On the fifth floor of Ruyi building, Li Hao stood in front of Liu Yuying's door, and a thrilling breath flashed past him.

"Master Li Hao."

The armed blade held a gun in front of Liu Yuying's door, looked at Li Hao coldly and said.

"Is my sister in there? I'm going in."

Li Hao said, and then stepped forward.

What happened to Ruyi building and why there was such a change that made Li Hao and Qianye feel very uneasy, which can only be known after seeing Liu Yuying.

After all, it wasn't like this before. Li Hao wanted to find out whether there was something they didn't know about Liu Yuying after he came back from Shennongjia.

"Miss is inside."

The blade face sank like water and nodded, but he stepped forward to block Li Hao's face and said, "but you can't go in."

"I can't go in?"

Li Hao pointed to his nose in surprise and asked incredulously, "my sister said that I can go in and out of her room on the fifth floor of Ruyi building at any time? You stopped me?"

Liu Yuying's boudoir is much larger than the presidential suite in an ordinary hotel. There are a hall, a bedroom, a small kitchen and a bathroom.

So even if Liu Yuying is going to the bathroom or taking a bath, he will be in the bathroom. Li Hao will not offend anything if he goes in the living room. Therefore, Liu Yuying once told the people below that Li Hao can go in and out of her room at will.

But this time, the blade was not only weird to guard close at the door, but also stopped Li Hao, which immediately made Li Hao's surprise more intense.

"Yes, you can't go in."

Facing Li Hao's question, the blade didn't hesitate at all and said, "and this is what the Miss specially ordered. You can't go in!"

"What the hell happened?"

Li Hao's face sank completely and stared at the blade. An invisible power came out of his body and pressed hard against the blade, making him feel that it was difficult to breathe!

This is the oppression of superiors on ordinary people, just like a person who has been a senior official for many years. When ordinary people face him, even if he is not angry, he will give people an invisible pressure, which is the so-called official prestige.

Li Hao's authority comes from his natural saint's qualification and identity, which is better than official authority. Therefore, even retired special forces like blade who are not afraid of death are difficult to support under Li Hao's pressure.

"If you are not allowed to enter, you are not allowed to enter. What are you doing with so much nonsense?!"

The blade suddenly burst and roared. He lifted the submachine gun slung on his shoulder, pointed the dark muzzle at Li Hao's chest, and said with his eyes: "if you are wordy and entangled again, don't blame my bullet for not having eyes!!"


Li Hao's anger soared. However, when he reached the peak, he suddenly felt that the anger Zhenyuan and Lei qizhenyuan in his body moved at the same time, which dissipated most of his peak anger.

"What's going on?"

Li Hao, who calmed down, suddenly found something strange in his heart.

"Why do I seem so angry today?"

Li Hao was suspicious, and then looked at the faint red blade in his eyes. This guy didn't have his usual cold appearance at all. He was as fierce as a hungry wolf who wanted to eat.

"Here, emotions seem particularly easy to be amplified and out of control."

Li HaoLing's platform rang softly. He recalled that after planting guard trees in the back mountain of yundian village last night, the wonderful sound similar to the sage's sermon caused by the rustling sound at the top of the trees made his thoughts completely free from that out of control emotion.

"No, it's not that emotions are easy to be amplified and out of control. What is intensified is only negative emotions, not positive energy emotions."

Having figured this out, Li Hao only felt a chill on his back.

Negative emotions, such as anxiety, excessive anger, greed, lust, hatred, jealousy, and so on, are now collectively referred to as negative energy, while in the memory essence of the drug holy God Nong, Li Hao understands that these negative energies have another name -- heart devil!

Heart devil, this is basically what all monks produce, because the greater one's power, sometimes he realizes not only responsibility, but also endless desire and temptation.

For example, when an ordinary person doesn't have anything, he may not be much. He just lives an ordinary life.

But if one day he has the power to surpass the world, he may become a superhero in the film, save the world, or become a super villain and harm creatures. These are not necessarily true.

Now, in Ruyi building, in front of Liu Yuying's door, there seems to be an invisible power to bewitch, which can induce people's heart demons!

As a natural saint, Li Hao is basically flat in practice. It is not a problem for him to understand the bottleneck that others are difficult to break through. Because his mind is close to the saint, he will not have any demons unless he is greatly stimulated.

But here, he almost hit the road.

Even the purple jade eyes of Qianye were covered with a light color of blood, staring at the blade in front of him, as if ready to kill him at any time.

"Blade, wake up!"

Li Hao looked at the ferocious face in front of him. It seemed that the blade was about to run away. Suddenly, his tongue burst into spring thunder and shouted loudly.


Li Hao's roar was like thunder, which was forced into a line by him under the control of Lei Qizhen yuan. Instead of spreading around, it was all poured into the blade's ears, which directly blew his head into a roar, screamed, and there was a short dull in his eyes.

"Master Li Hao, i..."

Shaking his head, the blade recovered from the dull finally got rid of the erosion of the heart devil for the time being. He looked at Li Hao, looked at his gun in his hand, and quickly took back the muzzle of the gun, with confusion and self reproach on his face.

Li haogang just stunned him with a sonic boom, which is similar to the forced shutdown and restart after the computer crashed. He also "restarted" the blade's brain, allowing him to regain his reason.

"Stop talking nonsense. Is my sister really in there?"

Li Hao looked at the blade and asked, "what happened?"

"Master Li Hao, in the more than a month since you didn't come, the young lady's mood has been very strange. Sometimes she feels like she has changed herself. Sometimes she can feel her very tangled pain. Five days ago, she locked herself inside the door, but ordered me to guard outside the door."

The blade said, "I also specially told me that if you come back to find her, you must leave quickly and don't see her. I don't know what happened to her."


Before the blade finished, Li Hao felt bad. The whole person rushed out like the wind, crossed the blade at once, and kicked the tightly locked anti-theft door out with a sudden foot#### Because it involves an important plot and turning point of the book, it is very, very slow to write. I'm really sorry. This is more important today.

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