With a wave of his hand, the Six-Ding Guards turned into celestial beans and followed him out of the company before burrowing into his pocket.

Li Hao went out and hailed a taxi, then headed straight for Dragon Alley, the largest jade artifact collection market in Ming Zhu.

If one wanted to buy good quality jade, it was naturally impossible to buy it from a place like the department store. Most of the jade artifacts there were only for decoration purposes, and their quality didn't enter the expert's eyes at all.

Although Li Hao didn't study jade, he still knew the basics.

There were only two ways to buy high-quality jade, one of which was to buy them at a large price from an old brand that specialized in making jade artifacts. The other was to go to the jade market and rely on one's own ability and insight.

If the former method was used, although Ming Zhu had an old name that specialized in this kind of jade ornament business for wealthy families, those shops would usually mainly sell jade finished products, and basically wouldn't take out a piece of high-quality jade to sell.

Also, in that kind of place, Li Hao himself didn't have the capital to spend money in that kind of place, and if he borrowed money from Liu Yuying or asked Zuo Fei Fei Fei to make an advance, not only would he have to give himself face, but he would also suddenly buy large quantities of good jade, which would inevitably make them suspicious.

These two women were both smarter than the other. It was way too difficult to hide anything from them.

That was why Li Hao decided to come to the jade market to look for jade.

To put it simply, this jade collection market was similar to the antiques market. However, one of them was selling antique calligraphy and paintings while the other was dealing in jade.

Just like in the antiques market, there were all kinds of antique calligraphy and paintings. The merchants said that each one was an authentic antique, but in reality, most of them were fakes created by the modern era. Only a very small number of real ones were hidden in them.

Let alone the fact that a newbie would be ripped to shreds by a fake, even many famous experts who had immersed themselves in collecting items for many years would sometimes make a mistake. There was even a jargon called "eye-opener".

As the saying goes, there is a price for gold and even if you put the jade in front of your eyes, it would be difficult to determine its value accurately, not to mention the many rough stone embryos. They have not even peeled off the outer layer of the jade skin.

Therefore, although there was only a one word difference between gambling and stoning, it was still a hundred times more exciting than gambling.

Gambling depended on the cards. When he saw the cards in his hands, he had a rough estimate of the outcome, but the rock gambling was different. Even if there was jade at the beginning, it might not necessarily be jade at the end.

Within the stone gambling house, there were plenty of people who went bankrupt after spending a lot of money. Therefore, the stone gambling house was not something that could be played by those who were truly rich and had a good attitude.

Li Hao had only heard of this kind of story in novels and television before, and he had never had the chance to experience it for himself.

"A'zi, but I don't know much about jade. What should I do?"

As he sat in the taxi, Li Hao was actually a bit unsure of himself. He rubbed the celestial beans in his pocket as he thought to himself.

These twelve Immortal beans had been bound by his blood, so he was able to communicate with them through telepathy.

"Master, don't worry. One of us, Xin Feng, is an expert in sensing spiritual energy. The quality of the jade is basically about how much spiritual energy it contains. With him around, you don't have to worry about failing."

A answered carelessly.

"That's good!"

After Li Hao heard this, he finally felt relieved.

"Master, don't worry. I will definitely do my best."

A deep voice rang out in Li Hao's mind, and one of the immortal beans in his hand started to heat up.

The car quickly arrived at the entrance of Sleeping Dragon Alley.

Although Dragon Alley was called an alleyway, it was a rather wide street. On both sides of the street, there were well-decorated and quaint houses with simple and generous doors. Most of them had an exquisite "Jade" signboard that hung the highest, and below it were the names of the jade shops.

Li Hao didn't bring much money with him, only the card Zuo Fei Fei gave him last time, and he didn't spend much either. Li Hao didn't bring much money with him, only the card Zuo Fei gave him last time, and he didn't spend much either.


Entering the jade shop, the outermost area was filled with exquisite jade artifacts that were orderly placed on red wooden shelves. Under the illumination of the lights, they seemed to sparkle, giving off a truly beautiful and pleasing appearance.

"Sir, do you want to buy jade artifacts?"

The boss in the Tang suit smiled amiably, introducing in a low voice next to Li Hao: "This jade ruyi is not bad, it's noble and generous, and its material is blue sky jade, it's the perfect choice to settle down or give away!"

Li Hao looked around with a thoughtful expression but did not say a word.

Since he was far away, he still felt the spiritual energy content of the jade artifacts. Li Hao had to buy him some time.

Seeing that Li Hao did not say anything, the boss continued: "Little brother is very cautious! Hehe, but I, Old Chen, am famous for my reputation in Wulong Lane. This Lan Tian Yu is one of the top ten famous jades in China! "In the ancient poems, there was even a famous saying of warm jade and smoke in Lantian!"

Li Hao remained silent, and the boss secretly admired his temperament. Normally, the young people who came here were all impetuous rich second generations, and if he tried to coax them a little, these fat sheep would readily pay. However, Li Hao was completely different from those people.

Just as the shop owner was thinking about this, Li Hao also received a report from A Xiaofeng. Of the hundred or so jade artifacts in the hall, not a single one could serve as a cornerstone of the formation.

"Boss, you don't need to joke around with me, I don't really care about the goods here."

Li Hao smiled and said.

"Young man, what do you mean by this?!"

The boss glared and the moustache under his nose rose up. He said angrily, "You have eyes but can't recognize Mount Tai! Since you do not fancy it, then don't waste your time here! "

Hearing his words, Li Hao snorted. Without saying anything else, he turned around and walked away.

Seeing that Li Hao left so straightforwardly, the boss's pupils slightly constricted and his expression changed. Just as Li Hao was about to step out of the door, he finally couldn't help but speak in a low voice.

"Young man, it seems that you are really an expert. Do you have the guts to come and gamble with a stone?"

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