Wang Tianfang drifted away, running and yelling at the sunset, calling Hongshan's name again and again, asking her to stop and wait for herself.

Ao Xing is right. This guy is really a wonderful love.

"Chunniliu is a small sect with only a few people. Wang Tianfang led them to exile. Later, he fell in love with Hongshan at first sight near qingxuanzong and stayed near qingxuanzong."

Li Jiaqi looked at the people who were gradually away and said, "with his personality of loving beauty and not loving rivers and mountains, chunniliu, even if the skills he learned are exquisite, I'm afraid he will always be a third rate sect."

"Which is more important, love or power?"

Li Hao looked at Li Jiaqi and suddenly asked, "the throne of the No. 1 sect of Xiaoyao sect, your position as the No. 1 sect, which is more important than sister Yuying?"

Li Hao's eyes were like a bottomless secluded pool. He looked straight at Li Jiaqi. The latter's eyes were as smooth as a sword and clearly reflected Li Hao's eyes.

The two brothers were silent. Their eyes were pure and clear, as clean as a newborn baby. The breeze blew the hem of their white robes and made a gentle hunting sound.

"Do you want to hear my answer or the answer you want me to answer?"

Li Jiaqi asked without expression.

"You can answer as you like. Why ask me?"

Li Hao asked.

Both of their brothers are strong in the realm of human beings. Even if they look at the world, the spiritual realm as high as the two of them will never exceed the number of one hand. As soon as they open their mouth, as long as they are involved in this kind of verse opportunity to inquire about their original heart, you come and go, unpredictable and profound.

"Which is more important or less is in my heart. I don't need to talk about it."

Li Jiaqi closed his eyes slightly, put his slender eyelashes under his eyes, then opened them again, turned and walked forward.

"Is it true that you don't have to answer in your heart, or dare not face your heart?"

Li Hao hurried up and asked reluctantly.

Li Jiaqi paused slightly and spread his hand with his back to Li Hao.

On the palm of his right hand, in the crisscross palmprint, he seemed to see the two words that his father called himself to the head of the bed and wrote in the palm of his hand with his fingers again and again.

Common people.

Life is important!

Li Jiaqi didn't speak. He took a deep breath. Finally, he was as determined as iron and took one step forward. The thunder sword behind him seemed to understand the master's mind. It turned into a blue streamer at his feet and rode him through the air!

"The second is to carry the floating light and illusory dreams. Rob the edge and entangle the general relationship. The world is safe with the double integrity method, which is not negative to ordinary people and Qing."

With the long sword breaking through the air, Li Jiaqi soared up and tore layers of clouds.

Shi Cheng, the clouds in the sky torn by Li Jiaqi's vertical and horizontal sword Qi fell, condensed into snow-white petals, and fell from the air!

A word contains a way, hype!

Listening to the poems sung by Li Jiaqi, Li Hao was silent.

How can the world live up to the double perfection law and live up to the common people?

This sentence is like asking, feeling, and more like a helpless sigh when it is in a dilemma, in a dilemma, and difficult to balance the advantages and disadvantages!

"You just tell me where you buried sister Yuying..."

Li Hao looked at Li Jiaqi who quickly disappeared into the sky and soon turned into a black spot. He sighed.

In fact, both of their brothers know that Li Hao always has a grudge against Li Jiaqi about Liu Yuying.

But at their level, everyone has a clear mind and points directly at their original heart, so Li Hao will not give in and Li Jiaqi will not retreat, so they can only avoid talking.

"Er... Shall we also fly after it?"

When Li Hao and Li Jiaqi had a conversation just now, Ao Xing nearby listened to them in the clouds and saw that they seemed to part unhappily. He blinked Mengmeng's big eyes and asked.

"No, let's take a walk. Just after I came to the cave, I haven't visited the local customs here!"

Li Hao shook his head. He didn't want to be in a hurry. Anyway, he promised Ao Xing to accompany him to Longxu Valley, so he still had a lot of time before that. He could visit the nine Zong doors one by one.

Li Hao walked leisurely through the Taoist gate with AO Xing and hurried to the Fengqin Pavilion.

"Ha ha, Li Hao, you know what? You won Hongshan and made qingxuanzong divided into two factions. The quarrel has been spread all over the Taoism!"

One day, Ao Xing was walking. He suddenly took out a jade slip from his arms and put his mind into it for a moment. Then he burst into laughter and said, "it's worthy of my Ao Xing's brother, cow force, oh no, it's Dragon force, it's too dragon force!!"

"What's the matter?"

Li Hao glanced at the jade slips in Ao Xing's hand and knew that it was the public jade slips of Taoism. Its function was similar to the website forum in the secular world. Even people of different sects and different identities could exchange their views here. The original intention of the invention was to facilitate the contact and exchange of monks of various sects and factions.

But later, it also evolved into the main channels for the spread and outbreak of some interesting news. For example, Li Hao's major events since entering the Taoist gate, entering the weak water and dark prison, Li Jiaqi killing tens of thousands of LingChao Mountain Gate with one sword, Li Hao's family recognition and return to the carefree sect, and challenging the nine major gates all spread rapidly among the public jade slips.

"Your great victory over Hongshan has been spread all over the 3000 blessing land of the whole Taoism. The strangest thing is that all the qingxuanzong disciples who went to watch the battle on that day have become your little fans. They begin to support you and Hongshan openly. Qingluo is estimated to be really angry!"

Ao Xing said with a grin: "and Wang Tianfang's wonderful man. It seems that he finally caught up with Hong Shan and sent a message to praise you. Ha ha, he really praised you to the sky!"

"This guy is really a wonderful man."

Li Hao couldn't help smiling at his speech.

Although Wang Tianfang only met him on one side, Li haozan was not silent about his two lengzi like character and his true nature of valuing emotion and righteousness.

"Li Hao, I'm going to the site of Fengqin Pavilion soon. Their chief disciple, childe Changqin, how are you doing?"

Ao Xing took back the jade slips, jumped up and patted Li Hao on the shoulder. The old God asked.

"Not much research."

Li Hao spread his hand and replied honestly.

"Are you too casual?"

Ao Xingbai glanced at him and said.

"If I can beat him, I can win even if I don't study. If I'm not his opponent, no matter how hard I study, the result won't be bad."

Li Hao shook his head freely and said, "just show your strength in the face of war. What's the meaning of studying your opponent?"


Then he looked at Ao Xing and said, "I think I can win!"

After that, as like as two peas, Li's strong confidence came from him, and he was just like the one who came back from the demon clan territory and pressed ten kings.

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