Pure Love ✕ Insult Complex
1143. Celebrate the Night/Exit!
"Anna's grandfather, who died... sure, is the one who used to come to the old" Black Forest Family Whorehouse "right?
I ask Sister Xiang.
Before being taken over by Shirazaka Chuangsuke...... in this mansion during the "Kuroshimori Building" period.
"Yeah, when Miho Kuromori was at this" Mansion, "he said he was no longer going through..."
Oh, because Shirazaka Chuangsuke has made the interior of the 'whorehouse' rough...
Many of the best 'customers' since their inception have stopped them from coming here.
Anna's grandfather must have been one of those people.
"But you want" Mr. Keeper "who's been working here since its inception, right?
Sister Xiang tells me.
"Oh, you mean Morishita?
Mr. Morisha was... banished from this' whorehouse 'once by Shirazaka Chusuke.
Afterwards, the diffusion management and the horrible use of whores by Shirazaka Chuangsuke are too harsh......
The 'whore' sisters who have been here for a long time cried to Ji...
So the Kazuki family decided to intervene in the 'Black Forest'.
The three pillars of that intervention… 1. Adding Sister Minaho to the management team. 2. Reinstatement of Mr. Morishita at the head. 3. As an auditor, send Mr. Kyoko in.
And "Black Forest"... while Sister Minaho rebuilt her management, one by one she eliminated Shirazaka Innovation's sympathy.
Until the execution of Shirazaka Chuansuke six months ago... Sister Minaho took the time to get this' whorehouse 'back.
"Morishita now lives in a house adjacent to the mansion here. Sometimes they come to see the faces of Sister Minaho and Sister Keko."
Mr. Morishita... will not participate in the new "whorehouse" in the basement of the station hotel.
With the death of Shirasaka Chuangsuke... from his job at "The Whorehouse," he wants to retire.
I'm old enough and... I don't think I want to leave the 'Mansion' here and work at the station hotel.
"Morishita, the superintendent, said he knew everything about Anna's grandfather. Exactly... because they continued to collect information about their former customers even after they stopped visiting. Whenever 'Customer' is back we can deal with it......!
So Morishita... knew what was going on inside the Anna family fifteen years ago.
"And that's the kind of 'information behind'... he wanted to tell only your name Ho from time to time. In order to become the owner of the 'whorehouse' … we need to know your information in real time. That's why your name, Ho, knew the details too... I guess you were right to remember."
Xiang Sister...... says.
"So... based on the information your name Ho told me, I asked an investigator at Kazuki Security Services to corroborate it. It was all true. So... now, we're the ones who know the most about the secrets of the Anna family. My current lord Keiichiro Anna will not have heard anything... because Erica Anna, who read the diary of her deceased grandfather, should not have all the information"
... it is.
"Right. Anna's grandfather died ten years ago... If the grandfather's diary I discovered in" The Secret Library "was that child's" source of information, "you wouldn't know what happened after your grandfather died...!
Sister Peach says so.
"Well... the last ten years are all I know about my surroundings."
Anna, who is still in middle school...... there are limits to finding out for herself.
"And that ten years of" information "... we've got it."
Sister Xiang smiles nicely.
"We've got all the cards we need... and then we'll just go to the fight."
After this, we... must meet with Anna's father.
"Okay.Ok... I'm going to the discussion with Anna herself, me and Rukiko..."
Anna relied on Rukiko from the Kazuki family to 'run away' to this' mansion '...
Rukiko and I, on behalf of the house... go see him.
"As an Observer...... Sister Xiang"
Because we're minors... but that's why we can't have Ji, a representative of the Kazuki family, attend.
That... Anna's father doesn't want it either.
When the head of the Kazuki family comes out...... I get the attention around me, because this problem becomes known to the public......
Therefore, as an 'adult' on the Kazuki family's side... I ask you to come to Sister Shang, the site director of Kazuki Security Services.
"Then... I'll take Tsukiko and Ya too"
It would be better to have Tsukiko's "Witch Power" and Ning's "Observation + Analytical Power".
"Misuzu, stay here... because if you go too many people, Anna's father will be on guard. Oh, I'll take Michi with me. I think a lot of" guards "would be better."
I... I'll tell you what I decided to do in the dining room.
"Well... what I'm going to do is make a bad impression on the other side."
Misuzu... convinced me.
"Michi... I need your husbands' protection"
"... Yes, sir."
Michi replies with his usual faceless expression...
"Yeah... I'm going to the hotel in the conference hall with the six of us I just said"
When I say that...
"Oh, me and Sebastianus are coming too...!
Sister Peach says...
"This is such an interesting thing... even though I want to see the upside with my own eyes directly!
This man... is only Maruko's "Sister's Quantity," a hunk of curiosity.
I mean... maybe it should be called wild horse guts...
"Plus on the phone earlier...... Keiichiro Anna has been informed that I am involved in this matter as well...!
Speaking of which... Did Sister Peach answer Anna's phone call with her father as well...
"But... no. I'm taking Tsukiko. Sister Peach...... you don't like the" Witch of Hawkkura Shrine "coming up, do you?
I am extremely afraid of being manipulated with my 'mind'...
"Yes... so stop taking 'The Witch'. Grandpa!"
Sister Peaches said... take Tsukiko off the members...
"That's unacceptable. Because I think it's better to have Tsukiko's" power ". In the event of a situation in Siac, you should have to do a pretty thoughtful 'treatment'..."
Anna's father and... Anna herself...
I need to manipulate Zackli and 'memory'...... I may not be able to solve the problem.
"The venue is a hotel of the Kazuki family... so that the live footage can be seen here in the" Mansion ". Sister Sho... you can do it, right?
"Yeah, I can do that."
Sister Xiang answers immediately.
"Sister Peach... watch the broadcast in this mansion with Misuzu"
I beg you...
"I don't like it... I am. I have decided to watch Kabuki by the flower path in the front row… Sumo is always" sandy "! I don't like not being able to watch such interesting stuff up close!
... er.
"But..." The Witch "will definitely take Tsukiko!
I have a strong tone, I poke.
"I got it. Then... get me two cars. Me and Sebastianus get in the car of those who are not in the 'Witch'"
Whoa... Sister Peach.
"Also a meeting with Keiichiro Anna... make it a big room. Then… we can watch from an unreachable position of The Power of the Witch."
"The Power of the Witch" is... the effect disappears when you are at a distance from the target.
Sister Peach seemed to know the weakness.
"Unfortunately... for security reasons, we can take you to one car... and we have a hotel room with regular rooms."
Xiang Sister...... says.
"In a room as big as a ballroom... it's harder to protect."
"... why not?
I, instead of Sister Sho... replied Sister Peach.
"A large room can make a blind spot... and there will be two people, Rukiko and Sister Shang, who will be the 'nuclei' that need to be guarded. That means we have to increase the number of guards..."
"Why don't we just increase it?"
Sister Peach, still sticks up.
"No, you can't. If we had too many more guards... they'd be noticeable, wouldn't they? It's not a good idea to spread the rumor that" Sister Peach of the Songxia family and Rukiko of the Kazuki family... are having a secret meeting with Anna's father, a representative of a major audit corporation "?
I said... kick ass.
"If you really want Sister Peaches to come with you... I want you to stay with us and stay with Tsukiko. Because this is absolute!
"Oh, I see! Grandpa!
How... did you find out?
"Instead... if you feel any trace of me or Sebastianus' 'heart' being manipulated... it will be a total war between the Song and Kazuki families! Be prepared. Yikes!
Wow... to those who go with you, you made up your mind...
"You can't do that... Tsukiko is the eldest daughter of the" Hawkkura Sisters "and she's very calm... like Sister Peach said, she doesn't even use her powers on her own."
I said...
"I hope so. Hey!
Sister Peaches, while prepping...... says so.
◇ ◇ ◇
Anticipating the end of the meal...... I call Rukiko and Anna.
"It's time to go out, get dressed... you don't have to wear it. School uniforms are fine. Anna brought it, didn't she?
When I came here to 'run away'...... I had a big bag.
You must have brought your uniform, too.
"Yes... though I do"
Anna's big eyes look up at me.
"Oh, a bag or something, you can leave it here in the mansion. Also, I'll be back soon..."
Yes... even if I said I would meet with Anna's father...
Doesn't mean I'm going back to my parents' house, Anna, who's been 'running away'.
"Yes, Erica... lives here with us as your brother's 'sex slave', so you don't need your stuff."
Rukiko is smiling, too, saying so.
"Oh, really..."
Anna Uzumo......
"Anna made her own decision, didn't she?
I... hunt him down on purpose.
"No way...... now you're going to say 'stop being a slave' or something?
"Well, I wouldn't say so..."
I knew... there was a stray going on.
There... Anise is here.
"What's wrong with you?
"Oh, we... we need to go out for a minute. I'm going to be back soon though..."
Aniez... Mako make sure he goes with the Lunas to the separate room...
"Oh... Erica, you're coming to have sex with my dad!
Whisper...... smile innocently.
"Shall I go with Anise? Anise had sex with her dad first...... she'll be Erica's sex teacher!
Anna is surprised... she can't say anything.
"Anise... Rukiko is supposed to play the role of teacher. Anna is a junior at Rukiko's school..."
"I don't know... it is"
"But look... Anise and I can have sex together at any time"
"That's right! For Anise's" Duty Day, "I'll call my guests! I promise! Anise, Luna and Erica, and together the three of us peppered and licked Daddy's octin. Just!
Anise says, happily......
"Dad... Erica, this is my first time... please take your time! Before you add the octin...... plenty, please lick 'take care' of him!
"Oh, I know. Anise."
"Erica too...... Dad loves to lick her tits before sex, so please let her lick her a lot. And then... it hurts a little at first, but it's a gamble! If you have sex with your dad every day, you'll feel better in less than a week! Anise, Luna, that's what happened!
"I did, too."
Rukiko smiles... says so.
"Please let my dad adore me plenty! Anise and the others were born to have sex with their dads."
"Yeah, well... I think you're right"
Anna is... flattered.
"Come on, Anna and Rukiko have a schedule... isn't Anise the 'cleanup clerk' today?
"Oh, I was! So... Erica, enjoy your happy time!
Say so... Aniez rushes towards Patapata and the kitchen.
"Well 'tutored'... you think?
I... ask Anna.
"In Anise's case... I didn't 'tune' it. For that kid, if you look for the happiest form... this is just what happened"
"But... do you really look happy?
Ning... shows his face.
"So this is good. Yo, we don't care about ethics or morality. Anyway, first of all... it's important to be 'happy'!
"... Happiness"
Anna shrugs.
"Anna... makes it my 'sex slave'. That's a decision. Even if Anna says' I knew I would stop '...... I will definitely make it' slave '. That's what I decided."
Anna looks at me with her... frightened eyes.
"Instead... I'll make it 'happy'. That's all, I promise."
I said...
"Master Kuromori... do you know what my 'happiness' is?
My 14-year-old's big eyes...... ask me.
"Oh, I know."
I... speak plainly.
"Anna's happiness is... to have sex with me, to have my child... that is, to live protected by me"
"Protect me...?
"I wanted to be protected... you came here, didn't you?
What is Anna's 'slave' application... if you stick around, that's what I mean.
Because I have lost my 'bond' with my parents and family......
I crave a new 'bond' that protects me.
"Don't worry. Because me and my 'women'... will save Anna from her current 'troubles'. I'm ready......!
I said, make a smile...
"... I'm not sure. Me."
Anna's... still looks suspicious.
Well... I don't have a choice.
"Anyway... if you're dressed, come to the front door. Rukiko, please."
"Yes, brother"
Rukiko takes Anna... to get dressed.
Meizhi also follows from behind.
"Oh, I'm gonna get dressed, too. Hey! Tsukiko-san, let's go change!
Ning calls out to Tsukiko... and heads out to support her.
Well... me too.
"Yoshi-kun... Sister Keko told me and Ai to help Yoshi-kun change his righteousness..."
Meg and love are coming...
"Oh, please. Because I change into the best suit. A Y-shirt and a tie."
"Are we in trouble again?
"It's not that hard... but I need to get dressed properly because I'm meeting someone from CPA"
I'm coming to the meeting as Lord Kuromori... you're a bishy suit.
"It's a serious seat… Meg will choose what kind of tie you want."
"Yep... ok"
Because this is the only time I can get with Meg tonight...
"... Yoshida kun!
Love also...... coming from the kitchen, this way.
◇ ◇ ◇
I... tightened my gold tie to a dark grey suit.
"... yeah, like this...?
My hair... my love fixed me up.
"Whoa, I'm coming"
Going to the front door... Rukiko and Anna had already arrived dressed in uniform.
Meizhi also...... his usual uniform appearance.
Ning also...... come. You look like a grown man, in a black pantsuit. If this is the case, it just looks like the Kazuki family staff.
... there.
"You... what are you thinking!
Sister Peach is mad at me...... Tsukiko shows up. White and Zhu's...... in a witch's costume.
"In my case... this figure is easier to understand..."
Easily...... smile.
"Oh yes... I know you, my lord, have told me... never go into my 'heart'!
Sister Peach, be strong... tell Tsukiko.
"Yes... I know"
Tsukiko doesn't break his grin.
"I wish I knew...... but don't do anything weird!
Behind such a peach sister...... Sebastianus (Umeko Yamada) looked at Tsukiko worried.
"Yes, you go. Aniez, let me study properly... don't worry."
My sister Keko, who came to drop me off... says so.
"... I'll make the bread tomorrow with my love... it'll be fine."
Love... tell me.
"Ha. This time, I'm watching a relay over here."
Too bad, says Riko.
"You should go to that hotel over there... and get some pancakes! Because it's a specialty over there!
Snow still enjoying himself dressed as an Indian...... that's what I said.
"Michi...... please sir"
Edie has a voice in wisdom.
"Good luck......!
"Please return soon......!
Mitama and Kinuka told me.
"Sir... about Rukiko and Anna, and the peach sisters... thank you very much"
Misuzu... told me so.
"Oh...... I know"
Mana, the twins and Yomi, and the 'youngsters'... haven't come to drop me off because I'm cleaning up dinner with Anise.
Now... that's it all.
"Well, guys... I'm coming"
That's what I said... I'm going outside.
Outside the door, it was already completely night......
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