
Seeing Li Hao agree, Zhuo Yanyu immediately cheered up and intimately wrapped her arms around Li Hao's arm. Her beautiful big eyes were even smiling until they turned into crescent moons.

After being pulled by Zhuo Yanyu, Li Hao immediately felt a warm and fragrant soft jade stick to his arm. Even through his clothes, he could feel the astonishing elasticity of this well-developed young girl.

"It's different to have a good meal, it's also good to have a girl from a rich family."

Li Hao rubbed his nose, thinking in his heart.

Following Zhuo Yanyu into Zero Bar, the clamorous music entered his ears like a stimulant, instantly awakening every single cell in his body.

There were many men and women in clothes who swayed with the music. In the dimly lit corner, there were also passionate scenes being played.

Alcohol had always been a great drug to release one's desires. With the darkness as a cover, it was not surprising that something shameful would happen.

Although Li Hao and Zhuo Yanyu were not frequent customers at nightclubs, handsome men and beautiful women were the focus of attention wherever they went.

In just a few minutes, from the time they entered the door to the staircase on the second floor, countless people had already secretly offered gifts to them.

"What did your ex-boyfriend do?"

Because the music was too noisy, Li Hao had no choice but to whisper into Zhuo Yanyu's ear. Zhuo Yanyu tilted her head, and Li Hao's lips just happened to touch her smooth and full earlobe.

"He's only a hundred and fifty, but his family has some small business. Five people a day are six. Two is no good!"

When this person was mentioned, Zhuo Yanyu's face was filled with disgust. One could imagine that when they broke up, they weren't very peaceful either.

Arriving at the second floor's booth, Zhuo Yanyu and the others had just gotten close when a girl stood up and came over. She smiled tenderly, "Miss Zhuo, why did you take so long to go out? You don't know, Chen Young Master just ordered us another bottle of good wine, if you came back a little later, we'd all be finished! "

"Hehe, I thought you couldn't stay any longer, so you found a reason to slip away!"

A young man sitting in the seat embraced the woman in his arms as he spoke in a weird tone.

"He went out to pick up my boyfriend. He doesn't come to places like this often, so it took him a while to find his way out."

Zhuo Yanyu did not even look at him, but smiled gracefully and introduced Li Hao, who was holding her arm, to everyone.

When those words were said, everyone in the booth stopped what they were doing and raised their heads to look at Li Hao.

According to Zhuo Yanyu, the people in today's game were all young masters and mistresses of second-rate and third-rate entrepreneurs, and their statuses could not be compared to Zuo Fei Fei, herself and little loli. It was just that the people who had gathered today were her best classmates from high school, which was why she gave them all to them.

Li Hao noticed when he came in, it was indeed as Little Swallow had said. Although these people had a few coins in their family, but in terms of bearing, they couldn't compare to people like Zuo Fei Fei and Hua Feizi.

This could be seen from his clothes.

Zuo Fei Fei and the others were also wearing famous brands and playing with luxury goods, but the things they wore would be matched based on their temperament.

To put it bluntly, those luxury goods that could be worn by them were the honor of those luxury goods. The first thing that you would notice was definitely them. Luxury items would only be added to the wealth.

As for the few people in front of him, they were all wearing famous brands that ordinary people could not wear, but they could not be considered top class luxury brands, yet they had the feeling of being a showcase of a famous brand, and their presence was too obvious. The light of the luxury goods overshadowed the person who was wearing them, turning into a service for the famous brand instead.

For example, the fellow who had just spoken was just like that.

"Hur Hur Hur Hur, so you're our Miss Zhuo's boyfriend!"

After the initial astonishment, the girl who had stood up to welcome them sized Li Hao up with sparkling eyes, then smiled sweetly: "Our Yan Yu has a different eye. What is the name of this handsome guy?"

"Li Hao."

Li Hao slightly smiled, looking at everyone's gazes at him calmly.

What a joke, he had already experienced the attention of tens of thousands of people in the past, so what would a few people looking at him do?

If you want to watch such a small, watery scene, you can just watch it. No matter how many times you look at it, they won't become as handsome as you.

"Come, come, come. Since you're Yan Yu's boyfriend, then you're our friends. Come, sit down!"

The girl smiled coquettishly, enthusiastically pulling Zhuo Yanyu and Li Hao to their seats.

Even without Zhuo Yanyu's introduction, Li Hao knew that the young man surnamed Chen was definitely Zhuo Yanyu's ex-boyfriend.

Because ever since he was introduced by Zhuo Yanyu, this fellow's line of sight had never left him.

However, Li Hao turned a blind eye to him and continued to hug Zhuo Yanyu as he intimately talked to her.


Did he regret it when he saw him hug Zhuo Yanyu like this?

Are you angry?

You're going to die from anger!

"Come, Li Hao, right? Let me toast you! "

After a while, the man surnamed Chen suddenly let go of his girlfriend and stood up with a toast.

It's here!

Li Hao and Zhuo Yanyu looked at each other, knowing that their ex-boyfriend was finally going to be in trouble.

Li Hao also raised his wine cup, as if he didn't know that he was Zhuo Yanyu's ex-boyfriend.

"This bro looks familiar, could it be the pretty boy that hugged Yan Yu's thighs?"

The guy surnamed Chen did not clink glasses with Li Hao, but instead sneered: "Speaking of which, you have to call me senior. After all, I seemed to be Yan Yu's first love, hahaha!"

Sure enough, this fellow wanted to embarrass Li Hao the moment he opened his mouth. He first said that Li Hao was just a pretty boy who was taken care of by Zhuo Yanyu, then hinted that Zhuo Yanyu had been with him before.

If it were any other person, they would have surely exploded with rage long ago!

But was Li Hao an ordinary person?

Obviously not.

"Hur hur, then I must thank you."

Li Hao smiled and said: "Young master Chen has good taste. With a single glance, you can tell that I am whiter than him and a little more handsome than him. You truly know your own limits, I truly admire you."

With just one sentence, it left those surnamed Chen completely stupefied.

What the hell?!

Was a pretty boy a compliment?

If I say that you're a pretty boy, do you mean that you're whiter and more handsome than me?!

Then, without waiting for the man with the surname Chen to react, Li Hao continued: "Did young master Chen also chase after our family's Little Swallow? "Hehe, then your eyes are quite good. However, our Little Swallow is also very smart. It is fortunate that she ditched you in time. Otherwise, how could she be with me when we meet?"


Chen Young Master had not drunk much, but his face was slowly turning red the color of a pig's liver.

Too much!

This was too much!

What do you mean lucky to have dumped him in time?

Is there anyone who bullies others like this?!

"Li Hao, you have to savor this red wine, it's from the Mu Tong Manor in Bordeaux, France!"

It was hard to say how to mock Li Hao, but Young Master Chen used a different method to ridicule Li Hao. He swirled the red wine in his cup and said, "You probably don't know about this, right? Just this bottle alone will cost you thousands of dollars! "

Who knew that right after he said those words, a red light flashed in front of his eyes before he could even smack his fist. Then, his face turned cold as he was splashed by Li Hao's glass of red wine!

"You actually have the nerve to ask me to drink such trashy red wine?"

After pouring the wine, Li Hao twitched his mouth, as if the one being bullied was him, and said: "You are simply insulting me."


Chen Young Master was completely speechless, the cold wine was dripping down his chin and when he looked at Li Hao, his eyes were almost popping out from their sockets.

"What are you staring at?"

Seeing the angry Chen Young Master, Li Hao raised his chin and pointed at him.

"Hurry up and apologize!" I'm not asking for a reward today, like the men, because I know you'll be as poor as I am after Valentine's Day.

But! The female readers who earned so much money yesterday should feel more confident about themselves. That's right, let's talk about you! Don't look at others, it's you!

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