Li Hao couldn't remember how old he was. He could only remember the winter when the wind was strong, the snow was cold, and he was very hungry. He was so hungry that he didn't know when he would collapse by the side of the road and be completely buried by the swirling snow.

There was also a meat bun that he couldn't bear to eat in his arms. It was given to him by the kind boss of the bun house on the street.

Curling up on the street corner, Li Hao could no longer walk. He took out the steamed bun that was still warm from the heat. No matter how reluctant he was, he knew he had to eat it.

However, just as he took a small bite, before he could eat the meat stuffing inside, a black nose suddenly appeared in his line of sight. It continuously shook as it breathed out white steam that was visible to the naked eye.


He knew that in the middle of winter, there would be some stray dogs that would choose to stay with the beggar to keep warm. If he could sleep with this big dog, then it wouldn't be this cold anymore.

However, he still had some doubts. This big dog looked clean and it didn't have any strange smell on its body. Moreover, it didn't seem to be a stray dog. It shouldn't be a stray dog.

However, before he could think of anything, the big black dog suddenly took a bite out of the meat bun in his hand and turned around to run.


The disappearance of the temperature in his hand caught Li Hao off guard, causing him to let out a cry of alarm. He didn't know where he got the strength from, but he actually pounced forward and threw the black dog that hadn't run out onto the ground.

"Return it to me!" Give it back to me! "

Li Hao's eyes were slightly red. He sat on the black dog's body and desperately pressed down on its head. He vigorously swung his little fist at the black dog's face.

"Woof woof woof!"

The black dog desperately twisted its body and howled. The tattered bun rolled to the side, covered in snow.

"Where did this stupid kid come from?" You actually dared to hit my Black Panther! "

A few shouts suddenly sounded out from behind Li Hao. Black Dog's wild cry attracted a few youths who angrily ran over and kicked Li Hao, who was riding on Black Dog, to the ground.

"Damn it!" A little beggar dares to hit my Black Panther? Brothers, beat it up for me! "

A guy with a cigarette in his mouth angrily threw the cigarette butt in his hand onto the ground. He called out, then followed his friends behind him to rush forward to punch and kick Li Hao!

A lowly person was someone who could live worse than a dog.

"Wait a minute!"

However, Li Hao still remembered clearly that at that time, just as he was about to lose all hope, someone had also said those words.

That was the first time he saw Peng Ting and the orphanage director.

He still couldn't forget the serious face of the little girl from that time. She spoke seriously about something that everyone knew, but they didn't want to remember.

"That's not right."

Peng Ting stopped the young men who were beating Li Hao, but her childish face seemed to have a divine radiance circulating on it.

"That's not right."

Now, facing the questioning, puzzled, and angry gazes of everyone around him, Li Hao slowly got up from his seat and looked at the shivering Hua Kui in the middle of the dance floor.

He also stood up and said this sentence that should have been known by everyone present, but was acted as if he did not know it.

This isn't right!

He was angry and raised his eyebrows as he drew his sword!

Although he was not a knight in a novel and he did not have a sword in his hand, he still stood up!

"Li Hao, are you crazy? "This is the Ru Yi House!"

Zuo Fei Fei never expected that Li Hao would suddenly go berserk, and a trace of anxiousness instantly appeared on her beautiful face. She extended her hand to pull Li Hao away, telling him to quickly sit down.

However, Li Hao gently pulled away from her hand and without stopping, he slowly walked out of the booth and walked in front of everyone's line of sight!

"Why is little Hao Hao so impulsive! What are you doing for this kind of woman? "

A Jian was so scared that his fingers became unsteady. He covered his mouth and opened his eyes wide.

"Who is this kid?"

"Never seen it before?"

"Which family's child is so naive to dare to come here and behave atrociously?"

Li Hao didn't bring the Ruyi Tower's mask. Watching him walk out step by step, the surrounding rich and powerful people of the upper class began to whisper among each other.

They were all thinking hard in their minds, sifting through the complicated and huge network of connections between the top levels of the pearl, trying to find some clue as to the identity of this excessively young boy.

But after a moment, they were a bit confused, because this face was simply too unfamiliar. It was neither the young entrepreneur who had risen to prominence in Ming Zhu's business, nor the son of an official.

They couldn't help but feel perplexed. Where did a brat without any status get the guts to stand in front of the Ru Yi House and criticize them?!

After this confusion came a deep anger.

"Smelly brat of unknown origins, quickly get the hell down!"

It was unknown who shouted out suddenly, but immediately afterwards, like the fuse that ignited the bomb, a tsunami of angry curses suddenly swept through the entire venue. Those elegant celebrities angrily threw the goblets in their hands, throwing hundreds of thousands or even millions of bottles of red wine onto the dance floor, trying to drown the figure that was not a magnificent figure.

Li Hao's footwork was erratic. Although it looked as if he was walking in a straight line, he cleverly avoided all the things that were smashing towards him. The transparent goblet and expensive red wine fell beside his feet, scattering crystalline fragments and blood-red rain of flowers, causing Li Hao to look like a lotus flower growing from every step.

"Brother Hao'er is so handsome!"

Little Swallow and Little Loli rested their hands on their chins, staring at Li Hao foolishly, they couldn't help but sigh emotionally.

Although they knew that Li Hao was being too impulsive and was afraid that he would suffer a calamity, they still couldn't suppress the young girl's heart.

There was no young lady who did not worship heroes, regardless of whether they were meant to save themselves or others.

Hua Kui, who was on the dance floor, was also stunned. He stared blankly at the youth that was slowly walking towards her. He was no longer crying and had even forgotten to be afraid.

However, a trace of deep fear quickly emerged on her face, and she shook her head with all her might towards Li Hao.

She was well aware of how terrifying Ru Yi Tower was. To be able to survive in this international city known as the Eastern Devil City, Ming Zhu, its rules were something that no one was allowed to violate!

"This brat is Li Hao? "He, this idiot, who knows how he managed to sneak in and actually dares to provoke the Wishing Tower. He might not even know how he died later on!"

Wang Yun had already seen Li Hao's face clearly. The corner of his mouth lifted into a cruel smile.

When he thought about how Li Hao tricked him into pissing his pants this afternoon, he felt his teeth itching. But it's good now, Li Hao actually dared to mess with the Ru Yi House, in his opinion, that brat would definitely die without a complete corpse!

"Father, it's him!"

Marquis Lu also stared at Li Hao, his eyes filled with jealousy and disgust.

"No matter how smart he is, he's still too young, haha."

Lu Siyuan sneered as he took a sip of the red wine in his cup. A look of enjoyment appeared on his face.

He felt a lot more relaxed in his heart. This junior brother of his who had made him feel incomparable fear, would probably disappear completely after tonight.


Just as Li Hao was about to reach the center of the dance floor, a row of fully armed bodyguards suddenly stood in front of Li Hao.

Li Hao's expression finally changed. He was indeed not ordinary at the moment, but facing firearms, he definitely had no way of resisting.


Just when everyone thought that this farce would end with Li Hao's death, the cold voice from before once again sounded out in the venue.

"Hua Kui's cancellation for leaving the pavilion today, bring this young man here to meet me!"

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