The thunder axe is mighty and invincible!

Thunder punishment is the wrath of heaven and the will of God to kill the most ferocious things!

When we ordinary people see some heinous bad events or bad people on weekdays, they will say that this guy really should be thunderstruck. When we swear, they will also say that if I can't do it, I will be thunderstruck five times a day.

These words have become the normal saying that everyone comes when they open their mouth. Everyone usually doesn't care, but in fact, these words can flow to the present generation by generation. Naturally, it makes sense.

Because since ancient times, saints can integrate the mixed yuan heavenly heart. The so-called acting for heaven is to take charge of heaven's punishment and dominate heaven's thunder for God!

If the real person is strong enough, he can also achieve the purpose of communicating with God through some special Dharma formulas and tools. Please come to thunder punishment.

Since the three realms were isolated, the development of the human world has been separated from the control and guidance of the fairyland and the underworld, and has evolved from the initial cultivation system to today's natural science system. Saints have not appeared for thousands of years, so the deeds of those saints have been gradually forgotten by people, and some remnants can only be found in some popular sayings handed down by word of mouth.

Li Hao and Li Jiaqi brothers just joined hands to display the most mysterious and precious magic sword thunder guiding skill in Taoism. The potential of Kirin Gemini is in perfect harmony. It can be said that it is close to the peak of human beings. In addition, the gluttonous snake to deal with is a bloody beast, which leads to this terrible divine punishment thunder!!

Tianlei has the powerful ability to break demons and evil spirits, which will double the damage to fierce animals and evil demons. Rao is the gluttonous snake. No matter how fierce and powerful it was before, it was immediately robbed on the spot under the joint attack of Li Hao and Li Jiaqi brothers!!

"How terrible..."

Qianye flew into the air with lingering fear. Looking at the gourmet snake that was cut black below, a trace of deep fear flashed in his smart eyes.

Just now, although the target of the sky thunder was not it, it still brought a great shock to Qianye because it was too close.

It can be sure that even if it successfully integrates the blood of the first generation peacock in its body, it will definitely lose half its life even if it doesn't die after taking this blow!

I'm afraid only the real peacock king Daming came here, can he open his mouth and swallow the punishment?

"How do you feel?"

Taking back his hand and his long sword, Li Jiaqi looked at Li Hao calmly and asked.

"It has benefited a lot."

Li Hao smiled reluctantly, gasped heavily, and his face was a little pale.

He has just joined hands with Li Jiaqi to enter the realm of Dongwei. This is the most profound experience he has for the realm of Dongwei. As an important help, he also performed the magic sword thunder inducing skill with Li Jiaqi, which is a valuable experience that Li Hao can't get at ordinary times.

If that night, when he persuaded Qianye to follow him with his three inch tongue, Li Hao clearly observed his heart, his heart has been greatly improved, and he has stood at the top of the sage, as if he could touch the realm of human beings with his hand.

Now, after joining hands with Li Jiaqi, Li Hao has stepped up to a higher level both in his feeling of the realm of cave and micro and in his understanding of the realm of human beings.

Now he can be said to have really stepped into the realm of human beings with half his feet. As long as there is another chance, he can break through at any time!

"You'll be so tired because you haven't practiced any inner peace of mind. You've just performed the divine sword thunder inducing skill with me, which has drained all your strength."

Li Jiaqi looked at Li Hao's shaky appearance, stretched out his hand and stuck it on Li Hao's back heart, and a warm breath spread to Li Hao's body along his hand.


Li haochang breathed a sigh of relief. His face looked much better. He straightened up and said, "is this internal breathing? It's amazing!"

"Want to learn?"

Li Jiaqi glanced at Li Hao, raised his hand, took out from his arms a volume of ancient books made of bamboo on TV, handed it to Li Hao and said, "this is my Li family's family skill. Take it."


Li Hao excitedly took over the bamboo book in Li Jiaqi's hand, such as a treasure.

Li Jiaqi said that this is the skill handed down by their Li family. Although the skill is important, for Li Hao, what warms his heart is the word "family biography".


A word he had expected for more than 20 years.

"I can feel that there is a lot of energy dormant in your body. You think you have taken a lot of treasures, but without the guidance of skill, your body can't fully absorb and refine them, so you're lurking in the depths of your flesh and blood."

Li Jiaqi said, "go back and have a good understanding. The five Qi heaven heart formula handed down by our family will be very helpful to you."


Li Hao nodded.

"Xiao Hao, why are you here?"

Liu Yuying also came from behind. Her clothes were damaged, her face was haggard, her hair was scattered, and her eyes were full of blood.

Li Hao has never seen her look so embarrassed. His sister has always impressed him with the feeling of grace. Although Liu Yuying lives in seclusion and simplicity in the Pearl, she has always been able to turn the clouds and guide the country.

But such a woman, who is unfathomable in everyone's eyes, is disheartened and dusty when she comes all the way to see the person she loves.

"Blade told me you lost contact, so I came here nonstop. Fortunately, it's not late."

Li Hao walked to Liu Yuying with a smile.

"It's all my sister's fault, which makes you..."

Liu Yuying sighed, but before she finished her words, Li Jiaqi, who was standing by, suddenly said, "you are really bad. Your disorderly behavior almost killed yourself and many people!"

Liu Yuying froze, and Li Hao froze.

The moving scene of the imaginary lover's happy meeting after years of separation did not appear. Li Jiaqi's cold tone and attitude seemed to solidify the atmosphere in an instant.

"Do you know that it was because I had to be distracted to protect you that I lost the battle with taosnake? Do you know that Li Hao would fly all the way here because he wanted to find you. He is just an ordinary man. What if he died in this primeval forest?!"

Li Jiaqi looked at Liu Yuying and said angrily, "it doesn't matter if you want to die, but can you please find a remote place next time and don't involve so many people!"

"Brother, you..."

Hearing Li Jiaqi's excessive words, Li Hao's anger surged up, looked at him and said, "have you ever thought about why he came so impulsively? If you don't disappear for 16 years, will she do this? Do you know that she has been crazy for you for 16 years since you left!"


Li Jiaqi's pupils shrunk slightly, his body trembled slightly, then took a deep breath, said coldly, "I didn't let her wait for me."


Li Hao was so angry that he angrily pointed to his brother who met for the first time. Although he knew he wouldn't his opponent, he really wanted to rush over and beat him up!

"We were impossible. It was just an impulse at that time. Don't waste your time on me."

Li Jiaqi glanced at Liu Yuying coldly. Then he didn't give Li Hao another chance to speak. He jumped. The long sword behind him turned into a streamer, carrying his body quickly through the air!

The wind roared past his ears, and Li Jiaqi soared up and disappeared directly into the clouds.


In the depths of the empty clouds, he finally didn't have to do any more repression. He covered his heart and sent out bursts of sad roars in his mouth. When it was thick, it suddenly became thin. He thought he had really put down, but now he saw Liu Yuying again. Hearing her situation over the years, Li Jiaqi knew that his heart would really hurt.

"Common people..."

Spreading out his trembling right hand, in the palm of his hand, Li Jiaqi saw the four golden runes written by his father on his hand before his death.

Life is important!!

"Life... Is important!"

After taking a deep breath, Li Jiaqi repeated the four words with his teeth, and then clenched his hand again, clenching the four words, as if he had clenched all the people in the world.

"Life is important!"

With a long roar, the light of the sword flowed, and Li Jiaqi's heart was like iron, and then turned into a light and disappeared into the world... ###### updated, I always wanted to create a character full of fairy flavor. Even in this society where material desires are rampant and everyone told you to be realistic, he can still be full of heroic feelings of dedication and sacrifice, Li Jiaqi is such a martyr walking on the road. I hope to portray success and make you like it. Continue to ask for subscription!!

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