"Tell me, how much did you get from this batch of gauze?"

In the police station's interrogation room, a young policeman asked from across from Lu Siyuan.

"I don't know about this. You caught the wrong person!"

Lu Siyuan pursed his lips, refusing to let go.

He knew that he couldn't admit it. The moment he did, his guilt would be proven and he would be doomed for sure.

"Be more honest!"

Seeing that Lu Siyuan did not say anything, the young policeman slammed the table and said angrily, "We definitely did not find you for no reason. We definitely have enough evidence, do you think you can still go on with this?"

Lu Siyuan's facial expression changed slightly. He could no longer sit still.

Although he was famous both at home and abroad, he had never experienced such a scene.

In the dark room, the bright incandescent light of the lamp lit up the room. Just looking at their faces, a normal person's psychological defenses would be defeated in a blink of an eye!

Lu Siyuan was silent as he mentally asked Tang Hui and all the other female relatives a hundred and eighty times.

"Lu Siyuan, if you cooperate with us, the law enforcement officials, we might have a chance to reduce our punishment. If you continue to hide this from us, you have to bear the consequences yourself!"

The young policeman's face was filled with a sense of justice. He threw the documents in his hands in front of Lu Siyuan and said, "You actually want Tang Hui to help you take the blame, can he handle it?!"

Looking at Wang Tian Hao and Tang Hui's confessions, he felt despair in his heart.

With Tang Hui and Wang Tian Hao's two confessions, Lu Siyuan knew he was doomed.

However, the only thing he felt fortunate about was that although he could not escape the pearl during these few days at home, he had already found an opportunity to tell his son, Lu Xiahou, about the matter. Since he was being interrogated today, he had already asked Lu Xiahou to find an opportunity to escape to England on a plane.

His relationship with the international community was much better than his relationship at home. If he asked the English side to send someone to negotiate with him, it would be no problem for him to escape.

But this way, after the media's report, his reputation had already been thoroughly tarnished in the country.

It was impossible for him to continue to develop domestically.

However, how could Lu Siyuan care so much now. Even if he couldn't continue to fish for money in the country, he could still live a good life abroad. It was at least a hundred times better than being imprisoned here.

"I have the right to remain silent. I will ask my lawyer to speak."

Lu Siyuan gritted his teeth. He had already been forced into a corner, so he could only grit his teeth and bear with it.


At this moment, the door to the interrogation room was suddenly opened from the outside. A middle-aged man walked in from the outside. He swept a glance at Lu Siyuan, then lowered his head and said a few words to the police officers beside him.

"Yes!" "Chief!"

The officers stood up and followed the middle-aged man out of the interrogation room. However, they didn't take Lu Siyuan with them or take him into custody.

After the policemen left, a leg suddenly entered the interrogation room. Immediately after, a thin figure appeared in front of Lu Siyuan, causing his pupils to suddenly contract!

"Hehe! Eldest senior brother, I haven't seen you in a long time. Have you missed me?"

Li Hao appeared in front of Lu Siyuan with a sun-like smile on his face.

"Li Hao, Li Hao!"

Lu Siyuan crazily roared, trying his best to stand up. However, he was stuck in the interrogation chair, unable to move.

"It's you, it's really you!"

Lu Siyuan's eyes were bloodshot, like a beast ready to swallow its prey.

"Of course it's me."

Li Hao calmly stood in front of Lu Siyuan. Looking at him, it was as if he was admiring one of his masterpieces.

"Why do you think that the organizing committee will announce that you will be the victor in the practical competition at the end of the meeting?"

Li Hao was still wearing the smile that Lu Siyuan hated the most and feared the most. He said lightly, "I was the one who asked Shen Chengfeng to let you win!"

With this sentence, Lu Siyuan awakened the person in his dreams. He blankly stared at Li Hao, and the light in his eyes dimmed little by little.

It was Li Hao who purposely let them win that match.

It was Li Hao's doing!

After hearing what Li Hao said, many things came to a conclusion in Lu Siyuan's mind.

Li Hao had deliberately given them victory in the actual competition, giving him the ability to create momentum for himself in front of the media. He could brag about himself and make them think that he could successfully enter the domestic medical market.

Thinking back now, Lu Siyuan felt that everything that had happened after he had returned home, starting from when he had won the actual competition between the western medical teams, had gone extremely smoothly.

Zou Wenlin took a good interest in the media's crazy development. He was hired as the head and vice principal of the major surgery department of Ji Ren Hospital for a very high salary. He then accepted the purchase business of the major surgery department and began to fill his pockets for the first time.

"What a deep calculation, what a deep calculation!"

Lu Siyuan looked at Li Hao and laughed maniacally, "So it's all because of you. It's all because of you. You were actually able to see so many steps ahead of time. You actually started scheming against me since then!"

"You're blaming me?"

Li Hao curled his lips and said: "Senior brother, the victory in this competition, wasn't it also a huge gift from me to you?"

"If you behave yourself and obediently sit in your position as vice principal, how would I have the opportunity to catch you?"

Li Hao shook his head after he finished speaking, and continued speaking: "But I know you won't, you can't control your greed."

"Hehe, hahahaha!"

Lu Siyuan's laughter became even more maniacal. He even burst into tears as he said, "Yes, I won't. Of course I won't!" "If I don't want to make more money, then why would I waste my time coming back?"

"It doesn't matter how much money we earn!"

Li Hao's voice suddenly rose as he looked at Lu Siyuan and said, "For your own personal safety, you're not even going to care about the safety of innocent people?!"

"You're still too young. Do you know how my days of working alone abroad went by?"

Lu Siyuan coldly snorted and said, "I'm too poor."

"Their paths are different, and they are completely unrelated to each other."

Li Hao also couldn't be bothered to listen to Lu Siyuan's reasoning. He grew up as a child from the bottom of the family, but whether he fell or not had nothing to do with all of this.

"Li Hao, don't think that you can be complacent just because you've schemed against me today. After all, I will leave this place. At that time, I will have a good fight with you!"

Lu Siyuan gritted his teeth and said harshly.

"I know. You've arranged for your son Marquis Lu to go to England to help you move international reinforcements, haven't you?"

Li Hao smiled, spread his hands and said, "However, let me remind you, for you to do such a shameful thing, and let the media report about it. Zou Wenlin of Ji Ren Hospital comes from the underworld, what method do you think he would use to take revenge on you?"

"You …"

Lu Siyuan's expression suddenly changed.

"Also, in order to make some connections, first you gave money to Principal Liu of the Chinese Medical School, then you gave money to Wang Tian Hao, and then you added some money to the relationship at the Ji Ren Hospital. Not only did you spend all your savings, you also borrowed a lot of money from the loan sharks, right?"

Li Hao continued, "If you can successfully fish up the money, returning those usury loans wouldn't be a problem, but now …"

Seeing the cold sweat on Lu Siyuan's face, Li Hao turned around and walked towards the door. As he walked, he said, "If Lu Xiahou's whereabouts were to fall into the hands of Zou Wenlin and those loan sharks, do you think that son of yours would be able to escape successfully?"

With that said, Li Hao walked out of the interrogation room.

"Li Hao! Li Hao! "

In the darkness of the interrogation room, only Lu Siyuan was left howling crazily. He was like a wild beast that had fallen into a trap and had no chance of survival.

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