As a natural saint, Li Hao's ability to control people's hearts and emotions is more profound than other human beings.

Now standing at the door, he could really feel a kind of depression.

Although the sun is shining now, Li Hao seems to be able to see that in this Zhuo villa, there is a strong sadness that can't be melted from everyone in the room.

"Is it that master Zhuo is critically ill?"

A very bad idea rose in Li Hao's heart.

The old commander Zhuo Tai and Zhuo came from a recruit during the Anti Japanese war. Although he was a child soldier at that time, he has been rising in China for so many years, and he is already 80 years old.

There is a saying that people have been rare for 70 years. Now the living conditions are better, and people's life expectancy is generally extended, but they can live to more than 80 years old, but it is also a high life expectancy.

The elderly are most likely to get sick because of the decline of all aspects of their physical function.

After taking a deep breath, Li Hao rang the doorbell.


A light noise came from the door. A middle-aged man with glasses opened the door, looked at Li Hao standing at the door, looked at him up and down, and then stepped aside and said, "please come in."

Li Hao was not polite either. He stepped into the villa. A faint smell of ink lingered in the house. As soon as he heard it, he knew it was developed by the best ink, refreshing and refreshing.

However, in today's mournful atmosphere, this scholarly fragrance also seems a little at a loss, which is incompatible with the atmosphere in today's villa.

"Yan'er is in her own room and is packing up. We know that you and she are very good friends. I hope you can persuade her."

The middle-aged man pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, took Li Hao to the entrance of the stairs and said sincerely, "we are for her good."


Li Hao was stunned by what the middle-aged man said. He nodded inexplicably and walked towards Zhuo Yanyu's room upstairs.

"Dong Dong Dong!"

Li Hao came to the door indicated by the middle-aged man, raised his hand and gently knocked on the door and said, "little swallow, I'm Li Hao, I'm coming."

Hearing Li Hao's voice, there was a sound of footsteps inside the door, and then a light sound. The door was opened with a small crack. Zhuo Yan came out of the feather altar and saw that it was Li Hao, so he opened the door.

"What's the matter?"

Li Hao walked into the room, looked at the crying swallow and asked with concern.

He has to find out what happened first.

He knew that the Zhujiang Road home was Zhuo's old house, where Zhuo lived for a long time, while Zhuo Yanyu lived more in Songjiang District.

Now they all rushed back to the old house. There must be some great unrest in the Zhuo family.

Originally, Li Hao thought that master Zhuo was critically ill. However, after he just entered the door, he keenly felt the breath of a sharp sword without front and old and prudent. Although the owner of this breath was obviously in extreme grief, he could still be stable.

Looking at the Zhuo family, who else can have this kind of atmosphere that Taishan collapsed in front of him without changing his face?

Therefore, it should not have happened to the pillar of the old man, which made Li Hao more confused.

Since the old man didn't have an accident, what else can happen to the Zhuo family now?

"Brother Hao'er, I know you can fight. Will you help me?"

After entering the room, Zhuo Yanyu grabbed Li Hao's hand and cried, "take me out, I'm going to yundian!"

"Wait a minute, this is your house. Why are they stopping you? And why are you going to yundian all of a sudden?"

Li Hao looked at Zhuo Yanyu and was confused by her words.

"What happened to the Zhuo family in yundian?"

Li Hao's thinking is so agile that the information revealed in one or two sentences can make him push out a lot of things.

"Just now, master Zhuo's secretary asked me to persuade little swallow. Is it just to persuade her not to think about going to yundian?"

Li Hao took the swallow's hand and patted it gently. He wanted to stabilize her excitement and said, "don't worry, come and tell me slowly."

"Dad, he has an accident. There is an accident in yundian. I want to find him. I want to go there."

Looking at Li Hao, Zhuo Yanyu's tears came out again and cried: "they think yundian is dangerous and don't want me to pass. Brother Hao, can you help me? I beg you to help me."

"Uncle Zhuo has an accident?"

Li Hao's face changed slightly and finally realized why the whole Zhuo family was shrouded in such a depressed atmosphere today.

If something happens to Zhuo Yishan, the ZTE leader of the Zhuo family, falls, it will be a huge blow, whether out of the feelings of family affection or for the future of the Zhuo family.

Li Hao has also learned about the Zhuo family. Old Taishan Zhuo's determination to the south is the foundation for the rise of the Zhuo family. The old man has three sons, and the eldest Zhuo Yishan has the highest achievements. Although his ambition is not to stay in the army, he has made quite smooth progress in the national system. Now he is the head of the police system of the municipality directly under the central government, Moreover, with the influence of master Zhuo in the south, the surrounding Brother units do not give Zhuo a face.

Although he is the head of a bureau, the energy he can mobilize is the combined effect of several relevant departments!

This can be seen from the previous business war between Li Hao and Hua Lingtong.

Through Zhuo Yanyu, he can complete the layout several times with the help of the police department, quality supervision department and industrial and commercial administration department, which is also one of the key factors of hualingtong's tragic defeat.

"Little swallow, don't worry. What happened to Uncle Zhuo? Even if he went to yundian for business, he was also the director and senior officer of the municipality directly under the central government. He should be in the rear of the town. There was absolutely no reason to go to the front line. How could there be an accident?"

Li Hao frowned tightly and asked, this matter is not simple. One mystery has just been solved, and another mystery reappeared.

"I don't know. I don't know more."

The little swallow pounced on Li Hao's arms, and the surging tears had wet Li Hao's clothes on his chest.

The more careless a girl is on weekdays, in fact, once her emotions are really facing collapse, she will be hurt more thoroughly.

"Brother Hao'er, I beg you. Take me out and let me go to yundian. I want to see my father. I overheard my grandfather's phone. They said my father was dying. I don't believe it. I won't believe it if I don't see it with my own eyes!"

Zhuo Yanyu grabbed Li Hao's arm and cried.

Li Hao held the swallow's delicate body and gently patted her back to comfort her.

Glancing at Qianye on his shoulder, if he really wants to make Qianye angry, it is not impossible to rush out of the siege with Zhuo Yanyu, but in this way, he will be wanted by the whole country tomorrow. Like this supernatural force, there must be many scientists in the country who want to catch Qianye for research.

And he took the swallow to yundian so rashly. Is it really for her? If something goes wrong with her safety, won't you hurt her?

Thinking of what master Zhuo's secretary specifically told him before going upstairs, Li Hao got up and said, "little swallow, don't cry first. Think about it. Even if I take you out of here, can we go to yundian? With the power of your Zhuo family, if the master doesn't want you to leave the Pearl, where can you go?"

Zhuo Yanyu was stunned at Li Hao's words.

She knew Li Hao was right. What if she fled the old house? As long as grandpa doesn't let go, such a big pearl is also a cage.

"I'll talk to Lao Taishan."

Li Hao got up, patted Zhuo Yanyu on the shoulder and said, "believe me, if the conditions allow, I will convince your grandfather to let you go with me. If the conditions really don't allow, then I won't let you take risks."

With that, he opened Zhuo Yanyu's door and came out.

Looking at the middle-aged man who stayed downstairs, Li Hao smiled and said in a loud voice, "excuse me, I want to see Zhuo Laotai mountain!" ##### it's a big chapter with a lot of words! Ask for a wave of subscription and reward support, brothers!!

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