Li Hao opened the red envelope sent by the Tathagata Buddha, and a beam of golden light was projected from the mobile phone. Then, it slowly condensed into a lifelike Golden Lotus in front of Li Hao. It was flawless. From each petal to the flower stem below, it revealed a holy and inexplicable breath, full of irresistible charm.

Li Hao swallowed his saliva and knew that this was the treasure of Buddhism - the other bank Golden Lotus.

It is said that in his early years, the Buddha once found the other shore beyond the three realms in the endless void. By chance, he got a seed there. After returning to the Lingshan mountain at that time, he got the aura of heaven and earth. Zhong lingyuxiu grew this kind of Golden Lotus on the other shore by the reincarnation river.

It is said that it can protect the soul, so that the living creatures will not be lost in reincarnation. Even if the body is reincarnated and reborn, the soul can still preserve the talents and memories of previous lives.

And this reincarnation is not a routine reincarnation, the appearance of creatures will not change, and the speed of growth is not limited by years.

Li Hao knew that Ao Xing's heart was rebellious and aloof. After being plotted by Viper negative, he knew that Ao Xing would not want to occupy Viper negative's dragon body evolved from Viper negative through the method of seizing and giving up. Therefore, he found the Buddha to exchange this golden lotus on the other side. Through the power of this golden lotus, Ao Xing can return to reincarnation, immortal soul and rebirth.

Moreover, this can also ensure that the true dragon blood of Ao Xing will not die out. Otherwise, if the dragon soul takes away the Viper negative, the Viper negative was originally a snake. After getting the blood and flesh of Ao Xing and the blood and flesh of Jiaolong, with good luck, it can only become an ordinary dragon family, and its potential can not be compared with the real dragon.

"Brother Aoxing, come on, don't worry. I will guard you until you grow up again."

Li Hao opened the mouth of the sea gourd and released the Aoxing dragon soul. His voice was full of self reproach.

When he first came in, he promised Ao Xing that he would protect him in Longxu Valley, but now there is such a thing, Li Hao's heart is full of remorse.

Ao Xing's dragon soul danced around Li Hao's body, comfortingly rubbed his sideburns with his illusory faucet, gave a dragon chant, and then flew to the Golden Lotus on the other bank, with a look of expectation on his face.

The soul has its own place. The sun is the place where living creatures exist. The emergence of the soul will generally summon the wind of heaven. The light of the soul of ordinary creatures is weak and can't withstand the wind of heaven. They will be annihilated when they encounter the wind of heaven.

Even a strong soul like Ao Xing cannot resist the sky wind for a long time and will be greatly damaged.

This is why Li Hao chose to save his soul with sea gourd.

But now, near the Golden Lotus on the other bank, the sky wind suddenly extinguished again as soon as it appeared. There is an invisible force protecting Ao Xing's dragon soul from invasion.

Ao Xing's dragon soul opened its mouth and sent out a silent dragon chant. It flew into the stamens of the Golden Lotus on the other side, and opened its mouth to devour the stamens of the Golden Lotus on the other side. Every time he ate a little stamens, the light on the dragon soul became more vigorous. Until he ate all the stamens, the light on the dragon soul had become brighter.

Then, the petals of the Golden Lotus on the other side slowly closed, wrapped the dragon soul of Ao Xing, and formed a light cocoon. Finally, the flavor of the dragon family became more and more rich and became a glittering dragon egg.

Although it was weak, the fresh breath of life came from the dragon eggs. Li Hao finally showed a relieved smile on his face.

He can clearly feel that a new life is being bred in this dragon egg. With the careful cultivation of Li Hao, he believes that Ao Xing will be able to return to the real dragon again soon!


At this time, Li Hao's mobile phone vibrated again. It was the Tathagata Buddha who sent him a video request.

Li Hao's heart moved. He immediately guessed what it was because of. He smiled without saying a word, clicked the OK button and started the video call.

The mobile phone screen is full of clouds, auspicious clouds and colorful lotus. Countless Buddhas, Arhats, venerable ones and envoys are attracted by the Sanskrit sound in the air and are summoned to rush to Lingshan.

This is obviously the biggest event of Buddhism!

The Tathagata Buddha sat on the largest Golden Lotus on the pulpit, holding the orchid finger in his hand.

The Buddha's seal shines on the sky, and the Buddhas are bathed in the holy light with a calm smile on their faces.

Buddha's pure land is full of peace and tranquility.

At the end of the group of Buddhas, the Tathagata Buddha raised his eyes and swept the four groups of Buddhas, took a deep breath, the huge earlobe trembled slightly, the Buddha's mouth opened slightly, organized a language, and spoke out the problems Li Hao had discussed with him before.

From now on, Buddhism can't help being feminine. Instead, it forbids immorality. Whether love is love or not, it won't let people destroy their instinctive impulses, and it won't let people cut off the continuation of their blood because they escape.

From now on, Buddhism does not ban meat and fish, but instead bans indiscriminate killing of innocent people. It is not a crime to solve the desire for food and clothing. Wine and meat pass through the intestines and remain in the heart of the Buddha. Eating specially raised pigs, chickens and other livestock does not violate the Buddhist rules and regulations.

For a time, all the Buddhas in the sky were completely shocked!!

A Buddha who was reading scriptures silently with a smile opened his mouth in surprise, stunned and lost his mind!

The other Buddha, who was rubbing the beads leisurely, lost control of his own power and accidentally crushed the beads into powder!

In addition, there are a lot of Arhats and venerable people who drop all their magic tools on the ground without knowing it.

Everyone is stupid!

Can you get a wife and have children?!

You can drink and eat meat?!

Is this still Buddhism?

The Sanskrit sound in the whole Lingshan mountain was completely extinguished, and all the auspicious clouds stayed in the air at the moment.

Li Hao observed all this through the video of the Tathagata Buddha. He could feel that at this moment, although no one of the Buddhas spoke, there were countless Taoist ideas communicating frequently in the sky on the Lingshan Taoist field. Obviously, all Buddhists had their own opinions on the bone breaking reform and proposal that the Tathagata Buddha said.

Ten Thousand Buddhas and Chaozong discussed the reform.

Although he put on the cassock, the monkey king, who was still covered with monkey hair, stared. He always fought against the Buddha without bleeding and tears. At the moment, his eyes were full of crystal.

"Zixia, Zixia..."

His fists were clenched and he was so excited that he wanted to roar up to the sky!

Ji Gong and Zhu Bajie are also excited. These two guys are definitely representative figures of food among Buddhists. This reform is definitely a great gospel for both of them.

At the top of Lingshan mountain, the thoughts of Buddhists surged, but the voices against different kinds of Buddhists became smaller and weaker, and finally became a unified Buddhist seal!

In Longxu Valley, Li haochang breathed a sigh of relief and felt that a strong, powerful and potential backing force filled his back. He understood that this was a trend and a general trend!

He knows that from now on, he will have such a strong backing of the whole Buddha sect to support him!!

Because his idea makes Buddhism reborn. His idea of the same heaven and earth, keeping good thoughts without destroying human desires, is endless and flowing!

Li Hao smiled and stood up from the hidden place with the dragon egg in his arms. He raised his head and looked at the sky in the distance. His thin lips gently opened and said, "Viper negative, I'm coming to find you!"

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