Zhuo Erliang was so angry!!

Even the self-restraint he has honed for so many years in the government system is a little breathless now!

What the hell?

Are you kidding?

Obviously, I'm attacking you. I found out your handle. I'm picking on you, okay?!

How come now he has to admit his mistake?!

Seeing that he didn't speak, Li Hao said tit for tat again: "apologize, now!!"

"Li Hao, Li Hao, why are you so excited?"

Zhuo Erliang didn't speak, but on one side of the secondary table, another middle-aged man from the Zhuo family stood up, looked like he came to make things right and said, "second brother, he just cares about Yan's niece as an uncle. It's understandable!"

"Care about Yanyan, so investigate my privacy?"

Li Hao glanced coldly at the man who stood up to speak, sneered and said, "then I also care about you. Can you investigate how many lovers you have kept outside and how many illegitimate children you have taken out of Zhuo's subsidiary every year?"

After that, he looked at the man's face choked by him and said solemnly, "don't doubt, don't even know your name, just describe your appearance. I can find out everything I just said!"

Although Ruyi building seems to be a place for the rich and senior officials to enjoy themselves, it actually has a very sophisticated and perfect intelligence system. Many dignitaries and dignitaries with high officials and high salaries have large and small handles controlled by Ruyi building.

It is rare that honest officials without stains like Shen Chengfeng and Zhuo Yishan had a very good personal relationship with Liu Yuying, so Ruyi building is very, very popular in the Pearl, and even has a great influence around the Pearl.

Suzhou is next to the Pearl. It's really easy for Li Hao to ask Liu Yuying to help check Zhuo Erliang and these Zhuo's collateral families.

"Li Hao, don't go too far!"

At the beginning, the collateral of the Zhuo family who attacked Li Hao as soon as he came in, pointed to Li Hao and shouted, "this is the Zhuo family. Where can I get you? An outsider boy is presumptuous in front of Lao Tai mountain!"

After that, he waved his hand with dignity and said, "don't be angry, sir. Although this boy is talented, he doesn't understand etiquette. Our Zhuo family invited him to a family banquet to give him face. Don't let this arrogant boy spoil your mood. Come on! Throw him out!"

At first sight, the two collateral people were Zhuo Erliang's people. After their master's attack, they didn't expect that Li Hao not only didn't panic and embarrass, but also took Zhuo Erliang's army in turn, so they couldn't sit still immediately. One sang red face, one sang white face, one advised and one scolded, and began to attack Li Hao.

And this guy is also very good at talking. The reason why he called people to drive Li Hao away was to borrow the reputation of Zhuo Laotai mountain. It is said that Li Hao broke his old man's mood and hindered his old man's eyes.

With this reason, even if he was a collateral person, he borrowed the general trend of the old man in this ancestral house, and he was confident.


Several people in black came in quickly from the door. They were all private bodyguards brought by Zhuo Yucai, a collateral of the Zhuo family. They were burly. Everyone looked not tall and strong from the figure alone. There were two strong Li Hao!

Watching them surround Li Hao, Zhuo Erliang's expression is still as heavy as water, but his heart has blossomed happily. It's certain that Li Hao was kicked out today.

Moreover, it can not only hurt Li Hao, but also make the Zhuo Yishan family lose face. Even if this is not enough to shake the status of Zhuo Yishan's owner, it can make them sad. Zhuo Erliang is also very happy.

On the second table of the younger generation, Zhuo Erliang's son Zhuo Linfeng also showed a sneer in his eyes.

Because Zhuo Yanyu is a daughter, he is the first man in the third generation of the Zhuo family. Instilled by his father, his goal has always been to become the next leader of the Zhuo family in the future, but today Zhuo Yanyu has sat at the main table. Although the old man has not clearly determined that she is the leader of the next family, this is a hint that can not be ignored.

At dinner, Zhuo Linfeng's eyes never left the main table. He was jealous and hated Li Hao.

Before Li Hao came, Zhuo Yanyu sat at the secondary table with them. How did he go out to pick up someone and directly rise to the main table and sit next to grandpa when he came back?

That treatment should have belonged to him!!

Looking at Li Hao surrounded by several people in black, Zhuo laotaishan seemed not to see the farce. He was still looking down and slowly eating the dishes in the bowl.

Zhuo Yishan frowned all the time, but he didn't say anything to stop him.

Yang Yun was like a hen in the game of an eagle catching a chicken. She got up and angrily said, "what do you want? Zhuo Yucai, how dare you let your bodyguard fight in your ancestral house?"

"Sister in law, I am wronged!"

Zhuo Yucai immediately put on an aggrieved face and said with an apology to Yang Yun: "I know you appreciate this boy. I was grateful to him before, but our Zhuo family is a famous family, followed by talent and morality. How can we be with him, such an unrestrained arrogant boy like him?"

Yang Yun was said by Zhuo Yucai.

She is just a woman who grew up in an ordinary family. After she met Zhuo Yishan, Zhuo Yishan loved her very much and didn't let her contact the struggles among those rich families. Although she was kind-hearted, her verbal means were not sharp enough. She wanted to help Li Hao, but she felt powerless when Zhuo Yucai said so in a few words.

"What do you want?"

Li Hao picked up his glass again, glanced calmly at the bodyguards around him, and then said to Zhuo Erliang, "I repeat, you punish yourself three cups and apologize. I'll treat it as if nothing had happened."

"Do it!"

Zhuo Yucai saw that Li Hao had not paid attention to them until now. He immediately sneered and shouted coldly.

The three bodyguards were ordered and immediately trampled towards Li Hao!


Li Hao raised his hand and threw the wine cup in his hand, and then the white robe rolled. In the eyes of others, he saw a white shadow surging, almost just a face-to-face. The three strong bodyguards were stiff in place like stone statues, and then "poop! Poop!" all fell to the ground!


Li Hao calmly stretched out his hand and steadily caught the wine glass just thrown into the air. He didn't even spill a drop of wine!

"Lao Taishan's shadow guards can't hold me. It's up to you?"

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