"I know how to recite it!"

When these two words came out of his mouth, everyone in the class looked at Li Hao as if they were looking at a monster. Their eyes were filled with disbelief.

Li Hao was usually very common in class. He had been with his classmates for three years, but other than his roommates, Zhang Kun and the others, the rest of the classmates only knew that he was there.

With normal economic conditions and average academic performance, he didn't have any artistic specialties. Other than his handsome looks and his boyfriend Su Ling, Li Hao was just an extremely ordinary passerby.

But now, this guy who had nothing to do with Chen Xi stood up. When all the students were forced into a corner by Chen Xi, they saw a glimmer of hope that they could escape on the field!

"Haozi, you didn't take the wrong medicine, right? You copied me during the test for the Soup Dumplings, and you know how to recite it? "

Huang Ning sat beside Li Hao, his eyes wide open. He never thought that the normally low-key Li Hao would actually stand up at this moment.

"Haozi, you've hit the jackpot! In front of Old Demon Liu, if you try to attract attention, you won't be able to bear the consequences!"

Zhang Kun also could not understand where Li Hao got the courage to stand up.

But to say that Li Hao really knew how to recite the Soup Dumplings, they wouldn't believe it even if they were beaten to death.

They were all brothers in the same dorm. They ate and slept together every day, but they still didn't understand how much ink was in Li Hao's stomach.

Liu Zheng was also stunned by Li Hao's sudden rise to his feet. He had a good impression of Li Hao's level, being in the middle of the class, how could he recite the "Soup Dumplings" that even the top student Su Ling could not recite? Liu Zheng was skeptical.

"Li Hao, are you joking with me?"

Liu Zheng stared at Li Hao with a straight face and said, "It's not a good habit to show off randomly."

"Hehe, no problem! I think this young man has quite the spirit to give up on me. "

As Old Man Chen Yu looked at Li Hao, whose face was filled with confidence, his cloudy eyes suddenly lit up. He nodded with a smile and said, "Then you should keep watching from the back!"


Li Hao nodded his head heavily, and said: "Gui Zhi Tang: Gui Zhi Tang treats the sun's wind, the peony, licorice, ginger, jujube, and the cinnamon, half with their name, the sun is malaria!"

"Great Cyan Dragon Soup …"

"Little Azure Dragon Soup …"

"Ge Ren Tang …"

"Jute Kudo Soup …"

"Nine Flavors Vajra Elixir …"

Li Hao did not even glance at them, with a confident smile on his face. He recited the prescriptions from the published chapters of the Soup Dumplings one by one. He was extremely fluent and fluent like a machine gun!

As Li Hao recited it, Chenxi, Old Devil Liu, and Old Man Chen Yu gradually revealed a trace of surprise on their faces, especially Chenxi. The coldness in her eyes faded away as she looked at Li Hao with a hint of interest.

Chenxi knew very well that even though she had learned the Soup Dumplings from the beginning of her life, she was forced to lay such a solid foundation because she was born in a family of Chinese doctors like the Chenchen.

Although the Soup Dumplings was not difficult to memorize, it required a lot of patience and effort to memorize it all. This was also the reason why Chen Xi was confident that none of the university students would be able to memorize it completely.

But now, this guy called Li Hao had surpassed her expectations.

"Only like this would it be interesting …"

The enchanting corner of Chen Xi's mouth lifted slightly. As she looked at Li Hao, the interest in her eyes became even more intense.

Li Hao nimbly carried the book behind him. Soon, he finished memorizing the published Soup Dumplings, and then memorized the rest of the prescription for attacking the insides of the book.

"F * ck!" Li Hao's back was actually all right!

At this time, many of the students had already started to check the Soup Dumplings on their mobile phones, comparing them to what Li Hao had recited. In the end, they were all shocked to discover that what Li Hao recited was not the slightest bit off, not even a single word wrong!

"That's weird, I'm not dreaming, am I?"

Lin Wei looked at Li Hao as if he was looking at a monster. He pinched the thigh of Zhang Kun, causing him to almost scream out loud. It wasn't a dream! Is Haozi hanging up?! "

As time passed, more and more students started to look at Li Hao, their expressions turning from ridicule to amazement. At this time, Li Hao had already memorized more than 200 cases of the Insect Slayer Potion from Su Ling's publication to the eighteenth!

Many of the girls were so excited that their eyes were red. They looked at Li Hao as if he was their savior, because with his appearance, they might really be able to avoid Old Demon Liu punishing them by going around the sports field!

Su Ling's big eyes were also filled with shock. When she was with Li Hao before, she never thought that he would have such a side to him. That kind of confident smile and this brilliant memorization was enough to move many young girls!


Wang Yun glared at Li Hao, who was in the limelight. He snorted coldly, his expression extremely ugly.

Ever since he was young, he had always been the center of attention wherever he went. Since when did he have his limelight stolen from him like this?

But now that he thought about it, if he did not confidently talk to Chen Xi, she would not have come to test him. Naturally, he would not have given Li Hao the chance to shine.

Speaking of which, the current situation was really Wang Yun's doing for Li Hao!

"Scarlet Protection Pill!"

Li Hao took a deep breath and said: "The Scarlet Preserving Pill is called Broad Cream, the Red Sand Divine Beard is tasted, and my son was shocked by the speed of wind, so I don't mind taking three pills each!"

In less than half an hour, Li Hao had memorized all of the Soup Dumplings!

At this speed, even if a lot of people were to use the Soup Dumplings, they might not be able to read it as fluently as him!

"Doctor Bian Que's basic essence of Chinese medicine is really profound, these 500 joss sticks worth of energy, it's really worth it!"

After memorizing the Soup Dumplings, Li Hao was still savoring the profound knowledge that had suddenly appeared in his mind. Although Doctor Bian Que had given him the basics of Chinese medicine, this knowledge was still relative to the basics of medicine.

"Pah!" Pow! Pow! "Pah!"

A clear round of applause suddenly sounded out in the silent classroom. Old man Chenyu looked at Li Hao with a satisfied expression, and took the lead to give him a round of applause!

"Li Hao is too awesome!"

"Li Hao, you are really secretive!"

"Long live! There was no need to go to the playground and punish them to escape! Long live Li Hao! "

Under Old Man Chen's lead, the cheers and applause in the classroom started to boil up. Everyone was looking at Li Hao with eagerness in their eyes. At this moment, he stood out and welcomed everyone's worship like a king!

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