mountain and dedicated her young life to love.

Later, after Yi Jinyi, the top scholar of Xiucai high school, returned home, he heard the news and was greatly saddened. Later, in order to commemorate his wife, he ordered to build a small temple for her. At first, the incense was still strong. Later, with the change of dynasties, there were basically no people to worship. However, the story of chaste martyrs has been handed down, This mountain was also named little girl mountain.

When summer came and the sun was in full swing, Ning Wei drove a car with only him and Li Hao on it. After leaving Fengjing ancient town, Li Hao and they ran North for about ten minutes and stopped at the foot of little girl's mountain.

"Now few people go to the mountain, so there is only such a small path. Let's go up."

Li Hao had told Ning Wei the story of the little girl's mountain on the road. Standing at the foot of the mountain, he walked towards a broken stone step path in front of him, and then took the lead in walking up.

There is no data about the specific altitude of little girl mountain. Li Hao's physique has long been far superior to that of ordinary people. Climbing is naturally easy, but he was surprised that Ning Wei, who followed behind him, had a steady pace and showed excellent physical quality.

"Grandpa told me from an early age that a good man is ambitious and can't be broad-minded until he has seen mountains and rivers, so I often travel among famous mountains and rivers when I was young. This degree is not difficult."

Looking at Li Hao's surprised expression, Ning Wei smiled and explained.

Li Hao nodded and paid more respect to master Ning Yitian.

There are many people who are powerful, but they may not be able to be cruel to temper their next generation, so they have so many doting and so many black sheep, so the rich second generation and the official second generation now sound full of derogatory meanings.

Mr. Ning did a good job in education. Under his guidance, Ning Wei not only had superb medical skills, but also had an excellent body and high vision. Otherwise, a narrow-minded person would never agree to sacrifice himself to play that play to improve Li Hao's reputation!

Li Hao couldn't help thinking that if he hadn't been born, he might have to rely on Ning Wei to pick the burden of Revitalizing Traditional Chinese medicine.

In less than ten minutes, Li Hao and Ning Wei reached the top of the mountain.

A dilapidated little temple appeared in front of Li Hao and them. Two yellow hairs were sitting on the bluestone board at the gate of the broken Temple smoking. When they saw Li Hao and Ning Wei appear, they stood up vigilantly and said, "why? Did you run the wrong way? This is not something that tourists can play with. Get out now!"

"Do you want to send money?"

Li Hao was not angry either. He raised a playful radian at the corner of his mouth and put his hands in his pants pocket.

"It's him, the boss is him!"

After hearing the movement outside and a burst of footsteps, five or six people came out of the broken temple. Yesterday, the guy with the chicken crown head was also impressively included. A middle-aged man with a small braid behind his head was surrounded by them. He should be their boss.

"Boy, have you brought the money?"

The middle-aged man with pigtails and dressed like a lover of literature and art raised his chin to Li Hao and asked.

"Where are the people?"

Li Hao did not answer, but asked instead.

He knows that no matter when negotiating with others in business or when fighting with bad people, he must try to firmly grasp the initiative in his own hands. Otherwise, he will be passive step by step and led by others all the time.

"Chicken, go and bring the old man out to me."

The braided man nuzui the younger brothers next to him. Yesterday, the cockscomb boy quickly nodded and bowed and ran towards the house. After a while, he pushed the old Dean with his hands tied behind him.

"Uncle Zhou!"

Seeing the haggard and embarrassed appearance of the old Dean, Li Hao immediately felt that a stream of blood rushed straight to his forehead and wished he could rush over and kill all these guys immediately!

Although the old Dean has no blood relationship with Li Hao, his upbringing of Li Hao is no different from his father. Although Li Hao called him uncle Zhou since childhood, in fact, in his heart, President Zhou is equal to his father.

Now seeing that President Zhou has suffered so much, he can't calm down at all!

"Don't move!"

Seeing that Li Hao wanted to come, the braided man roared. At the same time, he grabbed President Zhou's neck with one hand and said fiercely: "boy, don't break the rules. Where's the money?"

"Don't mess around!"

Li Hao quickly took a step back, motioned that he didn't move. At the same time, he took out a bank card from his pocket and said, "there are four million in this card. The password is the same as the previous card. With the previous one million, Zhou Zhigang's gambling debt has been cleared!"

"Bring it."

The braided boss winked at the cockscomb head chick again. The chick understood and hurriedly ran to Li Hao. He grabbed the bank card in Li Hao's hand and Yang said, "the password is 314159, isn't it?"

He looked so elated that he seemed to know what a great thing the first six digits of PI were.

But it's also rare. Among them, I'm afraid few people really know what the top six PI numbers are!

"You've got the money. Can you let people go?"

Li Hao looked at these people coldly and asked.

"Not yet."

Who knows, the braided boss still shook his head and said, "five million is yesterday. Today, if the interest rolls again, you're still five hundred thousand!"

"You deceive people too much!"

Ning Wei, who had never spoken, couldn't help but shout in a low voice.

"Are you qualified to negotiate terms with me?"

The braided boss stared and was ready to stretch out his hand to pinch President Zhou's neck.

"Wait a minute!"

Li Hao said, "I really don't have money now, but you can change a way. It's no use holding the old Dean. Why don't I exchange with him? You let him go and take me as a hostage. What you want is money? I also know some rich friends. 500000 will be delivered this afternoon!"


After listening to Li Hao's words, the braided boss turned his eyes, pondered for a moment and said, "it's also reasonable, chicken, go and tie up the boy's hands and feet!"

"You let the old Dean go first!"

Li Hao stepped back, sneered and said, "everyone is a little sincere, okay? If you don't let someone go, come and tie me up. What if no one will let me go at that time?"

Seeing that Li Hao would run away at any time, I saw Li Hao's powerful chicken yesterday. I didn't dare to go there. I turned back to their old road: "brother, I think otherwise, I'll let the old man go first, and then I'll tie the boy!"

"Well, all right."

The braided boss pondered for a moment and said, "I'm sure you can't play any tricks!"

Then he reached out and cut the rope on the old Dean's hand and body with a knife, pushed him and said, "go over!"

"Xiao Hao, you don't have to do it for me..."

Old Dean Zhou, with tears on his face, shook his head desperately at Li Hao.

"You can act."

Li Hao shook his head and took over the old Dean. Then he didn't go over to them to tie them, but suddenly shouted around.

"Don't move!"

As soon as his voice fell, several infrared light spots aimed at by sniper guns gathered on the braided boss and others. A group of fully armed armed armed police officers and soldiers emerged from the surrounding jungle under the leadership of Zhao Lei#### Second watch, try to give you three watch tomorrow

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