The famous comedian Little Shenyang once said this in the sketch "not bad money" that became famous overnight in the Spring Festival Gala.

In this life, as like sleeping, it is as like as two peas. Once the eyes are closed, one day passes, and the eyes are closed.

Although it's for fun, it's true. Sometimes, life and death are often instantaneous!

A moment of life and death!!

Li Hao is like this now.

Just as No. 3 didn't expect Li Hao to kill him with one punch, he also didn't expect that No. 3 should have such tenacious explosive power and hold him so desperately before he died!

And he didn't expect that there was such a tacit understanding between these guys. In such a blink of an eye, the second wolf cub really caught it, and showed his fangs like a cobra and launched a fatal blow!!


At this critical moment of life and death, Li Hao felt that all the world around him was quiet in an instant, the screams and cries in his ears, the fading light in the eyes of wolf cub 3, and the sharp sound of the wind behind him!

Cave micro realm!!

At the critical moment of life and death, Li Hao once again entered the realm of Dongwei!!

Everything seems to slow down a lot in Li Hao's senses. He can easily catch the track of the second wolf cub's dagger stabbing him, and predict any changes and movements.

Be insightful and meticulous. Take one step and look at three steps!!

Like instinct, Li Hao's half body was held by wolf cub No. 3, but his fist that killed wolf cub No. 3 was pulled back at an incredible angle between lightning and flint, and accurately cut at the wrist pulse of wolf cub No. 2!


The pulse gate is a big hole in the human body. The second wolf cub's arm trembled and snorted. If the pulse gate of an ordinary person is attacked, he will lose his strength instantly. Let alone complete the attack, he must be unable to hold anything.

However, wolf cub No. 2 controlled his body with his own will and continued to hold a dagger to complete the assassination.

However, no matter how tenacious his will was, he still couldn't resist the natural reaction of his body. Although the knife still stabbed, its strength decreased greatly. It was like a child. No matter how sharp the dagger was, it was only blocked by the muscles after it pierced the skin behind Li Hao, and he couldn't continue to hurt him deeply.


After breaking free from the shackles of wolf cub No. 3, Li Hao swung his dying body and hit wolf cub No. 2 behind him!

Although it seemed like a long time, it was just a short moment of confrontation.

But what happened in this short moment was so thrilling, wandering between life and death.


The strong body of wolf cub No. 3 is like a wall. Coupled with Li Hao's strength, he directly smashed the thin wolf cub No. 2 out!

When Li Hao landed, his back tingled. When he touched it, the wound had bled. Fortunately, the wound was not deep and the area was not large. It wouldn't hurt if he didn't deal with it in a short time.

After paying such a little price, he directly injured a fierce general on the opposite side and was on the verge of death. It was a lot of money!

"Are you okay?"

Wolf cub No. 1, who had just been disturbed by Li Hao's chair and couldn't shoot, shouted to them. Seeing that his two companions didn't seem to take any advantage in Li Hao's hands, he was also very anxious.

"No. 3 can't!"

Wolf cub No. 2 was pressed on the ground by wolf cub No. 3. He stretched out his hand to explore his breath, looked at the dark red blood continuously spitting out from his mouth, and said with red eyes: "I don't know how many ribs he broke, it seems that he hurt his internal organs, which is life-threatening!!"


Wolf cub 1 roared and couldn't believe his ears.

Although he was a little flustered by the chair smashed by Li Hao just now, how long did it take him to avoid the chair? In such a short time, Li Hao killed the strongest man in melee among them?!

All members of the wolf pack raised by Hua Lingtong are very united, just like the real wolf pack in nature. They have no parents, relatives, lovers and concerns. They eat together, train together, live together and sleep together every day. Their feelings are very deep.

Other experienced old wolves in the pack may be calmer, but they are the first wolf cubs to go through the trial task, so after hearing the news that No. 3 can't work, No. 1 gets angry, No. 1 directly loses his mind, and no longer obeys the task that No. 3 told him to kill Hua Jiansheng, But raise your hand and shoot at Li Hao!


The fire burst out from the barrel, and then a metal warhead quickly cut through the air and shot at Li Hao's head!

If he was not in Dongwei, or if he had just entered Dongwei, Li Hao certainly could not clearly capture the traces of bullets flying in the air.

However, today is different from the past. Li Hao first understood his original heart in Shennongjia, then combined with Li Jiaqi and the Kirin Gemini, and then jointly displayed the realm of cave and micro. Later, he received the inheritance of the truth and sacred heart of the ancient sage Shennong emperor. These accumulations have been quite rich.

Although Li Hao has not yet completely entered the realm of real people to people, he has already stepped into it with half a foot. Moreover, with the help of Li Jiaqi, his understanding and control of the cave micro realm is also very strong. As long as he enters the cave micro realm, his control is definitely not weaker than those authentic real experts!

Everything is like the slow motion people in the film. The bullet tracks fired by wolf cub 1 are clearly visible in front of Li Hao, and his body instinctively makes the most correct and simple response for him in the state of Dongwei.

Roll on the spot!

Li Hao's body avoided the bullets shot by wolf cub 1 at an extremely strange angle. At the same time, with a force of his arms, he slid out a long distance close to the ground and quickly approached wolf cub 1.

Fortunately, the floor of the hospital is made of ceramic tiles, which is very smooth, so that Li Hao can slide very smoothly.

"Go to hell!"

His most confident fast gun drawing and shooting was easily avoided by Li Hao. Wolf cub 1 really collapsed.

What kind of monster is this?

What monster?!

Isn't the task given to them by the wolf king to kill a comatose vegetable? Why is there such a terrible pervert?!

He shot at the ground in a panic until he made his barrel hot!

What is the most important thing about a sharpshooter?

It's steady.

What is the most basic thing for a person to be stable?

It's mind set.

No. 1's heart has been confused. What else do you take to aim and shoot?


Li Hao swept the body of wolf cub No. 1, then stepped on his chest, bent down and picked up the slightly hot pistol on the ground, aiming at wolf cub No. 2 who had just got up.

"Don't struggle. Come back with me. I won't give you money or invite you to tea this time. We'll just have a good chat." ##### the second more said

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