"Alright, students, calm down first."

The principal of the Chinese Medical Academy, Liu Yuanming, had no choice but to stand up and pick up the microphone from the host.

"Student Li Hao, I think Mister Lu's request is within reason."

Liu Yuanming, Principal Liu, coughed lightly and said slowly.

Clearly, he was on Lu Siyuan's side.

This point could be seen from the number of seats on both sides, red and blue, at the very beginning.

As Lu Siyuan looked at Li Hao on the stage, the fear in his eyes finally turned into ridicule.

So what if Li Hao had instigated the students?

The real head of the school, the principal who had the power to decide, was on his side!

In front of absolute power, what were the complaints of the students worth? He directly suppressed it!

Li Hao's expression turned ugly at this moment.

The topic of this Exchange was set by the guest Lu Siyuan. The first round of the theoretical debate was actually a blatant scam!

Because this was simply a match that could not be concluded!

The concepts of traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine had been debated by countless people for nearly a hundred years, but they had been stuck in a stalemate without a single concrete victory or defeat!

A wise man sees the heart, and a wise man sees the intellect. In other words, in theory, there was no superiority or inferiority in these two systems!

There was no point in using such an inconclusive item to debate. There was no point in examining one's knowledge or medical skills!

After a debate, when both sides were at odds with each other, Lu Siyuan's plan would definitely require the guests present to vote, or the students present to vote.

It was obvious that whether it was the school leaders on his side or the students from Western Faction, they all held the advantage in numbers. It could be said that the Chinese medical team would lose without a doubt!

Li Hao was able to see through this point, which was why he was able to grasp the flaw in Nick's speech and use this as an excuse to mess up this so-called theoretical debate.

But now Liu Yuanming has decided to translate for him at Edinburgh University.

With just one sentence, all of Li Hao's schemes had been reduced to nothing!

The students, who were previously in high spirits, were now seduced back to their seats by the coaches from the various classes. The principal had spoken and no one said a word.

Seeing the speechless Li Hao, a smile appeared on Lu Siyuan's face.

The feeling of the situation gradually disappearing, and the confidence of being able to control the whole situation returned to his heart.

The exchange this time was divided into the current theoretical debate and practical actions.

If they were able to successfully win the argument, then they would be in an invincible position. When the time came, they would spend some money to find the media and suppress Chen Yu.

"Damnit …"

Seeing the proud smile on Lu Siyuan's face, Li Hao clenched his fists. He knew that it would be difficult for the situation to proceed as he had hoped.

This was the so-called "one forces to ten," in the face of absolute power, no matter how meticulous the plan was, it was useless.

"Hur Hur Hur, President Liu. I feel that your idea is a bit inappropriate!"

However, at this moment, an unfamiliar voice suddenly sounded from the hallway. Although there wasn't a microphone, because the scene was very quiet, his voice still entered everyone's ears.

Liu Yuanming raised an eyebrow and felt very surprised.

He had already been a principal at the Chinese Medical Academy for five years, and there were very few people in the school who would publicly refute his words. Or rather, those people who didn't know what was good for them were no longer here.

Turning around, seeing the group of people who had appeared at an unknown time in the aisle, Liu Yunming's expression suddenly changed. The coldness on his face instantly turned into a flattering smile.

"Minister Shen!"

It was as if Liu Yuanming had seen his closest kin. He said enthusiastically, "Look, the head of the Education Bureau is here. Why didn't you inform him beforehand? So that I can lead my men to the door and line up to greet you! "

"Principal Liu is too polite."

Shen Chengfeng nodded his head, but didn't shake Liu Yuanming's outstretched hand. Instead, he raised his chin and said, "I'm here to observe this Sino-Western Exchange Assembly."

"You're praising me, what are you looking at? "You are giving me some pointers, but having you give me a few pointers is a great honor for us lower units!"

Liu Yuanming smiled coyly. He was extremely polite to Shen Chengfeng.

This Minister of Education was not someone that could be seen by just anyone. Even as the Principal of a university, if he wanted to continue to be promoted to the Education Bureau in the future, the authority to do so lay in the hands of this mogul, how could he dare to neglect this grandpa?

"The atmosphere of this exchange meeting is pretty passionate!"

Shen Chengfeng smiled at Li Hao, then said, "Before I came in, I also listened outside for a while and felt that this young man on stage was right. The tournament should be fair and respectful to each other, especially to Chinese people like us."

With that, he looked at the somewhat awkward Liu Yuanming and snorted. He opened his mouth and asked, "Principal Liu, was what I said right?"

"Right, right, I am truly enlightened!"

Liu Yuanming's forehead was covered in cold sweat. He could only smile and nod repeatedly.

Although he seemed to be commenting on Li Hao's words, he was actually saying it to Liu Yuanming. He had already said that Chinese people valued face the most, and if Liu Yuanming did not give him face and continued to help Lu Siyuan, he would not be happy.

And if Head Elder Shen was unhappy, the consequences would be dire!

"Ahem, after careful consideration from the school leaders, I feel that what Student Li Hao said makes a lot of sense. If our Chinese medical team doesn't need a translator, then Edinburgh University's representative team should not make an exception."

Liu Yuanming cleared his throat, picked up the microphone and said, "Next up, let's continue with the Idea Exchange Conference!"

"Principal Liu!"

Lu Siyuan looked anxious. He was about to say something, but Liu Yuanming ignored him.

Although Liu Yuanming had taken his advantage, compared to offending Shen Chengfeng, what was the small gain that Lu Siyuan had given him?

Under Liu Yuanming's warm welcome, Great Elder Shen Chengfeng sat in the center of the guest stand, taking charge of the Sino-Western Exchange Conference.

Li Hao, who was on the stage, was also confused. He did not understand why this great god of unknown origin would help him like the rain, but regardless of his doubts, the result was still good.

Next, other than Lu Xiahou, Nick, Bob, and Jack, who didn't understand Chinese, were all dumbfounded. Other than Lu Xiahou who could understand Chinese, the rest of them were confused, as if they were listening to a scripture from heaven.

There was no suspense in this debate. It was the same as Li Hao's group arguing with Lu Xiahou, while Nick and the others were acting as a decoration!

The theoretical debate lasted an entire morning. When it was time for the final ballots, Shen Chengfeng, who was the host of the guest banquet, directly cast a vote for the Chinese medical team, setting the tone for the first round of competitions.

Without a doubt, the Chinese medical team led by Li Hao had achieved a complete victory!

"Minister Shen!"

After the afternoon break, Li Hao couldn't help but chase after Shen Chengfeng, asking in confusion, "I …" Do you know me? "

"Hur hur, so what if I don't know him?"

Shen Chengfeng seemed to be satisfied with Li Hao's performance. He patted Li Hao on the shoulder and said with a kind smile, "I just like talented young men like you. Also, your sister told me to support you and even let you do what you want!"

"My sister?"

Hearing Shen Chengfeng's words, a bolt of lightning suddenly flashed across Li Hao's mind, and he instantly understood why Shen Chengfeng had appeared.

It must be Liu Yuying who invited him here!

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