"Little Tiger, tell Hao'er Bro in detail what's going on?"

The yellow dog patted the man's shoulder and said.


Xiao Hu nodded. Ever since last time, they were all respectful and afraid of Li Hao, and did not dare to have any flowery thoughts anymore.

"Last night, I happened to come out from the internet cafe next to the Chinese Medical Academy and saw a few of Fat Mouse's underlings wandering around. I wasn't happy at the time because this piece of land belongs to our brother!" What right did his fat rat's people have to interfere?!

Little Tiger drank a mouthful of cold beer and recalled what happened yesterday.

"Get to the point."

Li Hao curled his lips.

"Don't be f * cking jabbering. Brother Hao'er wants you to get to the main point!"

The yellow dog rubbed the little tiger's head as it snappily said.

"Oh, oh, to get to the point."

Xiao Hu nodded and continued, "I was just about to call Brother Gou and tell him about this. I also wanted to call a few brothers to come over and kick those few people out, but those guys moved first, as if their target had arrived."

At first, I thought that these guys wanted to ask them for protection fees, but in the end they acted as if they knew each other and started to talk to each other. At that time, there were a lot of them and I didn't dare to get too close to them, so I quietly went to the side to see what they were up to. "

Not long after, they pointed to the distant entrance of the Chinese Medical Academy, and the two mixed blood handsome men went to the side first. Fat Rat's lackeys then surrounded the beautiful woman at the entrance with malicious intent.

Little Tiger took another sip of the wine to moisten his throat before he said, "Let me see, isn't that beauty Chenxi's sister-in-law? This bastard dares to touch big brother Hao'er's woman, how can I endure this? But before I get out, guess what? "

Little Tiger paused for a moment, then asked with his big eyes.

"Hurry up and f * cking tell us, what are you trying to hide!"

The yellow dog rubbed his head again.

However, before Xiaohu could say anything, Li Hao continued: "But before you could rush out, one of the mixed blood handsome guys that we contacted previously went first, right?"

"That's right!"

Xiao Hu slapped his thigh, he looked at Li Hao with admiration and said: "Brother Hao'er sure has foresight! I was completely dumbfounded at the time. Only later on did I realize that they were acting, intentionally finding someone to cooperate with that brat's act of pretending to be a hero to save the beauty! "

"So it really is like that …"

Li Hao's eyes turned cold. What Little Tiger saw with his own eyes was very similar to what he had guessed earlier. The scene where Mike saved Chenxi was indeed something that Lu Siyuan and the rest had planned beforehand!

"I told you that Mike's steps were too shaky this morning, he didn't seem like someone who had practiced martial arts at all. And he even saved Chen Xi without any trace of a fight, it's too fake."

Li Hao sneered in his heart. He already detested the Lu Siyuan and his son to the extreme.

These two had no morals left in their conduct. Not to mention thinking about how old man Chen Yu had taught him to dispel his doubts, even using such vulgar methods on strangers was a bit too much!

"Oh!" "So it's like that!"

After Xiaohu finished speaking, yellow-hair stood up from the table and said, "A few days ago, there was a handsome guy who came to look for me. He wanted me to bring a few of my brothers to help him perform.

"Huh?" "Then did you not agree?"

The yellow dog laughed and teased.

"Hehe, didn't you say that we have to listen to Brother Hao'er from now on? Let's change our minds and turn back to normal, let's all play, we can't do things that are against the will of the heavens."

Now, when he saw Li Hao, he couldn't help but tremble a little and say with a smile, "I, yellow hair, don't have much ability, but I know how to show loyalty. Brother Hao'er and Brother Dog treat us quite well, no matter what they say, I'll do it!"

"Good job."

Li Hao smiled, walked over and patted yellow-hair on the shoulder.

In fact, these hooligans weren't really bad people. It was just that they might have taken a wrong turn during the rebellion period and no one cared about them, which was why they were acting like this today.

In fact, they were very loyal to each other when it came to playing brotherly with each other. This kind of sincerity was often hard to come by among those rich kids who had received higher education.

"It isn't the same thing for you guys to be like this. In the future, if I start my own company, you guys can all follow me!"

Li Hao looked at the yellow-skinned dog and the dozens of his brothers. He thought to himself, if he were to establish his own company in the future, although these people won't have much skill, they should be able to be security guards to ensure the company's daily safety.

"Brother Hao'er, what do you want me to say?"

When the yellow-skinned dog saw Li Hao's serious expression, its eyes started to burn.

They were all mutual. He could feel from Li Hao's words that Li Hao wasn't just fawning on them, but truly wanted to find a way out for them in the future. A way out for them to live a decent life.

"It's time for us to get to know each other better. It's only right."

Li Hao smiled faintly.

"My brothers and I are all rough people. We won't speak pretentious words. I can only say that Brother Hao'er, from now on, I, the yellow-skinned dog, will be under your command!"

After he finished speaking, he picked up a bottle of wine and called out to his subordinates, "Come, everyone come over and greet Brother Hao'er! It's all in the wine! "

"Elder Brother Hao'er!"

Everyone in the table stood up and began blowing on the wine bottle with a loud 'gong gong'.

With everyone being so enthusiastic, Li Hao could only drink a bottle with them. After wiping his mouth, he asked: "Right, on the Wang family's side, are there any movements?"

"Brother Hao'er, I'm sorry. We've always tried our best to follow him, but Wang Yun didn't seem to have made any movements recently. As for his father, Wang Tian Hao …"

As he said this, the yellow-skinned dog's face revealed a hint of shame as it stammered, "There are some places he went in and out of here. My brothers and I have no way of entering them. We have no way of investigating who he saw and what he was planning."

"It's fine, I have indeed troubled you two."

This result was within Li Hao's expectations. Wang Tian Hao was, after all, a reputable person in the Ming Zhu family. If the yellow-skinned dog had investigated him thoroughly, the Wang family would have been wiped out by now.

"I'll look into the matter of the Wang family myself in the future. Right now, I should first go and chat with Fat Rat."

Li Hao rubbed the bridge of his nose as a plan began to form in his mind.

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