Don't slow down when turning!!

This is a miracle that violates the principles of physics!!

Even those formula one racers who drive such a flat professional racing car can only keep the speed as much as possible when turning, and it is impossible not to slow down at all!

The silver wolf Li Hao is driving now is also a sports car, but the body is still much higher than that of the international formula racing car. In this way, the side slip force will be much greater when turning. Theoretically, it is impossible not to slow down!!

But the fact happened in front of everyone. The roar from the silver wolf exhaust pipe was like mercilessly laughing at the people who looked down on Li Hao.

"Are we dazzled? In fact, he should also slow down, but not much, so we thought he didn't slow down."

Zhuo Linfeng swallowed his saliva and looked at the white sports car below like a ghost, muttering in an uncertain tone.

"No, he doesn't seem to slow down."

Standing next to Zhuo Linfeng, a man who had just laughed happily now widened his eyes, trembled his hands, pointed to Li Hao's car below, stammered and said, "he, he seems to be accelerating!!!"


"My God!"

"It seems true! The little marquis is getting farther and farther away from him!!"

"Li Hao is so fast!"

There were many exclamations in the stands. Even those Hong Gang people could not speak directly to praise Li Hao, but the unbelievability in their eyes also betrayed their real thoughts at the moment.

"Was he pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, deliberately giving the little Marquis a circle?!"

One man covered his mouth and made an extremely bold guess.

As soon as he said this, he immediately chattered again.

"Oh, my God!"

"No, really?"

"Isn't that crazy?"

"If so, this guy's acting skills are also very good. When driving to the starting line, the car was shaking. We all thought he couldn't drive!"

Overtaking at the corner, although the little Marquis was reluctant, he still significantly reduced the speed. In this way, Li Hao was farther and farther away from him.

"Damn thing!!"

The young Marquis angrily pounded the steering wheel, bit his teeth and said, "dare to pretend to be a weak chicken, damn guy, I can't lose!!"

With that, he stepped on the accelerator, but immediately he obviously felt that his car was floating, which scared him to release the accelerator and control the speed. However, in this way, he was more and more frightened that Li Hao could cross the corner without slowing down.

If Li Hao knew that people in the outside world thought he was playing the role of a pig and eating a tiger and waiting for Hong Qinghou in the pit, he would certainly shout injustice in his heart.

oh my god!

He's really driving for the first time today, okay!

As for being able to change from unfamiliar to proficient so quickly, it is only because of the powerful ability of Dongwei territory.

To human beings, after all, is a phoenix and dragon among all people. Going up is the realm related to the "holy" position. If you can't even drive well, what's the name of to human beings?

As for turning without slowing down, it's very simple. If you don't slow down when turning, you will indeed be overturned by a very powerful side sliding force, but Li Hao is not an ordinary person, but a real person who has cultivated Zhenyuan internal breathing.

With the help of Dongwei realm, Li Hao can easily divide a part of his Zhenyuan force when turning a corner, jack it up out of thin air on the other side of the side slip, and offset the force generated by the side slip with the reaction force, so his car will not have a side slip naturally.

Li Hao continued to accelerate, and the silver wolf's engine and exhaust pipe gave out bursts of low chirps. Soon, under the incredible gaze of everyone, he kept getting farther and closer to the little Marquis!

This time, Li Hao caught up from behind and kept approaching the purple electricity of the little Marquis!

The situation has been completely reversed!

"The first lap is over!"

"Little Marquis one and a half, Li Hao two points!"

"The second lap is over!"

"Little Marquis, one minute and ten seconds, Li Hao, one minute and ten seconds!"

"The third lap is over!"

"Little Marquis, one minute and five seconds, Li Hao, fifty seconds!"

"The fourth lap is over!"

"Little Marquis, one minute, Li Hao, forty-five seconds!"

"Catch up! Li Hao has completely caught up with the distance behind in the first lap in three laps!!"

"How fierce!!"

"Is Li Hao too powerful?"

"Little marquis is going to work hard!"

All the spectators in the stands stood up at the moment. No one could sit still. They were all watching who would win the first game of this gamble.

In this round robin race, a three kilometer runway is compared with five laps to see who crosses the finish line first. In fact, in the final analysis, it is better than whose cornering technology. Li Hao benefits from the advantage that he can use Zhenyuan to offset the side slip force when cornering. Therefore, it can be said that even if the God of vehicles Schumacher comes and turns, he can't be as fast as Li Hao, so how can Xiao Hou Yanhong win Li Hao?

"The last lap, the last lap of the little Marquis has always been his fastest lap!"

The people of Hong Gang waved their hands and began to shout for Xiao Hou Ye desperately. Although Li Hao's performance from the second lap was really amazing, they still looked forward to Xiao Hou Ye's final victory!

The little marquis is invincible!

This has become the belief of the new generation of Hong Gang Members!

"Half a lap! Li Hao is slightly ahead!"

Alice, who pinched her watch, was so excited that her voice changed a little.

She knows very well that if Li Hao can win in the end today, it will be a new record for the Pearl car industry and even the Chinese car industry!

Is this last lap the continuation of the king or the renewal of the legend?

After half a lap, there is another bend!


The little Marquis turned his head and looked at the car on the other side that was about the same distance from Li Hao. His eyes were almost ready to spit fire!

Although they are almost neck and neck now, he can clearly feel that Li Hao is overtaking him bit by bit in this corner!

The last corner is about the outcome. Whoever can take the lead will win!!


Little Hou Ye watched Li Hao surpass himself bit by bit. As soon as he gritted his teeth, his eyes showed a little red, and he put down the accelerator regardless!


But he was not Li Hao after all. There was no way to solve the side slip force caused by extreme speed when turning the corner. In a harsh friction sound between the tire and the ground, his car completely lost control, deviated from the original runway and hit the tire protection wall nearby!!

While Xiao Hou's car got out of control and crashed out of the track, Li Hao drove the silver wolf across the finish line like the wind!!

Refresh the shortest time record of five laps!

Broke the unbeaten record after the little Marquis became famous!

All the people who looked down on Li Hao and cheered for the little Marquis were like being pinched by an invisible big hand and couldn't make a sound!

Zhuo Yanyu was left alone in the stands and cheered happily!

The new king of speed, crowned tonight!!

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