Childe Changqin's fingers are now crystal clear under the instillation of his Zhenyuan inner breath, and even the blood, flesh and veins under them can be seen clearly!

Then, everything is not over yet. Li Hao has just taken a few steps on the suspension bridge. His fingers have evolved from that transparent shape to a jade like appearance!!

Ten fingers linked to the heart, like gold and jade!

Lingxi's finger is the most brilliant skill in the skills of Fengqin Pavilion. In addition to the childe Changqin, only Liu Zhiyin, the leader of Fengqin Pavilion, has practiced it now.

"Since Zhanqu Bing soul can't deal with you, let's try to surpass human power!!"

Childe Chang Qin's handsome face showed a strange color, with two fingers rolling, and the music style on the piano suddenly changed!

Originally, when he was playing the war music, the killing Qi mastered by the white tiger stars rolled in, which made everyone watching the war feel as if they were on the battlefield.

At the moment, in the sound of his piano, the bystanders could feel a gloomy ghost. On the warm sunny day, many practitioners shivered and felt a chill for no reason.

"There were evil tigers in ancient times. After eating people, they manipulated their souls and let them be used as bait to continue to lure more people to devour evil tigers. It was for ghosts, and the idiom" doing evil for tigers "came from this."

Childe Chang Qin said angrily, "today, I'll call out those ghosts who died at the mouth of the tiger with the sound of the piano. Li Hao, please die!"

Childe, when he finished playing the piano, his hands suddenly began to play on the string like a devil dancing!

Soul of town!


Vaguely in the sound of the piano, a huge tiger roar sounded, which scared many bystanders around. They felt that their souls were going to be sucked away by the tiger roar, and then suppress slavery forever!!

"This smell..."

Ao Xing, who had been sitting around Li Jiaqi drinking, suddenly raised his head, and a sea of stars appeared in his clear eyes.

The Dragon competes with the tiger. The childe Changqin uses the soul song to summon the evil tiger spirit to enslave the ghost. Naturally, Ao Xing, as a real dragon, has an instinctive feeling.


Countless black gas poured out from the pavilion where the childe Changqin sat down. Driven by the sound of the piano, the black gas seemed to be alive. It floated continuously in front of Li Hao, and then slowly condensed into a dark tiger head!


The zither sound became more and more high. The childe Changqin's face was defeated, and his breath gradually faded. This was a sign that Zhenyuan's internal breathing was overdrawn rapidly.


With a low roar like a dream, the tiger head condensed in front of Li Hao seemed to come alive and slowly opened his eyes!!

A pair of blood red eyes!

Without any warmth, it is cold, ruthless and bloodthirsty!

Spirit of evil tiger!!

"It's said that the evil tiger who made a reckless disturbance and ate people in the human world was suppressed by an old Taoist priest and brought back."

Li Jiaqi gently stroked the handle of Lei Shenjian and murmured, "it seems that the elder who subdued the evil tiger must be the expert of Fengqin Pavilion, and the spirit of the evil tiger was suppressed in the Feng Shui cave where dragons and tigers occupy."

Thunder is the most masculine and just force. It is the most sensitive to the murderous evil thing like evil tiger. Just at the moment when the smell of evil tiger appears, Li Jiaqi's thunder sword has been sensed. He is also ready. If Li Hao is defeated, he will definitely make a strong shot. It is impossible to let the spirit of evil tiger mess around!

"Hey, the devil's mind is boiling, and the first tiger is also a tiger."

Li Hao looked at the tiger's head suspended in front of him. His eyes flashed slightly. He finally understood that he had always felt that there was a trace of something wrong with Liu Zhiyin and childe Changqin.

It's a little similar to the breath of the original heart devil. It's the evil spirit from the evil tiger that is imperceptibly affecting them.

"Lord Liu, I think you and your dead sister have the same family name. Today I'll help you kill the tiger and exorcise the devil!!"

Li Hao took a deep breath, and there was a faint golden flash in his eyes.


The evil tiger looked at the faint holy light in Li Hao's eyes. It seemed that he felt the threat, and the black fog became stronger and stronger!

The curling black fog kept rolling in the mouth of the evil tiger, and then a huge door was condensed between the tusks, which was more magnificent and magnificent than the Yumen pass condensed by Li Hao's river!


The door of Fengdu, the legendary ghost city, is hidden in the mouth of evil tiger!

"Give me my life!"

"Come here, too!"

"Come with us!!"

"Eternal destruction!!"

Countless fierce ghosts flew out from the door of Fengdu, fiercely stretched out their ghost claws and grabbed Li Hao!

Every fierce ghost's claw wind carries bursts of Yin wind, which can enchant and etch bones!

The power of the evil tiger and the ghost is far more than a hundred times stronger than the soldiers summoned by the war song!!

"Rites collapse and music are bad, the holy way is not prosperous, the saints do not speak, and demons run rampant."

Li Hao still walked forward slowly, the holy essence in his eyes became brighter and brighter, the breath of a vast truth sacred heart spread out, and a strong will of fire boiled up, as if they could burn all the sins of time!

Shennong's essence of truth and holy heart!

Shennong emperor is also known as Yan Emperor. The pure world flame burned by his truth holy heart is naturally the bane of all evil things!!


The evil tiger's soul gave a scream of panic, and the door of Fengdu could hardly be maintained!

But soon, a chill flashed in its blood red eyes, roared, and the tiger roared as if with some kind of command.

Then, I saw that the angry ghost immediately screamed bitterly, and then the spirits began to burn and sacrifice, feeding all the power of the soul back to the soul of the evil tiger, making its tiger head more staring and more terrible!

"What is rampant about the dead?"

Li Hao is still moving forward, and the glory of the sacred heart of truth is becoming stronger and stronger!

He has not yet completed his own holy way and condensed his own holy heart of truth, but after the baptism of weak water and great progress in strength, Li Hao found that he can call the holy power of Shennong emperor that he left in his body!

Of course, he can't actively use this power at will. He can only passively display it when he encounters the evil spirit of the evil tiger.

Every time Li Hao went further, the spirit of the evil tiger took a step backward. During this period, the evil tiger has been spitting out a resentful soul ball from his mouth, trying to kill Li Hao and become his most powerful ghost. However, under the protection of the holy power of Shennong emperor, all the skills of the evil tiger are useless.

Finally, at the end of the suspension bridge, when Li Hao was only a few steps away from the tiger mountain where the opposite childe Changqin was located, the holy power of Shennong emperor was finally fully activated. Li Hao's divine eyes were like a torch, slowly raised his hand and looked at the spirit of the evil tiger in front of him.


A holy light flashed, and the evil tiger's eyes also flashed a flash of rage of burning jade and stone. Suddenly he opened his mouth, but he didn't make a sound!!

Great sound is hard to hear!

This is the realm of silence over sound!!


Sitting in the pavilion, the childe Chang Qin, who was controlled by the evil tiger, looked up and spewed a mouthful of blood. He fell on the Qin in front of him and fainted.


Although there was no sound, there was a terrible big explosion between evil tiger and Li Hao!

The overhead suspension bridge made of refined iron Lingyu broke into powder and fell into the river below. However, at this last moment, Li Hao also took the last step, one foot, and steadily stepped on the top of tiger mountain!

For a moment, it seemed that the whole Tiger Mountain trembled!

"Evil thing, annihilate it!"

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