The outrageous evil way, bloody and violent, pays attention to the naked plundering, plundering everything, plundering everything, all of which are added to yourself!

This is the law of the jungle. In the final analysis, it is a word - rob!

What you grab is your own, and what you eat in your stomach is your own. Only by being absolutely selfish, absolutely relying on yourself, the law of the jungle and never-ending plunder can you consolidate your permanent strength.

This is the survival state of the demon family. No one can believe it. Even companions of the same race may stab themselves in the blink of an eye. Only by believing in themselves, their strength is the only one.

Li Hao stood stunned in his place. What he saw was a bloody wilderness.

Countless demon families are fighting and plundering each other. Terrible killings happen every day. The old demon king's rule will be overthrown at any time, and the new demon king will be superior at any time.

The TIANYAO family is a big family in the demon family, otherwise it will not be able to occupy a place in the underworld, and the totem tree is the belief of the TIANYAO family. Every TIANYAO family will always worship their totem tree from birth.

The people of TIANYAO clan may not trust each other much, but if they all worship the totem tree without accident, the power of sacrifice for countless years is really strong.

This is just the will contained in a divine seed on the totem tree. Compared with the totem tree standing in the ancestral land of the TIANYAO family, it can only be regarded as a drop of water in the sea, not even one ten thousandth, I'm afraid it's about one hundred million.

If you really face the totem tree that has been sacrificed by the TIANYAO family for tens of thousands of years, for Li Hao and ling'er, who are just young people who are just involved in the holy way, let alone fight against refining, they will be washed away by the rolling will of the evil way in an instant, and there is no room for resistance.

Now it is the demon will contained in the totem God species that is only a small part of the totem tree, so Tu Feng will let Li Hao try to refine it. Otherwise, it will definitely let Li Hao die.

In this spirit of heavenly demon, Li Hao seems to see that the heavenly demon family has been conquering and growing in the underworld bit by bit since ancient times, and the totem tree has also thrived bit by bit from a spiritual seedling.

Plunder, never-ending to fight, to become strong.

Then the painting style changed, and a golden light suddenly appeared in front of Li Hao, which made him feel very peaceful and close.

A faint fragrance of herbs emerged from his breath. Li Hao knew it was the breath of nongdi, the God of medicine.

Ancient Shennong tasted hundreds of herbs and classified poisons and life-saving traditional Chinese medicine one by one, which laid the foundation for the medicine of the human race. It can be said that without Shennong emperor, there would be no traditional Chinese medicine and traditional Chinese medicine in the future.

Then the survival rate of the Terran will be greatly reduced. This merit is really earth shaking and a great merit for the benefit of the Terran for generations!

The so-called hanging pot to help the world, every ancient sage has either educated the people or saved the common people.

Li Hao was still confused before. Why can't the sage live forever when he can compare with the great existence of Ming Jun and Xian di?

Even an ordinary fairy can have Shouyuan. Can't the sage have it because he didn't give up his human identity?

However, with the recent further understanding and understanding of the sacred heart of truth, he gradually understood that every saint disappeared in the long river of years, but they just disappeared in the flesh. The law of the Tao and the sacred heart of truth will not disappear easily.

Just like the literary Saint Cangjie, at the beginning, Cangjie created characters and saints kept books. As long as the Chinese culture still exists one day and as long as there are men in the world who are being used to write, the spirit of the literary Saint Cangjie has always guarded mankind and can even manifest under specific circumstances.

The same is true of Shennong emperor, the medicine saint. As long as traditional Chinese medicine still exists and traditional Chinese medicine is still treating patients and saving people, Shennong emperor's will will will still run in the dark, and his holy way will not collapse.

Li Hao also gradually guessed that it is now under the impact of Western medicine that the life and death of traditional Chinese medicine is coming, and the status of traditional Chinese medicine and traditional Chinese medicine is at stake. Therefore, linger, the ancestral Shennong descendant, will emerge at the historic moment, and the inheritance of Shennong Emperor and Shennong Ding will reappear.

Saving traditional Chinese medicine, in other words, is tantamount to saving the holy way of emperor Shennong. Li Hao is not the only one to fight for it.

The holy way and the evil way are constantly colliding and competing.

Although the demon will in the totem God species of TIANYAO tree is far less powerful than the noumenon, it was born from the moment it condensed. It still takes some time for ling'er to wash it with Shennong emperor's holy way.

Li Hao stood quietly beside ling'er. His face was very solemn and solemn. The truth and sacred heart of Shennong emperor was a great wealth for him. Although he could not copy the path of Shennong emperor and become a saint, it was a very rare guidance.

Now the holy way of Shennong emperor is competing with the evil way of totem God. Ordinary people can't feel the danger and mystery, but Li Hao, as a natural saint, can clearly feel all this.

In the collision with the evil way, the holy way of Shennong emperor will be revealed more clearly, which is a rare good thing for ling'er and Li Hao.

Although the totem divine seed is mysterious, it is still just a seed after all. It has not taken root and sprouted, opened branches and scattered leaves. Under the refining of linger's use of shennongding, the evil power contained in it has gradually become less powerful and domineering than at the beginning.

Under the tough erosion of the holy way, the strange light planted by the totem God no longer flickered violently, and he was faint and tired, and began to be dominated by the holy way gradually.

This is an excellent phenomenon, which proves that ling'er really has the ability to use Shennong Ding to turn this divine seed around.

Of course, it is just beginning to take shape, and it will take an extremely long process.

Li Hao slowly opened his eyes, sighed, and sat down cross legged next to her.

Here, you can always be baptized by the laws of the holy Tao and accompany ling'er. Li Hao decided to feel the spiritual realm here and understand the wooden needlework that has not yet been mastered.

There is no time for practice. In such tranquility, a week passes in the blink of an eye.


Suddenly, Li haomeng, who was crossing his knees and concentrating, opened his eyes. The mobile phone in his pocket was shaking wildly. Someone had called him for more than a dozen times before he woke him up from sleep.

Taking out his mobile phone, Li Hao suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

"Hello? Little swallow, what's the matter?"

Li Hao connected the phone.

As soon as I heard his voice, the cry of the little swallow came directly from the other end of the phone.

"Brother Hao'er, what should I do..." ####### second, leave a suspense and guess what will happen tomorrow~~

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