Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 1012 Flooding the Rift Valley

In less than two days.

A terrifying news spread throughout the Jinrang.

The Yin-Yang Sword Sect spent countless manpower and resources to build the defense line across the cliffs of the Sky-Splitting Canyon...

The defense ban was broken by countless black sea monsters led by the Black Sea Monster King. More than half of the Yin-Yang Sword Sect cultivators on the cliffs were killed or injured. The defense ban was completely destroyed. Only a few cultivators escaped back to the Yin-Yang Sword Sect...

After hearing this news, most people's first reaction was, is this fake news? How could the Black Sea Monster rush out of the lake, come to the ground, and attack the Yin-Yang Sword Sect's position?

Once this water monster lands on land, it will become a toothless tiger, and its strength will be greatly reduced...

However, when it was reported that the Black Sea Monster King ordered thousands of monsters to spend several months digging a channel hundreds of miles wide and thousands of miles long to divert the water of the Black Sea to the Sky Rift Valley...

Now the entire Sky Rift Valley is no longer a valley, it has become like a vast ocean, completely submerged by the lake water, and the valley is now full of countless Black Sea monsters...

Hearing this situation, countless people took a breath of cold air. What a big deal! If the Black Sea is connected to the Sky Rift Valley, the Black Sea Monster King's territory will extend to the inland of Jinrang...

And this time, because of the loss of the Yin-Yang Sword Sect on the cliffs of the Sky Rift Valley, the Yin-Yang Sword Sect was suddenly The strength has been greatly reduced...

If it was before, even if it was connected, the Black God Sea Monster would be crushed and killed when it entered the Golden Soil. But now it is different...

Because, on the other side, when the Black God Sea Monster attacked the Hengduan Cliff with the wind and waves, the army of the Three Gods Sect, which had been waiting for a long battle, also launched a fierce attack and attacked the defense line of the Gray Mist Mountain Range of the Yin-Yang Sword Sect...

The Three Gods Sect came out in full force and directly suppressed the attack on the defense line of the Gray Mist Mountain Range of the Yin-Yang Sword Sect...

Now they have surrounded the entire defense line of the Gray Mist Mountain Range and are attacking fiercely...

As soon as this situation came out, anyone who didn't have a problem with his brain would understand that the reason why the Three Gods Sect had not moved before was to wait for the Black God Sea Monster King to dig through the Sky-Splitting Canyon before attacking.

In other words, the Three Gods Sect and the Black Sea Monster King had been in cahoots with each other for a long time, and joined forces to deal with the Yin Yang Sword Sect...

No wonder the Three Gods Sect seemed to be coming in full force, but after attacking the Tiangu Mountains, they stopped attacking. It turned out that it was premeditated.

The Three Gods Sect actually joined forces with the Monster Beast Monster King, which was criticized a lot, but with the three sects of the Three Gods Sect united as one, plus the Black Sea Monster King now joining forces, how could there be any immortal cultivators who would question and meddle in this business?

Isn't that looking for trouble?

Ye Han sat cross-legged on the Ice Silk Five Elements Jade with a red body. The warm five elements aura, as he circulated, calmed the blood and qi of the flesh and blood that practiced the Tianlong Tyrant Body Technique...


Swoosh! !

A golden light communication talisman flew in front of Ye Han. The communication talisman twisted and trembled, rippling out a few ripples, and turned into a bird...

The bird spoke in human language: "Ye Han! Our Three Gods Sect is about to attack the Gray Mist Mountains. On the other side, the Black God Sea Monster King has already attacked the defense line of the Sky Rift Canyon. Within three days, the Ascension Palace will descend. Let's meet up with the Ascension Palace! The Ascension Palace should appear near the Sky Rift Canyon!"

After hearing the words of the bird communication talisman, Ye Han's face moved, his brows slightly frowned, and he was "I didn't expect that the Three God Sects and the Black Sea Monster King would start fighting so quickly!"

As he spoke, he pointed his finger, uttered a few words, and turned into a spiritual light that drilled into the bird. The golden bird turned into a rune spiritual light and flew away...

Ye Han practiced some skills and moved his hands and feet. This Tianlong Tyrant Body Skill was too difficult to practice. Ye Han had not yet successfully practiced the first level...

However, the effect was still very obvious. His physical strength and defense had been improved a little, and he had broken through the limit of the blood refining skill.

The biggest benefit was that his right arm, which was injured by the Fortune Immortal Stone, was no longer so stiff, and he could barely circulate a trace of mana meridians. If he could practice the second level of Tianlong Tyrant Body Skill, with the help of two Tongtian Lingbao, he would definitely be able to fully recover...

It's a pity that everything needs enough time. Now there is not enough time to heal, so it can only be like this for the time being.

But there is finally a good trend...

In fact, the news from the Red Dragon Girl now made him start to act.

So, he replied to the Red Dragon Girl's message, and then calmed the turbulent blood and qi from practicing the Heavenly Dragon Tyrant Body Technique, left the cave, went around the mountain next to it, and came to the temporary cave of Fairy Ningyu...

Since he was about to take action, he naturally had to discuss and prepare with Ningyu to avoid being caught off guard...

"Senior Sister! I need to find you!"



Yin Yang Sword Sect!

In the Sword Sect's main hall!

The Yin Yang Sword Ancestor, who was so old that he was about to be put into a coffin, with wrinkles all over his face and his hair almost all gray, cursed angrily: "Asshole! Damn Black God Sea Monster King, you said you would be neutral, but at the critical moment, you did this to us! Hateful!!"

It is no wonder that Yin Yang Sword Ancestor was furious. When the Three God Sects and Yin Yang Sword Sect went to war, he had already talked to the Black God Sea Monster Emperor in person. He originally hoped that the Black God Sea Monster Emperor would join forces to deal with the Three God Sects, but the Black God Sea Monster Emperor did not agree and vowed to remain neutral...

Who knew that the Black God Sea Monster Emperor would flood the Sky Rift Canyon at a critical moment, causing the Yin Yang Sword Sect to suffer huge losses...

And now the Gray Mist Mountains are also in crisis, and several requests for reinforcements have been sent back...

Yin Yang Sword Ancestor has also sent a large number of disciples to reinforce. If the Gray Mist Mountains defense line is also breached, then the Yin Yang Sword Sect will lose The last line of defense, a large area of ​​land is within the attack range of the Three Gods Sect...

Yin Yang Sword Ancestor was angry, and the other elders under the sect did not dare to say anything...

Ning Buhui, the last elder, stood up and wanted to say something, but hesitated and sat down again...

Yin Yang Sword Ancestor saw Ning Buhui's actions, looked at her and shouted: "Ning Buhui, if you have anything to say, just say it, don't hesitate!"

Ning Buhui gritted her teeth, stood up, and said: "Ancestor, I think that at this point, our Yin Yang Sword Sect alone can't resist the combination of the Three Gods Sect and the Black God Sea Monster King, why not...!"

Before he finished speaking.

A cold voice sounded outside: "Why not what?"

Everyone couldn't help but look outside, and saw Sword 29 walking in from outside...

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