Kidney Deficiency!

This actually wasn't a very serious problem, but everyone present knew what these two words meant to a man.

"Puchi …"

It was unknown who couldn't hold back their laughter. Then, the entire class burst out in laughter like explosives exploding. They looked at Wang Yun with eyes full of ridicule!

When Li Hao said kidney deficiency, it was no doubt that Wang Yun's ability was weak. This was a matter that concerned the dignity of a man!

Previously, when he was diagnosing the other students, whenever there were sensitive issues involved, regardless of gender, Li Hao would give them face and whisper them privately. Only when it was Wang Yun's turn, he did not hide anything and directly said it out loud in front of everyone!

It was clear that Li Hao was targeting Wang Yun. However, no one felt that there was anything wrong with his actions.

Wang Yun was a person who majored in western medicine, and had repeatedly shown himself to be superior. Moreover, he had openly said that western medicine was better than traditional Chinese medicine in front of everyone, and had already angered his classmates. Now that he was humiliated by Li Hao, not only did no one in his class feel that Li Hao was being excessive, they even felt that they had a common hatred for him.

Many of the female students also covered their mouths as they laughed until their cheeks turned red. Their gazes toward Wang Yun were filled with contempt.


Wang Yun clenched his fists tightly as his face turned red and he angrily retorted.

"Indeed not."

Chen Xi walked to Li Hao's side from behind. She looked at Wang Yun, who was looking for a hole in the ground in embarrassment and indignation, and said in a clear voice, "Li Hao, you're not accurate this time."

The moment Chen Xi opened her mouth, the students who were laughing wildly immediately quietened down. Some of them even looked at her with dissatisfaction.

None of them cared whether or not Li Hao was deliberately humiliating Wang Yun with the matter of the kidney's void. However, Chen Xi destroying Li Hao's position in front of everyone left them speechless.

"Humph!" "It seems like the beauty Chen Xi is the real master of Chinese medicine."

When Wang Yun saw Chen Xi speaking up for him, his expression immediately changed back to that of arrogance. He raised his head and looked at Li Hao, saying, "You brat, you were clearly putting on an act before. You ignorant fool!"

This young man was arrogant because he was talking about someone like Wang Yun.

"Li Hao, kidney deficiency is also divided into kidney yin deficiency and kidney yang deficiency. There is a huge difference in the symptoms and treatment methods. You can't generalize it."

Without waiting for Wang Yun to speak, Chen Xi quickly said, "For someone like him to have a green face and be easily angered, it's obvious that he's suffering from kidney deficiency."

"Oh, yes. It was my negligence. I didn't say it accurately."

Li Hao nodded with a smile and continued, "Chenxi, you're right. Wang Yun's symbol is obviously kidney yin deficiency. Cough cough, Wang Yun, you should restrain yourself in some aspects. kidney yang deficiency is still slightly better, but kidney yin deficiency will really affect your Wang family's future generations!"

"Well, you have to be careful."

Chen Xi nodded seriously and said to Wang Yun.

"You! "You!"

It was only then that Wang Yun realized that Chen Xi was not speaking up for him. Now that she was stirring things up, wouldn't it be better to let that thing be true?


The whole class once again broke out into explosive laughter like the waves of the ocean. Many people were laughing so hard that tears were about to fall, and they were lying on their desks without being able to straighten their backs.

"We'll see!"

Wang Yun really couldn't stay a second longer. He angrily left his seat and rushed out of the door in a sorry state.

Su Ling sat alone in her seat. Embarrassment was written all over her pretty face. Those female students who had originally been envious of her now looked at her with eyes filled with sympathy.

If a girl's boyfriend was pointed out to be weak in public, it would probably not be easy for a woman to deal with him.

"Well done!"

Zhang Kun and Huang Ning's roommates all gave Li Hao a thumbs up. At the beginning, they all felt sorry for Wang Yun for stealing Li Hao's girlfriend, but the second day, Li Hao relied on himself to slap Wang Yun's face in public!

Anyone who insulted would be insulted!

"Alright, alright. Today's diagnosis class is very exciting. It has more educational significance than any of my previous classes!"

Looking at Li Hao and then looking at Chen Xi, he said, "Today's performance by Li Hao and Chen Xi can be considered as exemplary. In the future, everyone must learn from them. If everyone can do that, then why should I worry about my future success?!"

Until the end of the class, the whole class didn't leave the classroom in a hurry like they always did. Instead, they surrounded Li Hao like a group of heroes, which made Li Hao a little unaccustomed.

"Chen Xi, what do you think of this kid?"

In the department dean's office, the newly appointed head of the Chinese Medical Department, Chen Yu, looked at Chen Xi beside her and asked with a smile.

"That's right."

Chen Xi's eyes slightly fluctuated as she said.

"Hehe, this is the first time I've heard my granddaughter praise a young person of the same generation!"

Chen Yu smiled and twirled her beard. "I didn't expect to run into such a good seedling when I was invited out of the mountain. Now, I have the idea of taking him in as a disciple again."

"Grandpa wants to take him in as a disciple?"

Chen Xi raised her head in surprise.

"Yes, I've called him over this weekend. It's been a long time since I've had a crush on talent."

Chen Yu smiled and nodded her head. She had already made up her mind.

Immortal World, Heavenly Court.

After Wang Ma's birthday was over, the Fairy Doctor walked beside Chang'e and asked curiously, "Fairy Maiden, who was the little daoist friend you introduced to me earlier? It doesn't feel like we are from the Immortal World! "

"I'm not sure. I only met him by chance, but I feel like he's pretty good and mysterious. To tell you the truth, the magical perfume I gave to the Queen Mother today was bought from him!"

Chang'e was in a very good mood after receiving the praise and rewards from the Queen Mother in front of the deities. She smiled and said, "When I go back, I even planned to find him to buy some for myself. I'll recommend it to the other celestial sisters when I have time."

"Is it that magical?"

After the Fairy Doctor heard this, her eyebrows twitched, and she said, clearly a little surprised.

"Mm, what did Fellow Daoist Li Hao trade with you?"

Chang'e couldn't help but ask curiously when she mentioned Li Hao.

"He bought the basics of traditional Chinese medicine from me."

The Fairy Doctor didn't hide anything, and said, "Although it's called the foundation of Chinese medicine, it's still a rare essence."

"Oh? What does he want this for? Even if you pour the essence of the medicine into his brain, it would probably take a very long time for a normal person to completely understand and use it, right? "

Chang'e frowned.

"Yes, but that's not necessarily the case. The talent of a human being is extremely important, and even if an ordinary person were to obtain the essence, they might not be able to fully comprehend it within three to five years. However, if a person is able to obtain it within a year, then they might be able to comprehend it within a month or two if the talent of a heaven-defying genius is obtained."

The Fairy Doctor twisted her whiskers and said, "That small path friend seems to be in a hurry. I wonder if he will be able to comprehend that essence in time."

"Is there anyone who can instantly learn and understand it?"

Chang'e looked at the magpie curiously.

"Hehe, that's impossible."

The Fairy Doctor shook her head. "The essence that I gave him was vast and profound. If he wanted to comprehend it in an instant, he would have to be the legendary Child of Destiny, a phoenix dragon among people that only appears once every ten thousand years!"

Chang'e nodded thoughtfully. However, what they didn't know was that when the Fairy Doctor Bian Magpie passed on the basics of traditional Chinese medicine to Li Hao, he had already comprehended it!

"The thing Chang'e offered this time is truly rare. This smell seems to be mixed together with the fragrance of many different kinds of flowers, and it can even make people feel refreshed by spraying it on their bodies. I wonder where she found it?"

After the deities left, the Queen Mother played with the small bottle in her hand and said with a smile.

"This little thing isn't from the Immortal World."

The Celestial Emperor sat at the side with a deep look in his eyes, as if the sun and moon were floating within him.

"Not from the Immortal World? The Three Realms have been sealed and isolated for thousands of years, how could Chang'e get anything from other places? "

Empress Dowager Wang's interest was piqued as she spoke.


The Celestial Emperor rubbed his chin and said, "In order to prevent the war between the Celestial Realm and the Underworld from affecting the Mortal Realm, ancestor Hong Jun once sealed the Three Realms. However, thousands of years have passed and the power of the seal is weakening.

With that, he stood up and looked down at the chaos below his feet. He murmured, "But this time, the weakest human world seems to have a key figure that can solve the conflict between the three realms forever …"

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