When Li Hao came out of the study, he found Zhuo Yanyu standing nervously at the door of the study.

The Zhuo family has strict rules. Even if she is the granddaughter most loved by the old man, she dare not break the rules. Therefore, although she is particularly worried about Li Hao, all she can do is wait outside the study and dare not enter rashly.

Because once you annoy master Zhuo, it will only make Li Hao's situation more dangerous.

As soon as he saw Li Hao coming out with a bitter smile on his face, Zhuo Yanyu immediately welcomed him up and asked with concern: "what did grandpa say, didn't it embarrass you?"

"No, the old man is a reasonable man. Don't worry."

Li Hao scratched his head with a bitter smile, then looked at Zhuo Yishan sitting next to him and said, "Uncle Zhuo, do you see the situation tonight? Day and night, domestic thieves are difficult to prevent. You should be mentally prepared."

"Wronged you."

Zhuo Yishan nodded. After that scene, he finally understood why the old man invited Li Hao to the family dinner today.

The purpose is to find out all those who have different intentions and covet the master of the Zhuo family through Li Hao's sword of judgment hanging high on the heads of the Zhuo family!

"I don't want to hurt each other, but if they really don't know what's good or bad, it's no wonder others."

Zhuo Yishan also flashed a cold light in his eyes and said, "I won't give them a chance to change, but I won't be plotted by them."

"Uncle Zhuo knows well. I'm not wronged."

Li Hao smiled and shook his head.

"You should also be careful. You have offended all the people of the second younger brother's faction today. They will inevitably not make some small moves against you behind your back."

Zhuo Yishan said.

"Uncle Zhuo, don't worry. There are many people who have to deal with me, but in the end, they are all unlucky."

Li Hao smiled and didn't care.

His main foundation now lies in the Pearl, while Zhuo Erliang has been operating in Suzhou for many years. His foundation is all in Suzhou, and he can only be good in Suzhou. He can't hide the sky. Li Hao won't be afraid even if he offends him in Suzhou, let alone in the Pearl.

If Zhuo Erliang wanted to reach out to the Pearl to move him, he would be insulting himself.

"Uncle Zhuo, not to mention those people, let me help you feel your pulse again and see how the fire poison in your body is."

Zhuo Yishan now looks no different from ordinary normal people. He is completely different from the person who was burned beyond recognition when Li Hao and his colleagues just went to yundian.

The fatal injury in his heart also recovered very well. The ultimate meaning of wooden acupuncture combined with Li Hao's Zhenyuan cultivation at that time is equivalent to changing Zhuo Yishan's heart. However, the fire poison in his body is not treated by Li Hao alone, but by Western doctors. Therefore, Li Hao will often take his pulse to track his condition.

Zhuo Yishan nodded, then sat obediently and stretched out his right hand.

Li Hao stretched out two fingers and put them on Zhuo Yishan's wrist, feeling the pulse in his body.

A few minutes later, Li Hao took back his hand, nodded and said, "Uncle Zhuo's body has recovered very well, and the treatment of Western medicine has completely restrained the fire poison in your body. In this way, you should continue to take the medicine first, and I'll see it for you after I come back from yundian in two days."

"Back from yundian?"

Zhuo Yishan and Zhuo Yanyu were slightly stunned. They looked at Li Hao in surprise and said, "Why are you going back?"

"I have a brother from a university there. Their village is the small mountain village occupied by gongpa. I want to go back and help them, compensate the villagers and lead them to a better life."

Li Hao naturally couldn't prepare to say what he wanted to plant with Xianzhong in the geomantic treasure land. He could only say, "I'm going to invest there and help them build roads, so that the children there can go to school conveniently. It's impossible not to accept education after all."

"I didn't expect you to have such a loving mind when you were young."

Zhuo Yishan sighed: "Hey, maybe it has something to do with your own poor life experience. The childe brothers of the rich in the big family, who are the same age as you, don't have such an idea at all."

"That's, how can those dandy boys compare with brother hao?"

Zhuo Yanyu took Li Hao's arm and said admiringly, "shall I go with you?"

"No, just stay with Uncle Zhuo and aunt Zhuo in Mingzhu. I'll be back soon."

Li Hao shook his head. This time he was going to do something extraordinary. He was not ready to let the little swallow know about immortals and demons.

"Li Hao is going to work. Don't make trouble with him."

Zhuo Yishan said, "well, I'll discuss with the old man and ask him to contact the local people. All you need, as long as it's reasonable, turn on the green light, and dial another 10 million to you to help the villagers there. It's also a little intention of our Zhuo family."

"I don't need the money. I'll just come."

Li Hao looked at Zhuo Yishan gratefully and said.

"My two conditions are tied together. If you want the old man to say hello to the local people and help you, you have to accept the 10 million appropriation, otherwise you will refuse them together."

Zhuo Yishan smiled. He expected that Li Hao would not want his money, but he had a way to make Li Hao refuse.


Li Hao had no choice but to nod and accept Zhuo Yishan's appropriation.

Heaven and earth conscience, he really can't push this ten million, but he's not greedy for money!

"Then I'll go back first."

Li Hao nodded to Zhuo Yishan and Yang Yun and got up to leave.

"Swallow, you send it."

Zhuo Yishan nodded and said.

"Let's go, brother Hao."

Zhuo Yanyu nodded, then happily took Li Hao's arm and went away.

Before he first came in, he felt that the atmosphere of the banquet was wrong. Zhuo Yanyu was also worried that Li Hao would be affected by the internal struggle of the family.

But I didn't expect Zhuo Erliang to be beaten by Li Hao at the home of the Zhuo family, losing all their face and lining.

"Hey, although I don't understand the struggles and games between your men, I can see that Li Hao is really capable."

Yang Yun looked at Li Hao's back and said, "if only he could treat our Yan'er wholeheartedly, even if he was born poor, I would marry Yan'er to him, but..."

"Forget it, let them develop."

Zhuo Yishan naturally knew what Yang Yun was talking about. He waved his hand, and then thought, "this boy... He's not only very capable. At least when I was young, none of us could compare with him now!"

"This boy... No one knows how much wind and waves he can make in the future!" ##### please!! Order!! Read!!!

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