"Although the members of my elite team are not selected from the special forces, they are also the top soldiers of various reconnaissance battalions of the southern military region. They can bear the title of military king in ordinary troops with various abilities. Unexpectedly, you subdued them with only a few silver needles."

Zhuo laotaishan looked at Li Hao with admiration and said, "I see, even in the wolf brigade of the ace special forces of our southern military region, your skills can be ranked on the number!"

"Can Lao Taishan give me more trust now?"

Li Hao's footsteps moved slightly. While talking, he pulled out the silver needles on the members of these elite teams one by one.

The way of acupuncture and moxibustion seems simple, but in fact it is extremely mysterious. Inserting and pulling out needles requires extremely professional techniques. If you rashly stab the acupoints with silver needles, it will bring great harm to your body. In particular, Li Hao practices the five element divine needle that no one in the three realms can learn.

The needle he pierced can only be solved by himself!

"Chief, we are just caught off guard. If we do it again, we..."

After Li Hao untied the hemp hole on the players, the captain of the elite guard team looked at Li Hao angrily, and then eagerly knelt down on one knee to master Zhuo to explain something.

"Needless to say."

Master Zhuo waved his hand and said solemnly, "when you are on the battlefield, will the enemy give you another chance? You are all veterans for many years, and I need to repeat this truth again? As Li haogang just said, if he didn't show mercy to his men just now, you are already corpses!"

After hearing Zhuo laotaishan's reprimand, the members of these elite teams showed a trace of shame on their faces and bowed their heads in silence.

"Liu Hu, you're the captain. Just now you're trying to argue. Today you increase the training volume by three times. If you can't finish it, don't sleep!!"

Master Zhuo took a deep breath, waved his hand and said, "OK, step back."


The military order was like a mountain. The leader of the elite team could only stand upright and salute Zhuo Laotai mountain, and then bowed out of the study with his team.

"I collected your information. I thought you were just a young businessman and an outstanding traditional Chinese medicine, but I didn't expect you to have such excellent skills."

Master Zhuo finally solemnly looked at Li Hao and said, "as a bystander, I cherish your talent, but as a little swallow's grandfather, I don't have a good impression of you. You should understand?"

"I understand."

Li Hao smiled bitterly. By the means of master Zhuo, he must pay great attention to his favorite granddaughter. Zhuo Yanyu confessed to him in the peninsula golden beach that night. He must not be able to hide his old man's eyes and ears, and he must also know that his real girlfriend is Chenxi. Can he make a good impression on himself?

"But saving a mountain is of great significance to the Zhuo family. It doesn't have much to do with you. Are you really willing to take a risk?"

Zhuo laotaishan looked at Li Hao with burning eyes and asked seriously, word by word.

"I will!"

Li Hao also gave the answer again without hesitation.


Zhuo laotaishan waved his hand, patted Li Hao on the shoulder and said, "then I'll let you do it!"

"Thanks for Lao Taishan's success!"

Li Hao arched his hand slightly.

Strange to say, it was clearly the pillar of his going to save the Zhuo family, but in the end, he wanted to thank Master Zhuo.

In fact, it's no wonder when you think about it. After all, if the Zhuo family sends a message and asks to come to yundian to see Zhuo Yishan, I'm afraid there are not 1000 or 800 famous doctors.

Because no matter what the final result is, the Zhuo family owes them a favor. It's a great favor to cure it. If it can't be cured, it's the end of benevolence and righteousness. After all, people are going to yundian at risk.

"This time, you're not alone, but your identity is also the most special, because you have to help Yishan heal and ensure the safety of Yan'er, okay?"

Zhuo Yishan looked at Li Hao and told him again.

"Is there anyone else?"

Li Hao frowned slightly.

"Yes, as soon as the situation of Yishan came back, the public security hospital formed a temporary expert group, which are some surgical experts with rich experience in cardiac surgery."

Master Zhuo said, "we'll arrange a transfer to take them to yundian. Then you and Yan'er will go with them. People pick up firewood with high flame. Traditional Chinese medicine has the advantages of traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine has the advanced place of Western medicine. I really hope you can pull a mountain back from the ghost gate!"

"Li Hao must do his best!"

Li Hao knows that it's no use saying more now. He can only promise again and again.

Not long after, Li Hao came out of the old man's study. Liu Haoran, the big Secretary standing outside the door, looked at Li Hao in surprise. He couldn't help but set off a storm in his heart.

He never thought that this seemingly young boy could do so many things. Even the elite team that secretly protected the chief's safety on weekdays was alarmed. In the end, the members of the elite team came out with a disheartened face. No one paid attention to him even when he asked about the situation.

"Xiao Liu, say hello to the special plane to yundian this afternoon and ask them to reserve two more seats."

Zhuo laotaishan's voice came out of the study. He was so surprised that Liu Haoran's mouth completely opened and didn't close for a long time.

Looking at Li Hao, Liu Haoran had only one thought in his heart at this time - what kind of mouth did the boy have? Even the stubborn old man was really persuaded by him?!


Li Hao walked up to Liu Haoran and stood still. Looking at his stupefied appearance, he smiled and woke him up from the boundless horror.

"Oh, no trouble, no trouble!"

Liu Haoran returned to his senses and waved his hand again and again.

This is the task assigned to him by the old chief. Where can he afford to be in trouble?

"Dong Dong Dong!"

On the second floor, Li Hao knocked on Zhuo Yanyu's door again.


With a crisp sound, the door opened. Li Hao saw that Zhuo Yanyu had packed his suitcase.

"You already know the result?"

Li Hao smiled at Zhuo Yanyu, shrugged his shoulders and asked.

"I believe you."

Zhuo Yanyu still has wet tears on his face and looks at Li haodao.

"Let's go!"

Li Hao went over and held her hand and said, "let's go to yundian and save uncle Zhuo!" ###### the first shift and the second one will be late

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