Li Hao doesn't know what happened to Mingzhu.

However, when he left, he had guessed that the Hong Gang would retaliate. Therefore, before he left, he specially explained the six Ding and six Jia in Haotian industry. He must increase the vigilance to the highest level. Once the malicious stranger entered, without saying a word, he directly fainted and threw it out.

Li Haoshi didn't want to happen again. When they went to Shennongjia last time, a Jian was injured by Hua Lingtong's men and went to the hospital. Especially this time, he asked Chen Xi to take charge of Haotian industry for him. He wanted to ensure that safety measures were safe. Since Liu Yuying's accident, he had vowed in his heart, Never let the women around you get any harm!

After nurturing and cultivating by the Six Harmonies lock spirit array, Liuding and Liujia have grown from the weakest form of children to the form of seven or eight year olds. They are stronger. Although they are still vulnerable in front of the original heart demons, there is absolutely no problem for ordinary people to cooperate with the location of the Six Harmonies lock spirit array.

Li Hao is next to Li Jiaqi. Although he also flies through the air in a thousand nights, it's really the first time for a big girl to get married.

The journey was far away. Li Jiaqi flew with Li Hao's sword. When he was tired, he stopped to rest. After flying for two days, Li Jiaqi finally slowed down. Looking at the continuous mountains ahead, he said faintly, "it's just ahead."

"Is this the door?"

Li Hao looked slightly moved, and there was a little longing in his tone.

This was supposed to be the place where he grew up and lived, but for some reasons, he had to be abandoned outside when he was very young and didn't remember anything. He didn't have a chance to come back until now.

"Here is the gateway to the door."

Li Jiaqi gave a slight scold, raised his hand and spilled a jade talisman. Under the urging of his thunder attribute Zhenyuan breath, the jade talisman exploded in mid air and turned into a little crystal light. Finally, it splashed a little ripples in the space in front of him like rain falling into a lake.

Then, the ripples in the space became larger and larger, and finally spread completely, forming a high gate like a memorial archway, which appeared in front of Li Hao and Li Jiaqi.

"Let's go."

Li Jiaqi seemed to be used to this. He leaned on his toes, jumped down from the flying sword under his feet, and jumped into the broken hole in the space.

"Just do it?"

Li Hao's eyes widened, but Li Jiaqi didn't answer him. He had no choice but to bite his teeth and jump in with his eyes closed.

It's not that he has such an adventurous spirit, but after Li Jiaqi went in, the thunder sword under his feet began to stir restlessly, as if urging Li Hao. Li Hao felt that if he didn't jump again, he might be overturned by the sword from the sky!

The wind is whistling in his ears. Li Hao has not experienced this feeling of free fall for the first time, but he really wants to say that this strong sense of weightlessness makes him uncomfortable after each experience. He doesn't want to try again!


With a soft sound, Li Hao felt that the soles of his feet fell slightly, like stepping on cotton candy, and soon bounced up again.

"Want to throw up?"

Li Jiaqi looked at Li Hao, who looked ugly next to him, and said faintly, "use wood Qi Zhenyuan or water Qi Zhenyuan to run around in the body, and it will be good soon."

Li Hao nodded and listened to Li Jiaqi's words. The wood Qi Zhenyuan cultivated by the five Qi Tianxin formula has been running in the muscles and veins of his body for a whole week. The feeling of dizziness and nausea has indeed been reduced a lot.

Stabilize his body, Li Hao looked at the world around him curiously, but when he looked down, he couldn't help shaking his legs and almost didn't stand firm!

Just now Li Hao felt that the soles of his feet were soft, like stepping on marshmallows, but now he looked.

holy crap

Where is the marshmallow under his feet? It's clearly the white clouds in the air!!

After taking a deep breath, Li Hao closed his eyes, which forced him to stabilize his mind that he almost lost because of shock.

He did fly at high altitude on Qianye's back before, and he did fly with Li Jiaqi's sword for two days, but riding a bird is one thing, and the sword is another. It's another thing to stand alone on the white clouds like nothingness!

"You're just upset. Don't feel ashamed."

Standing aside, Li Jiaqi said faintly, "many people peed in their pants when they went up the ladder for the first time."

"Let's go."

With that, Li Jiaqi stepped forward again and walked forward.


Li Hao nodded and followed Li Jiaqi.

It's true that the cloud ladder is formed by the powerful spiritual power of the cloud through Taoism. Without certain skills, it will be very difficult to walk on it. However, with the cultivation of Li Jiaqi and his life in the Taoism for so many years, it's no problem to walk.

When Li Hao began to walk, he was like a toddler who had just learned to walk. He stumbled and almost couldn't walk steadily several times. He had to stop to stabilize his body.

Because every step of the ladder is ethereal cloud after all. Although it is condensed into steps by array and spiritual power for monks to walk and climb, it will still be erratic.

In other words, if you want to climb up the ladder, you must see the law of the change of cloud drifting on the upper step. Otherwise, you will fall back from the to the next layer, or even seriously fall from the ladder.

If you really fall down the ladder, you will not only hurt yourself, but also lose a monk's face, but also wipe out the door behind him.

However, Li Hao is now a real person, and he is still an expert who cultivated the five elements of the five Qi Tianxin formula into three Qi. Although he first came into contact with the ladder, he soon adapted to it after experiencing the initial panic, and walked faster and more steadily.

Li Jiaqi walked about 50 steps in front of Li Hao. Although he didn't look back, he could clearly perceive Li Hao's walking on the ladder with the feeling of the cave.

At first, Li Hao was trembling and struggling.

Slowly, Li Hao can walk steadily on each step, but he needs to look left and right and ponder for a long time when climbing up.

Later, Li Hao became more and more proficient. Like many monks in Taoist doors, he walked like a fly. As long as he observed a little, he could take the next step on the ladder.

And in the end, near the end of the top of the ladder.

Li Jiaqi could not help but look back in horror, because Li Hao had caught up with him, and the distance from him was rapidly shortened, and he soon reached within ten steps!

At this time, I saw Li Hao standing with his hands on the ladder, walking around at his feet, and even have leisure to see the scenery on both sides. Under his prediction, the clouds on each step were like welcoming their kings, and took the initiative to welcome Li Hao at his feet!!

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