Blood Mang's speed was too fast. Only Xiandi could react. He grabbed his hand and blocked the attack when Mingjun left for Li Hao.


With a dull sound, the blood awn was blown up in the hands of the Immortal Emperor's Avatar.

Until now, Li Hao came back from the shadow of Mingjun's hand to himself!

"Hoo... Hoo... Hoo..."

He breathed heavily in his mouth, and his body trembled like chaff!


It's horrible!

Li Hao is not a rookie with a young head. He is now half holy. He is invincible in the world and has no pressure to sweep the eight demon kings who dominate the demon family. However, when facing the last seemingly random finger of Ming Jun today, Li Hao feels as if the whole sky has fallen!

Powerless to resist!

There's nowhere to escape!

With such a relaxed finger, it seems that it can wipe out all the past and future of Li Hao, a semi saint!!


Just when everyone didn't notice, the blood awn, which had been crushed by the Immortal Emperor, rose up a very light blood mist and wound around Li Hao like a poisonous snake spitting a letter!


Li Hao's whole body trembled and screamed. It was like lightning stroke. He suddenly fell to the ground and rolled with his head.


"Ming Jun has a backhand!!"

"Damn Ming Jun is too insidious!"

Seeing Li Hao's tragic fall to the ground, the surrounding Buddhas recovered from the tragedy of the ancient Buddha and the Tathagata Buddha. One by one, they were filled with righteous indignation and said, "you guys, let's do it together. We must not let Li haozun encounter accidents again!"

The Immortal Emperor's face was as heavy as water. Theoretically, he should be an expert at the same level as Mingjun, but he showed such weakness five times and three times in front of Mingjun today. This feeling really embarrassed him.

"Fairy origin!!"

With his hand in hand, he gathered a gold medal written in his hand, such as "I am in my own presence". Suddenly, the source of the fairyland around Lingshan was restless, forming the essence of a way and instilling it in Li Hao's consciousness.


Li Hao's tumbling body finally calmed down a little, opened his eyes, his eyes were full of blood red, looked at the Immortal Emperor and said, "what did Emperor Ming do to me? Will it hurt my body in the world?"

"We will try our best to save your will. Don't worry. We won't let your spirit lack and your holy way be broken."

The Immortal Emperor comforted him. Then he turned and said in a deep voice, "but I'm afraid it's hard for you to keep your memory and understanding, about the thought just observed the breakthrough of the Tathagata Buddha, and even his enlightenment to you before he left."

Li Hao painfully closed his eyes, the blood red in his eyes was even more, and a touch of indelible hatred emerged.

The feeling of breakthrough is extremely valuable, especially for people like Li Hao, if they can get the valuable experience of the Tathagata to guide him, it will be a great help for him to become a saint in the future.

With this feeling, Li Hao may only need a few years to set foot in the holy way, but if he loses this feeling, not only will the breakthrough time be extended ten or dozens of times, but even if there is a shadow, there may be a magic barrier and stop here!

Breaking people's hatred of the holy way is the same as killing their father and taking their wife!!

"Ming Jun!!"

Li Haoyang roared in the sky, looked at the direction where Ming Jun disappeared at the beginning, and roared: "if I have a chance in the future, I will challenge at the door and never die!"

Never die!!

This is a sacred oath. It's very important to make it. But people like Ming Jun don't die. As a result, most of the people who swear are dead.

"Immortal Emperor, what will happen to my Buddha Tathagata? What is it that Mingjun captured my Buddha?"

Monkey king looked at the silent Immortal Emperor and couldn't help asking.

"What he described should be the essence of the vast universe of Buddha's life after the creation of heaven and earth."

The Immortal Emperor said in a deep voice, "every strong person at the emperor level has the opportunity to seize the creation of heaven and earth and absorb the original power of heaven and earth only in the breakthrough at the emperor level. Among the two emperor level experts, being able to absorb more of the origin of heaven and earth means that their power is stronger."

"Originally, Emperor Ming's combat ability was higher than me. If he refined the source absorbed by the Tathagata Buddha when he just took the creation of heaven and earth, then I would be far from his opponent!"

The Immortal Emperor's face was very ugly and clenched his teeth and said, "if the seal of Hongjun Daozu in the three realms is completely broken, then no one in the three realms will be able to stop him. The whole three realms will become a colony of the underworld!"

Once this was said, all the fairies and Buddhas present were in danger.

If you really let Mingjun succeed, there will be no pure land in the three realms!!

At that time, if even the Immortal Emperor, the only emperor level strong man in the just camp, is useless, who can stop this catastrophe at that time?

"Therefore, we urgently need another emperor level master."

The Immortal Emperor glanced at Li Hao, then turned to the monkey king, Guanyin, and even saw Nezha, Yang Jian and other Immortal King level super masters in the fairy world through the layers of time and space in the fairy world.

These people are the most promising top strongmen in the justice camp of the three worlds to enter the emperor level. Any of them may suddenly enter the emperor level. Of course, they may continue to be trapped in their own level for thousands of years.

Originally, after observing the breakthrough of the Tathagata Buddha, Li Hao is most likely to enter the sage realm that is more powerful than the emperor level as soon as possible, but now his holy way is blocked, and the layout of Mingjun seems to have no mistakes and calculated everything.





Mingjun deserves to be the No. 1 hero in the three realms!!

Li Hao's figure slowly dissipated in the fairy world and began to return to the world of mortals.

The mountain rain was coming, and the wind filled the building. He could clearly feel that after returning to the world this time, it would be the last peace before the storm.

Now among the three realms, the seal of Hongjun Daozu is getting weaker and weaker. The fairy world can find a way to lead his ideas to Lingshan. Mingjun can even send his avatar into the fairy world by paying some price!

What if the Emperor Ming also comes to the world?

Then who can resist it?

Or is it that after absorbing the essence of Buddha, he came out of the world and swallowed the air like a tiger?

Li Hao felt unprecedented pressure again!

The invincible days are gone quietly. He must try his best to become holy as soon as possible!

Stepping into the holy land is even a little better than the emperor level. Only in that way can Li Hao have the ability to protect himself, and all circles have the ability to protect themselves!!





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