"Father, I'm sorry."

Marquis Lu Xiahou brought Nick and the others to Lu Siyuan with a face full of shame.

Indeed, Li Hao was too shocking!

Using acupuncture actually cured the patient's benign tumor?!

At one point, Lu Xiahou suspected that all of this was just a nightmare for him.

He didn't even need to open his mouth to say that he would be able to cure the tumor. What the hell was this?

But what he did not know was that Li Hao's needle technique was actually the peerless divine needle that was passed down from the Immortal World. When he was treating the benign tumor just now, because the tumor had not deteriorated yet and the cancer cells had not spread, Li Hao used the surging technique of the water needle technique to directly stimulate the qi and blood in his body and forced the blood clot and tumor out of his body!

Losing to such a godly skill from the Immortal World, Marquis Lu Xia felt that it was worth it.

Not to mention him, even if his father Lu Siyuan went up on stage, the result wouldn't change in the slightest.

"Don't worry, things might have a turning point."

Lu Siyuan took a deep breath as he opened his mouth to console his son and his students.

In a desperate situation, if you could only see despair, then you would definitely die without a burial ground. In a desperate situation, if you could see hope, even if it was just a tiny bit, then a miracle could happen.

Although he was basically forced into a corner by Li Hao, he still wanted to struggle desperately to find a way out.

How could Lu Siyuan not fight when he was trapped by a beast?

He raised his eyes and caught sight of Shen Chengfeng walking in from outside the door. He quickly spread out the crowd and squeezed towards Shen Chengfeng.

"Minister Shen, Minister Shen, please wait for a moment!"

Lu Siyuan walked in front of Shen Chengfeng and wiped the sweat off his forehead, forcing out a smile.

"Oh, Mr. Lu, what's the matter? What's the matter? "

Shen Chengfeng asked without batting an eyelid.

"I... It's like this, I have something that I want to ask Minister Shen. "

Lu Siyuan said, "In this afternoon's actual competition, even if Li Hao wins, the score between the two teams will be two to two. I wonder how you plan on judging the final result, Minister Shen?"

"Isn't the result obvious?"

Shen Chengfeng was extremely shrewd. Although he had already promised Li Hao that he would let the western medicine team win, he still did not show any signs of it. It was to not arouse any suspicion from Lu Siyuan.

Lu Siyuan was not a fool. Shen Chengfeng had been on Li Hao's side in the morning. If he immediately fell for Shen Hao's side, only a fool would not suspect him!

"Minister Shen, I think, you see, although the Chinese medical team won two rounds this afternoon, their overall performance is too far apart, very good, very bad, and their weaknesses are also very obvious."

Lu Siyuan said with a coy smile, "From an educational point of view, do you think our Edinburgh University students are more average? There is no discrimination, this is a successful education! "


Shen Chengfeng's brows twitched slightly, then he smiled and nodded at Lu Siyuan, "Mister Lu's words are not unreasonable. How about this, I'll discuss it with everyone at the Guest Clan and then give you the final result. Just focus on your stomach."

"Ugh …"

Lu Siyuan looked at Shen Chengfeng, who had just walked away, with a bitter expression.

Put your heart in your stomach?

He didn't know that Li Hao had already spoken to Shen Chengfeng. How could he possibly be so worried now?!

The entire auditorium was still filled with cheers and cheers, and everyone's faces were brimming with excitement and smiles.

Whether it was due to Li Hao Shen's performance today or his sense of patriotism, every student felt their blood boiling.

Li Hao, this mysterious man, once again didn't let everyone down!

Shen Chengfeng was standing in the middle of the guest stand, discussing something with Liu Yuanming and the other senior executives of the Chinese Medical Academy.

After a long while, the principal of the Chinese Medical Academy, Liu Yuanming, stepped onto the stage. He held a microphone in one hand and a golden red book in the other. He cleared his throat.

Liu Yuanming spoke. Once again, the boiling crowd quieted down. Everyone was looking at Principal Liu with anticipation.

Although Li Hao and the others were all uncrowned kings in their hearts, the Uncrowned King was still someone without a crown. Being able to obtain the recognition of the officials was the true meaning of being able to live up to one's name.

"Everyone calm down, calm down!"

Liu Yuanming slightly pressed his hands down and said in a clear voice, "After an entire day of intense competition, the Chinese Medical College's Chinese Medical College's team and the Western Medicine team from Edinburgh University's medical school have successfully concluded!"


The audience immediately burst into warm applause.

"For this year's Exchange, the two parties will use the principle of friendly interaction and common progress. They will have a total of two great items to compete with each other during the theoretical debate and practical competition."

Liu Yuanming smiled and said, "Overall, the representatives from both sides have performed very well. Among them, in this morning's conceptual debate, the host, the Chinese traditional medicine team, has taken the initiative and won!"

The applause from the audience immediately became more intense!

"And in this afternoon's practical competition, Captain Li Hao from the Chinese medical team still showed off his prowess, causing all of us school leaders to be amazed. Being able to have such outstanding studies is the fortune of our Chinese medical academy!"

Liu Yuanming was not stingy with his praises for Li Hao. He smiled at Li Hao and took the lead in clapping.

Chen Xi and Gao Sheng could not help but smile. Unexpectedly, Liu Yuanming changed the topic and said, "But as everyone has seen, although Li Hao is amazing, he is still unable to cover up some of the shortcomings of the other members of the Chinese medical team."

Hearing this, the smile on Gao Sheng's face instantly froze. Su Ling's already pale face also turned even paler.

"That's why we all agree that the performance of the excellent representatives of the western medical team should be more stable and even. This world needs heroes, but we would rather have less bears. So in a practical competition, we will definitely give the best victory in the actual competition to the western medical team from Edinburgh University!"

Liu Yuanming had an extremely official smile on his face as he clapped once more.

Silence reigned below the stage. Countless pairs of bewildered and incredulous eyes stared at Liu Yuanming who was standing on stage. The actual competition had announced the western doctor team's victory. This decision was out of everyone's expectations!


Huang Ning was the first to shout.

"Principal, did you say something wrong?" On what basis can it be considered the western medicine team's victory?! "

"That's right! On what basis?! "

"We can't accept this!"

"This is too much!"

Chen Xi was so angry that her face turned red. She said fiercely, "There must be something behind this!"

"It's fine."

Li Hao comforted her by patting her head, and said indifferently: "Believe me, those scum won't be able to be wild for long."

"Hahaha, hahahaha!"

After the initial shock, a smile slowly appeared on Lu Siyuan's dull face. Then, it turned into a wild laugh!

The official result of this exchange meeting was that both sides were tied, and the western medical team who had won the contest sounded even more respectable.

This result had already made Lu Siyuan extremely satisfied. Look, no one has guessed the result of the Meeting, right? Li Hao won the admiration and respect of everyone, but the official result was a tie with the Western medical team.

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