"Brothers, let's go!"

Seeing that the desired goal and effect had been achieved, Little Six, Little Tiger, and the others also left the Grand Hotel, leaving the ashen-faced Lu Siyuan and the other two standing in their original spot.

"That damned hooligan!"

Mike struggled to get up from the ground, staring at the direction that Lil 'Six and the others left in with hatred in his heart, but there was nothing he could do.

It was difficult for a strong dragon to suppress a snake on the ground, not to mention that they had just returned from overseas. They were unfamiliar with this place, so there was nothing they could do about Little Six and the others.

If Lil 'Six and the rest wanted to hide and hide, Lu Siyuan and the others would have no strength to do so.

"How unlucky!"

Marquis Lu snorted and said bitterly, "I didn't expect to meet those hooligans here today. Damn it, it was all for naught!"

Their original plan had been for Mike to mesmerize Chen Xi, because Lu Siyuan knew that Chen Xi was the one that the old couple cared about the most. If Chen Xi was dead set on their side, would she still worry about not supporting them?

When that happened, Lu Si would effortlessly make Chen Yu admit that he had become a master in front of everyone!

But now, their plan had failed again and they had completely offended Chen Yu!

Now, the only way for Lu Siyuan to openly return to the domestic medical market was to lead his students to defeat Chenyu's students at the Chinese Medical School and Edinburgh Medical School's conference!

"Do you think what happened today was just a coincidence?"

With a gloomy face, Lu Siyuan got up and patted the wrinkles on his suit before coldly saying, "Oh, Li Hao, Li Hao, I really underestimated this junior brother of mine!"

"What?!" Father, you mean, what happened today was not a coincidence, but was something Li Hao arranged beforehand? "

Marquis Lu Xiahou's expression changed drastically as he asked in disbelief.


Lu Siyuan gritted his teeth and said, "Did you see any surprise on Li Hao and Chen Yu's faces when that hooligan appeared? Today's meal will be the Hong Gate Feast! "

"How could he know?" How could he know? "

Mike and Marquis Lu had a pale face as they muttered to each other. They were previously extremely conceited youths, conceited, and felt that they were the best among their generation, but ever since they had returned to their own country and fought against Li Hao, they had never held the upper hand. Time and time again, their plans had been completely decoded by this young man, leaving them in despair and powerlessness.

"It doesn't matter, since we've already fallen out, it's good that we can give it a try tomorrow."

A trace of ruthlessness appeared on Lu Siyuan's face.

He was also a formidable figure who quickly recovered from his loss. He didn't care about the gains and losses of the city as he continued to prepare for the next battle.


Li Hao, Chen Xi, and old man Chen Yu sat in the driver's seat.

On the way back, Chen Xi was not very interested.

"Thank you."

After a moment of silence, Chen Xi suddenly raised her head and whispered into Li Hao's ear.

Chen Xi's gaze was pure and gentle, like a pool of clear water, washing away the restlessness in Li Hao's heart.

At the same time, after experiencing what had happened this time around, Chen Xi also realized how precious it was for her to be able to meet a person like Li Hao.

"Little Hao, tomorrow's exchange may sound like an exchange of learning, but it's actually a head-on confrontation between Western and Chinese medicine. I think you understand, right?"

Old man Chen Yu, who was sitting in the front seat, turned his head and spoke to Li Hao in a low voice.

"Teacher, rest assured, I know."

Li Hao nodded his head. Ever since he came back from Lu Siyuan's meeting, he had already seen through the essence of this event. It was like a war without smoke. The smell of gunpowder was too strong for him!

"Are you sure?"

Although old man Chen Yu valued Li Hao's talent a lot, Lu Siyuan had, after all, been in the medical field for more than ten years and had made a name for himself. It wouldn't be easy to deal with him.

"Teacher, rest assured."

However, Li Hao's body was brimming with confidence as he said: "Tomorrow, I will definitely clean up the sect for you in front of everyone!"

"I'll go with you."

Chen Xi took the initiative to hold Li Hao's hand. Her gentle voice was filled with determination.


Li Hao nodded and held Chen Xi's hand.

There was only a day left, and the Chinese Medical Academy's meeting was also in full preparation.

In order to reflect the importance they attached to this exchange, the Chinese Medical University not only sent the honorary principal, Chen Yu, to take charge of the docking, but also set the location of the exchange to be on the highest quality stage in the school's auditorium.

Normally, this place wouldn't be open to the public. Only when famous masters from both domestic and foreign medical professions came to the school to give lectures or when famous celebrities came to the school for meetings would this place be opened.

With a great hall that could accommodate nearly ten thousand people, if the lower area was really full, you would definitely experience the feeling of being the focus of tens of thousands of people's attention!

The students' union had been set up two days in advance. The school leaders were all intelligent people, so how could they not smell the scent of gunpowder in this exchange? They were also willing to add fuel to the fire, allowing it to burn even hotter.

In the age of informatization, universities also needed news and exposure to improve themselves.

The school leaders knew very well that if this exchange went well, there would definitely be a chance for them to dominate the other major media's headlines!

So this time, the arrangement of the Hall was clearly divided into two parts, traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine. In order to prevent Lu Siyuan and the others, who came from far away, from appearing weak, the higher ups of the Chinese Medical Academy 'generously' had to use the students of the western and traditional Chinese medicine department as backup.

In this way, just based on the number of people alone, the representative of TCM for the home field battle appeared to be a bit weaker.

"The road of reviving Chinese medicine is difficult, difficult, and difficult!"

Li Hao stood in the middle of the auditorium, looking down at the already prepared meeting hall, sighing.

It was not that Western medicine was more advanced than Western medicine, but it was just that it was too difficult for the masses to push them. There were too few people who truly wanted to support Chinese medicine and adhere to the traditions of traditional Chinese medicine!

Floating like the duckweed, too many people choose to drift along with the flow.

It was no wonder that most people were able to adapt instead of transforming as the world flowed with people.

However, there were always some people who were as lofty as the corners of their eyes as they moved against the current. They were like proud and aloof rocks within a raging river, and no matter how the great tides of society surged, they would not change.

Li Hao was such a stone-like person!

"I'm really looking forward to tomorrow's exchange meeting …"

The corners of Li Hao's mouth curled up in a smile. He turned around and left the auditorium. Within his clear eyes, a trace of fiery passion quietly rose. It was like a volcano that had been dormant for a thousand years suddenly erupting!

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