Seeing the embarrassed appearance of the disciples of wanlingchao sect who had been making trouble for Li Hao before, the disciples of Xiaoyao sect took out several robes and handed them to them with a smile, and then bowed their hands to ling'er and Qianye again and said goodbye.

Even if they are on their way from yundian at full speed, it will take them at least two days to return to the Kunlun Mountains and enter the Taoist gate. After all, they don't have the cultivation of ten major sect leaders like Li Jiaqi, and they can't fly with their swords in the air.

Therefore, in order to return to the Taoist school as soon as possible and help Li Hao get rid of his guilt, the disciples of Xiaoyao sect didn't want to delay for a moment.

One is that he wants to clear away the unjust grievances suffered by Li Hao and xiaoyaozong as soon as possible. Another is that he is afraid that Li Hao will be poisoned too deeply after staying in the weak water and dark prison for a long time.

After all, even if the weak water dark prison is not really soaked in the weak water, it is too close to the weak water, so it will always be eroded by the Yin and poison of the weak water. Once you stay in it for a long time, you will inevitably be hurt. At least, your accomplishments will be damaged, at worst, your will may be eroded by the Yin and poison. It will be difficult to cultivate to a higher level in the future!

Li Hao is a kylin Gemini and a peerless genius whose talent startles the spirit mirror and makes the sound of Qingyue. If such a jade talent is killed so that he can't practice, it will be not only the loss of Xiaoyao sect, but also the loss of the whole human Taoist sect!

The disciples of wanlingchao and other sects, who had always been shady and strange, tried to slow down everywhere. After being severely taught by ling'er, they all withered like frost beaten eggplants. Honestly, there were no more moths. They honestly obeyed the command of the team and dared not find any reasons to drag the team back.

Here, just as the investigation team of daomen went back with good news, there was a high-level meeting in Xiaoyao Zongli.

"Patriarch, are you really sure that this Li Hao is your long lost brother?"

A white bearded old man looked at the first Li Jiaqi and got up and arched his hands.

"Just look at your face, do you have a clear idea?"

Li Jiaqi sat on the first seat, his face as heavy as water, and said faintly, "and I once joined hands with him to use the divine sword to lead thunder when I was fighting fierce beasts and eating snakes outside. I can't feel wrong about brothers and brothers."

"Since it's really the blood of the old patriarch, we Xiaoyao sect must try our best to rescue!"

Once again, Li Jiaqi affirmed that the elders of Xiaoyao sect looked at each other and saw a trace of firmness in each other's eyes.

"The weak water dark prison is very dangerous. It's a place where you can detain and punish Tong demon rebellion. How can you let the young master stay in it for so long?"

A grumpy attic old man angrily said: "I'm going to the dark prison to ask someone. What bullshit palm teaching voting is not a ghost trick made by Wanling nest Wanfeng, a wolf with ambition!!"

"Yes, our sect leader made great achievements in the last demon elimination war. With the means left by the old sect leader, he killed and retreated the top ten demon kings, which surprised all the demons. Only then did he sign the five-year peace contract. Damn, these guys began to fight for power and power in a few days!"

Another Xiaoyao sect old man angrily said.

"Suzerain, suzerain?"

After the cabinet elders were angry, they found that Li Jiaqi was in a daze. In his calm and deep eyes, there seemed to be a touch of sadness.


Li Jiaqi was slightly stunned and recovered from the old man's call.

Seeing him like this, a look of worry appeared on the faces of many carefree elders around him.

They all know that Li Jiaqi not only practiced the five Qi heaven heart formula to the point of complete five Qi, but also entered the realm of human beings.

It's incredible that such a realm can still be distracted!

"Patriarch, you are a little uneasy as soon as you come back this time. Has something big happened?"

Some carefree family elders who watched Li Jiaqi grow up looked at Li Jiaqi with concern and asked.

"No harm."

Li Jiaqi gently waved his hand, got up and said, "after so many days, the investigation team sent out should also have news back."

"Lord, what's the matter with him?"

Looking at Li Jiaqi's back after leaving, a group of cabinet elders frowned and whispered: "when the old patriarch emerged, the young patriarch had a similar performance, but it was not as serious as this time, but I've never heard that the most real people in the cave micro realm would be distracted!"

"I don't know. Obviously, something big must have happened to the patriarch."

Some cabinet elders shook their heads and said, "I feel... He seems to have lost his soul, or... His heart is dead."

"A book has come back!"

Just when a group of cabinet elders guessed what had happened to Li Jiaqi, Li Jiaqi suddenly turned back, holding a jade slip in his hand and said, "I'm going to go to the weak water dark prison and pick up my brother in person. You're ready to recognize your ancestors and return to your ancestors. I'm going to take my brother home!"

"In accordance with the tenet of the patriarchal law!!"

After hearing Li Jiaqi's words, the old people's faces showed a trace of joy. They quickly stood up from their chairs and arched their hands and said, "don't worry, Lord. Let's leave the ceremony to us. There will be no lack of etiquette."


Li Jiaqi nodded, and then the thunder sword behind him turned into a streamer. He seemed to be integrated with the sword light, went with the light and disappeared into the hall of Xiaoyao sect.

"Get down and get ready!"

All the cabinet elders are excited to rub their hands. They are all the xiaoyaozong elders who fought with the old leader of xiaoyaozong Li Yunfei. They are naturally very close to Li Yunfei's son's feelings for the Kirin twins. Li Hao was strangely lost in those years. In fact, they are also very sad. Now Li Hao can return to the door wall. They are naturally very happy.


The flash of light flashed. Li Jiaqi appeared at the door of the weak water dark prison. Instead of rushing in, he bowed politely at the door, and then Lang said, "Xiaoyao Zong Li Jiaqi, the matter about his brother's suspected crime has been investigated. I'm here to take someone out. Please go to the prison for convenience."

The leaders of the ten major schools all know that the warden in charge of weak water is a real dragon, and everyone respects him very much.


Ao Xing didn't show up. There was a slight embarrassment in the sound transmission. He said, "well, cough, Li Hao can't come out now. Go back. He fell into the weak water."


Rao was restrained by Li Jiaqi. After hearing Ao Xing's words, he was like a bolt from the blue, and the whole person was stunned!

Fell into the weak water?!

Isn't that inevitable?!


Li Jiaqi stood at the gate of the weak water dark prison, trembling violently, and his breath roared like thunder.

"Wanfeng old man!!"

Suddenly, his whole person turned into streamer again and disappeared at the door of the weak water dark prison. A roar directly rang through the three thousand caves of the Taoist door!

"Come out and die!!" ####### second, ask for support!!

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