In ancient times, only the Central Plains of Middle Earth were civilized people and wise people, and the West was uncivilized barbarians. Therefore, if we can gather the incense wishes of the people of Middle Earth and accumulate merits and virtues on them, we can ascend to the top and be sanctified and arbitrary for ever.

But now it's different. With the development of the world without gods and immortals for hundreds of years, the advanced level of the western world has caught up with or even surpassed that of the East. Similarly, under the influence of Qi and number, the wisdom of the western people is exactly the same as that of the people in the east of China, and there is no longer any difference between high and low.

Therefore, if you want to be holy now, you must not only get the incense vow of the East, but also get the incense vow of the West.

Li Hao was very lucky. By virtue of Su Ling's physical body lock demon and Jishitang's promotion of traditional Chinese medicine, he really let him complete what was impossible before!

Li Hao can feel that he has now reached a critical point. The incense vows gathered on him have condensed into a pearl sized light spot. As long as he integrates this light spot into himself, with the blessing of cause and effect of all sentient beings, he can be consecrated and really step into that supreme field!


The wind and clouds surged between heaven and earth. The aura of the whole daomen, the whole Kunlun, even the whole China and the whole world began to rush towards the place where Li Hao was located.

Even ordinary people can see clearly the condensation degree of aura. Long Dragons of aura cut through the sky and took off towards unknown places!

"Heaven and earth visions, is it the main success of Zong?"

"Is it going to succeed at last? Well, even if Mingjun makes a comeback again, we have saints in the world to protect!"

The monks in the Taoist door felt the flow vision of heaven and earth aura. Not only did they not produce any panic, but they were also very excited and looking forward to it one by one.

There have been no saints in the world for thousands of years. If they can witness the arrival of a saint with their own eyes, it is also a great honor!

Li Hao looked at the small bead in his palm condensed by the incense wish, but hesitated not to swallow it and consecrated it.

Where he was, the aura was so strong that it was about to liquefy into a water like aura spring, and the chaotic world heart appeared again.

No one has ever been able to catch the heart of the chaotic world. Only when there are emperor level masters or saints in the world, it will take the initiative to appear and become the hub magic weapon to control the world.

This is the legendary treasure self sacrifice.

In other words, when a person's state and cultivation reach a certain level, there is no need to look for treasures at all, but those spiritual treasures will devote themselves on their own initiative.


Three years have passed since the last thunder riot between heaven and earth was committed by the incarnation of Emperor Ming.

Li Hao raised his head. Through the vast sky, he seemed to see another celestial world and another bloody underworld.

"Has the seal set by Taoist Hongjun disappeared?"

Li Hao's face suddenly changed.

"Hahaha, Li Hao, I have refined the source of the other half of the Tathagata. My strength stands at the peak of the emperor level. Can you become a saint?"

An overbearing roar of laughter rose from the underworld, and a bloody whirlwind came crashing down. It directly broke the last force before the disappearance of Hongjun Taoist seal, and came to the world wildly!!

"Don't be presumptuous, Mr. Ming!"

A golden light is also projected from the fairy world, and the Immortal Emperor is coming!

The super strong men of the two emperors came to the world, and they all came from the Buddha rather than the avatar. Suddenly, it seemed that the whole sky would be crushed by their two figures!

"Step down, you are not my opponent!"

Hsin Jun coolly swept the fairy emperor's eyes, sneering at a voice: "when it comes to fighting power, when I didn't swallow the essence of the Tathagata, you weren't my opponent. Now you're afraid I can't walk away from 100 strokes in my hands!"

"You have to try before you know!"

The Immortal Emperor waved his sleeve robe, snorted coldly, and then looked at Li Hao and said, "quickly absorb the incense vow and make the sage fight the enemy with me!"


After that, Mingjun and Xiandi fought together, but although they fought fiercely, neither of them wanted to destroy the world, so there was no energy leakage. Otherwise, it would be just the aftermath of the battle between emperor level masters, which would destroy the whole world!!

"Spell it!"

Li Hao bit his teeth, put down his hesitation, took a deep breath, and inhaled all the incense and vows in his palm into his body. Suddenly, a strong smell of the holy way climbed in his body, and the heart of the chaotic world looming in the middle of the air sent out a happy chirp, as if celebrating that Li Hao was finally going to be holy!

"Ben Jun is here. Today, you can't be a saint!!"

The light regiment suddenly separated. Mingjun tore the emperor's robe and cloak and split him with a palm!

Mingjun's big hand poked out again, like the fatalistic hand controlling fate, and grabbed Li Hao!


Li Hao roared. Although he struggled desperately, he still couldn't escape.

The terrible power tsunami generally surged into Li Hao's body and forcibly separated the incense, willing force and chaotic world heart that were being integrated with him!


Li Hao felt that his brain at this moment was like a hundred atomic bombs exploded together. In an instant, there was nothing left and became a blank.

"The chaotic heart of the world is yours!!"

Ming Jun looked at the crystal sphere stripped from Li Hao's body, and his face showed a wild smile.

"Those who follow me prosper! Those who oppose me perish!!"

"It's over..."

The Immortal Emperor who vomited blood in the air also revealed a look of despair.

He knew very well that when Emperor Ming got the chaotic mind of the world and broke through the shackles of the emperor level, it was his turn to the fairyland.

Li Hao's body fell from mid air and was discarded by Ming Jun at will, just like a useless garbage.


No way to be holy?

No way to protect the world?

Li Jiaqi suddenly appeared in front of Li Hao.

"Don't give up."

The gentle smile still hung on his face.

"Brother, don't give up!"

Li Hao's thoughts surged. In addition to Li Jiaqi, he saw many people, including Chen Xi, Zhuo Yanyu, Zuo Feifei, Chen Yu, and the old Dean

In the end, a man was fixed in front of him.

Tathagata Buddha.

On the verge of death, in despair, in despair.

An idea, like a green bud in a desperate situation, stubbornly raised his head.

out of the depth of misfortune comes bliss!

In the extreme disappointment, there will be a glimmer of hope!

Li Hao's perception of the breakthrough of the Buddha who watched the ceremony, which was deprived by Ming Jun, sprouted again in such a desperate situation!

The Tathagata Buddha told him that sometimes, stepping into a certain realm is not the end. If you don't enter, it is often another kind of greatness.



Li Hao thought carefully and forgot everything, the threat of Ming Jun, the survival of all living beings, the falling from high altitude, life and death!



In an instant, while Li Hao fell heavily to the ground, he was shocked all over, and his complicated mind seemed to turn into a touch of burning ice and snow on the flame, which was terrible!

The Tathagata Buddha was also forcibly blocked by Mingjun when he was about to enter the realm of emperor level masters, so he realized this truth.

At this moment, Li Hao finally realized.

If he is standing at the threshold of the holy way, everyone thinks that the holy way is the peak, and everyone thinks that you will achieve the strongest when you step into that door.

But when you hang your foot in the air, you don't really step down, down-to-earth, and don't really step into that realm as everyone thinks you will, which is a higher and greater realm!

Because if your feet are firm, everything will be a foregone conclusion, whether standing outside the door of the holy way or approaching the door, it will be settled.

But if that foot hangs in the air, it is equivalent to deriving countless possibilities.

Forward or retract?

Is it along the current road?

Or a new direction?

As long as this foot is hanging in the air, no one can guess what Li Hao's next step is.

Unlimited possibilities, unlimited choices, no set, is the supreme!

Infinity is freedom!


At this moment, when the Emperor Ming was about to devour the chaotic heart of the world, a sharp white light suddenly rose from the bottom, and the fist directly smashed the Emperor Ming's body out!!


The Immortal Emperor's eyes widened again, almost out of his eyes!

One punch hit Feiming Jun?!

This is something that even he can't do!!


Emperor Ming's body rolled in the air several times before it stabilized, and blood flowed from the corners of his mouth.

"What are you?!"

Li Hao's body disappeared again and appeared behind Mingjun in an instant, giving him a heavy fist again!


Ming Jun was like a weak child. He was beaten out again without fighting back!

"This is not..."

Ming Jun was completely stunned. Before he could say the possible word in his mouth, his whole body flew out backwards again!!

A generation of Ming Jun is invincible in the three realms. At the moment, he is as helpless as a child played by adults!

"I killed the Tathagata, broke my holy way, and then forced my brother to death. Today, if I let you go, how can I be a friend and a brother?"

After the breakthrough, Li Hao, who has entered the realm of great freedom and freedom, is also more sharp and unrestrained. Mingjun, he will die today!!


Li Hao's hand gripped Mingjun's throat. He thought of the scene that Li Jiaqi stood up to die that day in order to buy time for him. Li Hao's heart felt a lot of pain. He had to sacrifice with the enemy's blood!!

"The source of your confusion should be completely destroyed!!"

The turbulent chaotic force broke out. There was no possibility of resistance in the body of Emperor Ming. It was directly annihilated!!

A generation of invincible Ming Jun died miserably on the spot!!

"Li Hao, you, your present state..."

The Immortal Emperor didn't come back from this great reversal until now. Looking at Li Hao who killed Mingjun so easily, he was shocked to find that he really couldn't see through the boy!

Great freedom, great freedom, great infinity, great possibility!

Once Li Hao realized it, he finally realized the greatness of entering or not entering what the Tathagata Buddha said that day.

"Admire, admire..."

The Immortal Emperor arched his hand, and the whole man was relieved. Mingjun died, and the great doom among the three worlds was finally suppressed.

"What are you going to do next? Integrate the chaotic mind?"

The Immortal Emperor looked at Li Hao and said, "I'm still more experienced in this matter."


Li Hao shook his head slowly and said, "I am not a saint, but I have entered the realm of great freedom. How can I integrate the chaotic boundary into my body like the saints in the past? I want to repay all sentient beings."

With that, Li Hao smiled. In the eyes of Mingjun and Xiandi, the priceless chaotic world heart, he even squeezed the whole chaotic world heart into countless pieces with a big hand, and then sprinkled it towards the whole world with his big hand!!

The chaotic world heart was divided into billions of equal fragments by Li Hao, and unknowingly integrated into the bodies of every mortal and friar.

"Are you..."

The Immortal Emperor was stunned again. He looked at Li Hao incomprehensibly and couldn't speak.

"When I entered the realm of great freedom, I realized how valuable all this in the world is now."

Li Hao overlooks all living beings in the world. Everyone has his own things to be busy, and everyone has his own seat.

"There should not be only one saint in the world, but all living beings should be like dragons and everyone should be holy."

Li Hao once again said something beyond the understanding of the Immortal Emperor.

"In the thousands of years without the influence of the fairyland and the underworld, people have experienced confusion and independently developed everything today. Don't you understand? Everyone can do what he is good at and realize his value, that is, everyone becomes holy, and the power of this world will increase exponentially."

Li Hao smiled at the corner of his mouth and said, "if teachers teach good books, writers write good books, and workers do a good job in production, everything will be orderly and prosperous. I firmly believe that in the future, one day, the world will eventually be like this."

"At that time, there will be no absolute rule, no oppression and plunder, everyone is like a dragon, and all living beings are holy!"

Li Hao stood at the forefront of the whole three realms and saw the scenery beyond everyone's horizons.

"Today, I crushed the heart of the chaotic world and wished all sentient beings, but I just threw out this introduction."

May the future be prosperous, the human race prosper, all beings are like dragons, and everyone is holy!

Seeing the Immortal Emperor leave, Li Hao waved his big hand and isolated the whole world from the immortal world and the underworld again.

When he finished all this, across the clouds, Li Hao seemed to see a vague figure of an old Taoist, nodding to him and smiling happily.

Li Hao also smiled knowingly. Although he had never seen it, he knew that the existence must be Hongjun Daozu!


Four years later.

In the back mountain of xiaoyaozong, two children, a man and a woman, were chasing and playing happily, and the silver bell like laughter echoed endlessly in the mountains and forests.

"Li Siying, did you bully your brother Li Yiqi again?"

A young woman followed them, looked at the lively children, smiled and scolded, "if you are naughty again, I will tell my father and let him punish you for not having candy for a month!"


Hearing this, the two little dolls immediately became honest.

On the top of the mountain, Li Hao sat alone on the edge of the cliff and looked at the clothes grave of Li Jiaqi and Liu Yuying in front of him. He silently poured a glass of wine in front of their tombs, and then he arched his hands, raised his neck and took a big gulp.

Every year on Li Jiaqi's memorial day, he would come here to sweep the tombs of his brother and sister-in-law, offer incense and talk about his heart.


Suddenly, Li Hao's mind moved. He patted the sea gourd on his waist, and a golden dragon egg ejected from it.

Ao Xing has been quiet since he was reborn by Jinlian on the other side. Today, he finally made Li Hao feel something.

"Click... Click..."

The eggshell broke into pieces from the inside, and then a golden dragon burst out of the air, grew in the wind, and finally turned into a mighty five clawed Golden Dragon in the sky!!

"Hahaha, Ben long is back!"

Ao Xing laughed happily in the air.

Li Hao's face showed a happy smile.

Life is like this. Some people die and some people will be reborn. It's like a story. The old story will eventually end, and the new chapter will eventually open again... ####### it's over, with more than half a million words. Li Hao's story has come to an end. To tell the truth, I'm very reluctant. After writing this chapter, I was stunned for a long time, I'm sure you can't bear it either, but just like what is written at the end of this book, our story will end and a new chapter will open. I hope we'll see you again in a month!

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