"The voice of sage?!"

When the disciples of the Taoist investigation team heard this, everyone was surprised.

The voice of sages, at least people are the voice of the soul that sages in people's four environments can have the opportunity to make!

The four realms of man are the realm of mind and merit, which has nothing to do with the cultivation of Zhenyuan, but it is far more difficult than the cultivation of Zhenyuan.

That's why there are more than a dozen leaders in the Taoist school who don't want to go up and down with Li Jiaqi Zhenyuan Xiuwei, but he is the only one in the realm of human beings, which is enough to hold the whole audience and sit firmly in the Taoist school as a teenager in his twenties

Ling'er's eyes turned, and the anger on his face turned into a little schadenfreude sympathy. Looking at the disciples of the sect who supported Li Hao to be locked up, such as wanlingchao and qingxuanzong, if they pointed out, he said, "well, when Li Hao comes out of the weak water dark prison, you geniuses of the sect should be careful!"

As soon as he spoke, the representative disciples of Wanling nest, qingxuanzong, Senluo hall, Wuji gate and Fengqin Pavilion all turned ugly

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