
The elevator stopped on the fourth floor, and the captain pressed the gun against Li Hao's waist, urging him to get out of the elevator.

The fourth floor of the Ru Yi Tower didn't have any lights on, but Li Hao's physique was being nourished by both the Bai Qi Divine Seal and the Immortal Flower of Interpretation. It was already different from the past; no matter how dark the place was, he could still see things as clearly as if it was daytime.

The fourth floor of the Ru Yi House that few people in the outside world knew was also a venue, and it was even smaller than the second floor. The fourth floor of the Ru Yi House, which few people in the outside world knew, was also a venue, and it was even smaller than the second floor, but it was even more exquisite and luxurious.

When he thought here, Li Hao couldn't help but be curious. What exactly was the fifth floor of the Ru Yi Hall that was also unknown? He couldn't even get to the elevator and could only go up to the fourth floor.

After reaching the spiral staircase, the bodyguards stopped and watched Li Hao walk up alone.

Li Hao's body was as light as a swallow. With just a single step, he was able to cross five or six steps and very quickly reach the fifth floor.

Connecting the stairs was a corridor that was suspended in the air. There were countless small lights in the ceiling that flickered with a magnificent light. It was as if a piece of the starry sky had been condensed here, filling the room with a dream-like beauty.

At the end of the corridor was a simple double door made of sandalwood, carved with dragons and phoenixes. The hollowed-out part of the door was also made entirely out of paper, and there was no need for any modern craftsmanship.

As he strolled through the starry sky, an ancient wind blew across him. It was as if he had traveled through time and space, following the river of time back to ancient times.

Li Hao's curiosity was piqued. He couldn't feel any hostility or killing intent from the expensive wooden door, so he was sure that the tower lord Ru Yi, who he had never met before, wouldn't harm him.

Then why did I break the rules of Ru Yi Restaurant, and why did she call me over?

Carrying all kinds of questions, Li Hao opened the wooden door in front of him.


The door opened gently, and before he even took a step inside, a loud voice rang out, sounding like the beginning of the world. The sound was deafening, and in an instant, Li Hao felt as if his soul was baptized.

A faint fragrance lingered in the air. Li Hao, who had opened the door, suddenly realized that the fifth floor was no wonder the Ru Yi Hall was so mysterious. The entire fifth floor was actually a woman's room!

A lady in a long skirt was sitting beside the bed, hugging a lute to hide her face, like a fairy from a painting.

When Li Hao entered the sect just now, the sound of breaking the heavens obviously came from her.

To be able to occupy the highest floor of the Ru Yi Hall as his room, he could tell that she was a lady without even thinking about it.

The current tower lord of the Ru Yi Hall — Liu Yuying!

Liu Yuying lightly pushed her fingers, and the sound of the lute once again flowed out from her fingertips like a gurgling stream. It was just like what Bai Juyi had said in his "Piping" during the Tang Dynasty.

The big chords were like rain, and the small strings were like whispers.

The noise was mixed, and beads fell onto the jade plate.

Red Hands, Yellow Vine Wine, all over the city. The east wind is evil, but the love affair is thin. A glass of melancholy, a few years off the line, wrong wrong. "

Liu Yuying lowered her head and continued writing. Her red lips slightly parted, and she began to chant in a low voice like a nightingale: "Spring is like old, you are thin and thin, your tears are like silk. Peach blossom fell, Leisurely Pool Pavilion. "Even though the Mountain Alliance is here, Momo can't rely on the Brilliant Calligraphy Bracelet!"

At the end of the song, Liu Yuying couldn't help but cry. Li Hao stared at her crying face in confusion.

The zither music seemed to have stopped playing for a long time. Even Li Hao felt sad when he tried to pluck the strings and cut the intestines. However, other than sadness, he also had other questions.

What happened to that cold and domineering Pavilion Master Ru Yi?

This strange girl who was not afraid of the dissatisfaction of the officials and nobles, why did she lose control in front of him and cry like a lovelorn girl?

"Did you come back?"

Liu Yuying put down the lute in her arms, raised her head and stared at Li Hao with teary eyes, murmuring as if she was dreaming.


Li Hao was shocked by her question. He looked at Liu Yuying, who was crying. He was confused.

Li Hao had to admit that Liu Yuying was indeed worthy of being the top courtesan of those beautiful pearls ten years ago.

She was very beautiful. Even if more than ten years of time had drawn fine lines in the corners of her eyes, even if the ten years had erased the young girl's luster in her almond-shaped eyes, even if over ten years of time had caused some indistinct dark matter to appear on her snow-white skin, she was still very beautiful.

Although Li Hao admitted that he was a good pervert, if he had a beautiful woman to befriend him, it would definitely make him happy.

However, this was the first time he had come to the Ru Yi Restaurant!

Why did it come back so easily from Liu Yuyin's mouth?

Had he been sleepwalking before?

But before he could say anything, Liu Yuying shook her head: "No, you are not him."

This series of sentences caused Li Hao to be even more confused.

Liu Yuying slowly got up from the bed and walked step by step towards Li Hao. She gently wiped away the tears on her face as the light in her eyes gradually condensed.

"Ugh …"

Under her gaze, Li Hao was a little nervous. He rubbed his nose and asked tentatively: "I've messed up the Courtesan Belle selection. Pavilion Master Liu, why did you call me over? What are you going to do with me?"

In fact, this question was very abrupt and unwise, because smart people would think of ways to divert Liu Yuying's attention. It was for the best that they could expose what happened just now, so why would they bring it up themselves?

But Li Hao really couldn't stand the look in Liu Yuying's eyes when she looked at him. That kind of inexplicable feeling made his heart tremble.

It was the hardest for a beauty to give him a favor, the hardest for him to let down a favor from a beauty.

"Why does it look so similar, too similar."

Li Hao, who didn't bother to change the topic, walked step by step in front of him. He reached out his hand with a trembling hand and touched Li Hao's cheek.

"Your name is Li Hao, right?"

Withdrawing her hand, Liu Yuying signaled Li Hao to sit down. She restrained her emotions and said: "I know you're curious, why did you disrupt the Courtesan Belle selection and why didn't I punish you immediately?"

"You're wondering why I would lose my composure when I see you despite never meeting you before, right?"

Liu Yuying looked at Li Hao and said blandly, "Then if I told you that a dozen years ago, on the night when I was the Courtesan Belle of the Ru Yi Hall, someone stood out and saved me like you did tonight, would you believe me?"


Li Hao's expression changed. He finally understood something in his heart, but he still felt extremely puzzled.

Even if the fact that he stood up for Hua Kui tonight reminded Liu Yuying of her past self, it was understandable that she wouldn't punish him. However, when she first met him, she lost her composure.

If it was so easy for a woman to lose control of her emotions, how could she possibly sit in the position of the Ru Yi Tower's tower lord?

As if seeing through Li Hao's doubts, Liu Yuyin slowly stood up, stretched out her arm, and pointed towards the embroidery bed where she had been playing the lute.

Li Hao followed the direction of her arm and looked up, but his pupils suddenly constricted. The doubtful expression on his face instantly turned into astonishment, and his entire body froze on the seat as if he was electrocuted! Guess what Li Hao saw that scared him so!

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