"Attention, this is Dr. Li Hao. I don't need to introduce him. Everyone must know him, too?"

Among the anti drug brigade in Chuncheng, Li Hao followed the captain in. The captain Liu Hongtao clapped his hands and followed the busy anti drug police.

"Dr. Li Hao! I know, I know too much!"

"Yes! I also watched the live broadcast. It's God!"

"Thank you for curing our hero, thank you!"

These anti drug policemen welcomed Li Hao's arrival, because Zhuo Yishan was the commander-in-chief who led them to encircle and suppress gongpa drug trafficking gangs. Li Hao saved his life, which was equivalent to slapping the drug traffickers in the face and giving them a shot in the arm when they were hit by terrorist attacks.

The police itself is a high-risk profession, and among them, the anti drug police is even more dangerous than the criminal police and the armed police!

Because these drug traffickers are crazy and do not have the consciousness of pinning their heads on their belts. They can never become drug lords. The most hateful thing is that they have very good weapons and equipment. It can be said that every time they carry out large-scale encirclement and suppression of drug traffickers, it is no different from keeping up with the battlefield.

Because of this, the feelings between these anti drug policemen are also particularly deep. Although Zhuo Yishan is a new leader transferred from Mingzhu to unified command, they have a lot of respect for Zhuo Yishan in their hearts. Li Hao saved Zhuo Yishan's life, and all anti drug policemen are grateful to him from the bottom of their hearts.

"Stop flattering and get down to business."

Liu Hongtao smiled and pressed his hand. He pressed down the people's words, and then said, "this time, I didn't bring Li Hao to be a monkey for you. He is now the special leader of our special action team. Zhuo Bureau has personally ordered to destroy gongpa and his gang with us!"

"Invited team leader?"

Hearing Liu Hongtao's words, a trace of doubt appeared in the eyes of these people.

Li Hao is young. They have seen his medical skills with their own eyes. He is outrageously high, but what is the situation with the suddenly sealed special leader?

Li Haocai is so young and looks like a weak doctor. How can he be their team leader?

They have to go up the mountain and down the river to fight with the drug dealers!!

"Li Hao, don't joke. You can't do our desperate work. You're a doctor. Saving people is your ability. Killing is not for you."

One of them, an old man of the anti drug team in his thirties and almost 40, smiled and said, "if you get hurt or lose your life in our group, it's hard for us to find another you to save you!"


The members of the anti drug team pretended to be relaxed and smiled and said, "Li Hao, you young man, don't get involved in our business. This is not a movie. It will really kill people!"

The smile on Li Hao's face slowly disappeared. Looking at the police officers who were good for him, he said in a cold voice: "I appreciate your kindness, but I have an inviolable reason to eradicate gongpa, so you can not take me as the team leader and continue to follow brother Liu's command, but if you advise me to go back, don't say it again in the future."

With that, his eyes flashed with evil spirit and said faintly: "doctors can not only save people, sometimes they are also very professional to kill people!"

As soon as he said this, everyone around felt inexplicably cold. The spring city is like spring all year round. They really haven't encountered such a feeling.

This is the embodiment of the powerful spiritual realm. When a real person is angry, the empty room is cold, and when a saint is angry, the wind and cloud turn pale!

With that, Li Hao didn't talk nonsense. He turned and said, "brother Liu, please take me to the place where the female drug dealer is detained. I'll try her."

"Well, good."

Liu Hongtao nodded, woke up from his amazement, turned around and took Li Hao to the side.

Today, a female drug dealer and a little bandit were caught in Li Hao's room. The little bandit has been sent to the juvenile detention center in Chuncheng because he is too young. He is ready to help him get rid of his drug addiction first, and then help him through some psychotherapy, so that he can be guided back to the right path slowly.

Because the children are still very young after all, and their world outlook, values and views of right and wrong are not completely set. Gong PA controls them not only by magic words, but also by hallucinogenic drugs, so that these children think he is a God, and they are all his soldiers from birth, so they can kill.

At the beginning of human life, people are good natured. Even if they are small bandits, the children are innocent after all. The Chinese government generally does not sentence such misguided children, but leads them back to the right path through guidance.

Drug traffickers are inhumane, but Li Hao has a sacred heart, so he won't start with children. His goal is the woman he took the lead in subduing as soon as he entered the door.


The iron door of the interrogation room was opened by Liu Hongtao from the outside. Liu Hongtao nuzui said, "the mouth is very hard. We have used all the means within the scope allowed by the regulations, but there is always no move."

"Let me try."

Li Hao nodded and looked at the woman who was handcuffed in the chair with her head down and walked in.

He reached out his hand and brushed her acupoint. The sleeping woman woke up as if she had a good dream. She yawned and said, "who? I'm so bored! I don't know anything. What else do you have?"


Li Hao was not polite at all. When he came up, he raised his hand and slapped her in the face, directly pulling her head to the other side!

"This is a little strong!"

The corners of the woman's mouth were directly drawn out of blood, but she didn't seem to care at all. With a nervous smile on her face, she smiled and said, "come again! I know that China's state-owned regulations prohibit lynching in interrogation. If my injury is enough, you'll be unlucky!"

"It is said that people who know the law best are often not law enforcers such as lawyers, judges and police, but those who break the law all day."

Li Hao looked at her coldly and said with a smile, "it seems that this sentence really makes sense."

With that, he opened his white robe, revealed a bag of silver needles tied to his waist, smiled and said, "but I'm sorry, I'm not a policeman, I'm a doctor, a traditional Chinese medicine!"

With that, he took a seven inch silver needle from his waist, stretched it out in front of the woman and said, "in ancient China, there was a kind of torture that could be compared with the capital punishment such as lingchi, Paojiao, dismemberment of five horses and bamboo basin. It was called needle punishment. Have you heard of it?"

"It's normal that you haven't heard of it."

Li Hao pasted the silver needle in his hand on the woman and said, "because among all the capital punishment, the needle punishment needs the most technology, and it is often performed by the most skilled acupuncture experts. The most wonderful thing is that the people who have suffered the needle punishment are obviously in great pain, but if they want to examine the injury, they can't find any trace of trauma."

After saying that, it seemed that he was afraid that the woman would not believe it. Li Hao suddenly gave a meal with the silver needle slowly moving on the woman's skin, and then stabbed it directly without disinfection.


The woman who had been beaten even by electricity had been biting her teeth. Unexpectedly, after Li Hao's needle went down, she suddenly tightened her whole body, and then opened her mouth and gave a scream#### Merry Christmas, everyone. If you want to accompany your wife today, there may be only one watch. If you come back early, go to write the second watch. You also spend some time with your lover. Merry Christmas!!

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