"Shall we leave for yundian now, or shall we wait for the flight early tomorrow morning?"

Ling'er looked at Li Hao and asked with a smile.

"I'd better go all night. I don't know how much noise there will be when Xi soil and guardian trees are planted into the earth. It's better to go at night."

Li Hao took a look at the current night and said, "we'll let Qianye send us there. It can travel thousands of miles at night with its emptiness to resist the wind!"

"All right."

Ling'er nodded and said, "when I get there, I'll stay in yundian to help you look after the growth of the guardian trees and the growth and planting of fairy fruits."

"If you stay there, will you be wronged?"

Li Hao looked at ling'er and asked.

"Don't be aggrieved. After the soil is mixed and the tree species are protected, that place will certainly become a spiritual place with more abundant aura than the ancient blessed land, cave and sky. I'll stay there and have a greater chance of breaking through to human beings."

Linger said with a smile: "do you think everyone is like you? It's a natural saint. It's so easy to improve the realm. Ordinary people can feel what others can't see when eating and drinking water."

"Thank you."

Li Hao was moved. He knew that what ling'er said was part of the reason, but in fact, she was still worried about her God seed, and hoped to help herself more.

"You're welcome!"

Ling'er smiled and said: "Brother Hao, I'll do something for you. You have to pay me a salary and dividends! Once these fairy fruits are planted successfully, they will quickly occupy the market. Although the effect will not be as bad as the fairy fruits planted in the fairy world, the growth cycle will be much shorter. At that time, it's definitely a treasure that people can break their scalp to rob. I also point out that they can make a fortune behind you!"

"Hahaha, absolutely!"

Li Hao nodded and said with a smile: "I have a college roommate over there. He is a local. When our fairy orchard planting base is established, you two will cooperate. He will choose and hire local people to help with planting. You can guide them from the side. The villagers are very simple, and they have been from the mountains for generations. They are particularly familiar with the local situation and have rich planting experience, which can be used."

"Qianye, let's go back to fat man's village."

Li Hao reached out and stroked the feather on his shoulder, smiling.


Qianye proudly raised his head and said angrily, "I'm sleepy. I'm so tired to fly so far. If I don't go, I won't go!"

"Oh, help!"

Li Hao knew that the little grandpa of Qianye's goods raised his temper again, smiled and scratched the itchy meat under its neck feathers, and coaxed him with good words: "Qianye, you're the best. When you come back, please have a barbecue and drink beer!"


Qianye's small eyes turned for a moment. Obviously, there was some hesitation. He looked at the divine seed in linger's palm, blinked and said, "can't you really eat that delicious seed?"

Li Hao smiled bitterly and shook his head. This guy is really a greedy snack. What he is thinking about is eating.

However, there is only one seed of the guardian tree. Even if there is surplus, Qianye can't eat it at all, because it has been instilled by the sacred heart of Shennong emperor's medicine saint. There is no way for Qianye, a non human spirit beast, to benefit from it.


Seeing that Li Hao and ling'er both smiled and shook their heads, Qianye remembered the holy light that had just bounced it off, and finally reluctantly gave up, because it could obviously feel that if it wanted to plot this seed again, it would probably be hurt by the light in it next time!

Although this kind of God only has a trace of the breath of Shennong emperor, Shennong emperor is an ancient saint after all!!

Holy Spirit, do not blaspheme!

Even if it's just a breath of sage, it's enough to shock the whole world!

"Let's go."

Li Hao took ling'er's hand, and then read again. His body had taken them out of the basement.

"Congratulations, master!"

Six Ding and six Jia all appeared and bowed to Li Hao.

In this short half month, because of the glory of saints and the nourishment of divine seeds and soil, they have grown from their original appearance of children to graceful teenagers and young girls.

When they were given to Li Hao by the queen mother at the beginning, because they were not completely mature at all, they turned out to be just baby babies, and there were no magic powers. Now, after getting a lot of nourishment, they are finally mature, grow into teenagers, and their strength has greatly increased. Together, even Li Hao must be careful now.


Qianye became bigger and steadily carried Li Hao and ling'er on their backs. As soon as their wings vibrated, they turned into a purple electricity in the night sky, rose to the sky at a speed difficult to distinguish by the naked eye, and flew rapidly towards yundian!

Qianye's speed is much faster than that of an ordinary plane. If you fly directly from the Pearl to Xishuang, it normally takes about two and a half hours by plane, but under the rapid flight of Qianye, Li Hao and ling'er spent only an hour once again over the small mountain village of Lin Wei's home!

Moreover, in the process of flying, Qianye also formed a protective cover around himself with its spiritual power. Li Hao and linger won't be blown by the wind at all.

"Right here?"

Li Hao and Qianye chose the mountain forest where the small mountain village is located. Ling'er looked at it in the night, took a deep breath and said with emotion: "there are not many green places like this now!"

"What do you think of here?"

Li Hao said: "because the climate here is suitable, many drug traffickers will plant opium poppy and other drug plants here and use the fertile soil given by nature for crime. This time, I will use it to plant fairy fruits for the benefit of the people!"

"Brother Hao'er, your mind of helping the world and saving the people is really admirable!"

Ling'er nodded with a smile and said, "I think it's also very suitable here. It's better to be here!"


Li Hao and ling'er looked at each other, then he took out the Xi soil from his body, bent over and slowly put it on the land in the mountains.


The originally reserved soil of Lingguang suddenly burst into a startling light when it came into contact with the earth. The mountain shook violently, making Li Hao and linger unstable!

The original soil is the essence of the human world, which is condensed by the goddess of the ancient sage, shaking heaven and earth.

"Come on! Guard the tree!"

Li Hao roared loudly. He could feel that Xi soil had been slowly and completely integrated into the earth. Once it was fully integrated, it would return to the essence of the earth of the adult world again and spread to the whole earth, which could not be condensed in a certain place.

"Guardian tree!!"

Linger timely threw the seeds of the guardian tree into the soil.


A magnificent radiance of the holy way also rose into the sky in an instant and plunged into the sky. Almost in an instant, the vibration of the mountain was stabilized!


Guarding the tree is like playing a stimulant. It germinates and branches quickly with the naked eye. In just a few minutes, it grows from a seed to a towering tree!!


Li Hao and ling'er looked at each other and said in unison!

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