Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 1014: Inherited Jade Pendant

Yin Yang Sword Ancestor suddenly started cursing in a rage: "You are such a traitor, you are a dog who gave birth to a son without an asshole!"

Hearing Yin Yang Sword Ancestor suddenly cursing like this, Ning Buhui was confused. As a girl, how could she hear Yin Yang Sword Ancestor cursing like this? And the cursing was so ugly...

She didn't know what to say, and looked at Yin Yang Sword Ancestor with a confused face. What happened?

Yin Yang Sword Ancestor was angrily turning around in place: "I was wondering why that old guy was so honest recently... It was premeditated! It was premeditated!!!"

Ning Buhui saw that Yin Yang Sword Ancestor was still cursing, so he had to ask: "Grandmaster, this matter...!"

Without waiting for Ning Buhui to speak, Yin Yang Sword Ancestor waved his hand and said: "Don't say it, it's too late!"

A trace of decisiveness appeared on his old face, and he patted the storage bag and took out a sword-shaped jade pendant.

Yin Yang Sword Ancestor caressed the jade pendant with a look of pain, and his old face showed a look of nostalgia. Finally, he handed it to Ning Buhui and said, "Take this to the tomb of Sword Ancestor in the back mountain, bow three times and kowtow nine times, it will benefit you!"

Ning Buhui took it in surprise. This is the inheritance jade pendant of Yin Yang Sword Sect. It will only be passed down by the inheritance elders of Yin Yang Sword Sect. The biggest reason for the conflict between the great elder Jian Erjiu and Yin Yang Sword Ancestor is this. Jian Erjiu believes that he is fully qualified to inherit the inheritance jade pendant and become the real master of Yin Yang Sword Sect.

Yin Yang Sword Ancestor is unwilling to give this inheritance jade pendant to him, saying that he is not qualified. Many elders and Jian Erjiu believe that it is Yin Yang Sword Ancestor who is greedy for power and unwilling to give up his position. Why is it given to her now?

Ning Buhui asked a little unbelievably: "Grandmaster, you...really want to give me the inheritance jade pendant?"

Indeed, how long has she advanced to the Golden Core Stage? Why did Yin Yang Sword Ancestor give him the inheritance jade pendant? If Jian Erjiu knew about it, wouldn't he deal with me in the future?

On the other hand, the old face of Yin Yang Sword Ancestor showed a trace of determination, and he said coldly: "Take it if I tell you to! You all think that I am unwilling to pass it on to the Great Elder because I am greedy for power and position, but you don't know that the nature of Sword Twenty-Nine is to pursue the sword, and he doesn't care about the life and death of Yin Yang Sword Sect. Only you are worried about the future of Yin Yang Sword Sect!"

The voice paused, he looked outside and said: "When the ancestor passed on the jade pendant to me, he said that the inheritance jade pendant is not passed on to people who are good at swordsmanship and swordsmanship, but to those who can make Yin Yang Sword Sect survive. You are very good, so I will pass it on to you!"

At this point, he sighed and said, "I, the ancestor, don't have many years left to live! Now that the Yin-Yang Sword Sect is like this, it all depends on the Yin-Yang Sword Sect's luck!"

As he said that, he waved his hand and said, "Don't tell anyone about this matter. Go and accept the inheritance. It will be good for you!"

"As for the others and the Yin-Yang Sword Sect, it depends on God's decision!"

After listening to the words of the Yin-Yang Sword Ancestor, Ning Buhui was puzzled, but he also knew what the ancestor was thinking. It was indeed as he said. As long as Sword Twenty-Nine became stronger, why would he care about the life and death of the Yin-Yang Sword Sect, the life and death of the sect disciples, and the life and death of the Jinrang mortals?

This time he took so many elders out, what good could come of it?

So, Ning Buhui said, "Yes! Disciple knows!"

"Go! I am here to take charge of the sect! The Three Gods Sect can't make a fuss!"


Ning Buhui flew in the air and headed for the Sword Ancestor's Tomb in the back mountain...

Suddenly her face changed, and she said to herself, "Daoyou Han Ye is still in Jinran, why not let him help our Yin Yang Sword Sect, and tell him that Jian Twenty-Nine has gone down the mountain!"

Thinking of this, Ning Buhui didn't know what she was thinking. She took out the communication talisman that Han Ye gave her, muttered something, and input some words into it. As she pinched the formula, Chanting a spell, pointing his finger, the communication talisman turned into a beam of spiritual light and flew away...

Then Ning Buhui flew to the Sword Ancestor's grave in the back mountain. She knew that Yin Yang Sword Ancestor also took advantage of the absence of Sword 29 to pass on the inheritance jade pendant to her, otherwise, she would not have much chance...

As for what will happen after Sword 29 comes back, there is no way, the inheritance is already in her hands, even if Sword 29 comes back to kill her, he can't take it back...

Because although Yin Yang Sword Ancestor is sometimes confused, he will not be wrong about Sword 29 in this matter.


In a foggy world.

Two figures silently rushed forward...

These two figures are Ye Han and Fairy Ningyu. After receiving the message from the Red Dragon Girl, he discussed with Fairy Ningyu and decided to come out of retreat and come to the Gray Mist Mountains...

According to his judgment, if the Ascension Palace descends, it will most likely appear in two places, one is the Gray Mist Mountains, and the other is the Sky Rift Valley.

Why did Ye Han make such a judgment?

That's because the Three Gods Sect and the Black Sea Monster King suddenly launched a fierce attack at this time, attacking these two places, which happened to be the defense line of the Yin-Yang Sword Sect. These two places were originally the natural barriers of the golden soil, with abundant spiritual energy, complex terrain, and many monsters...

According to the appearance of some places of opportunity that Ye Han encountered before, they usually appear in such places with abundant spiritual energy...

This Ascension Palace should be no exception.

And the Three Gods Sect and the Black Sea Monster Beast attacked at this time, which means that there is a high probability that the Ascension Palace will appear in these two places.

Now the Split Sky Canyon has been occupied by the Black God Sea monsters. It has become like a vast ocean, with monsters everywhere, and the two people's goals are not monsters and the Ascension Palace...

After weighing the balance, the Three Gods Sect besieged the defense line of the Gray Mist Mountains. The Yin Yang Sword Sect cannot lose the defense line of the Gray Mist Mountains again. There is a great possibility that the Great Elder Sword Twenty-nine will appear in the Gray Mist Mountains...

It's a pity that no news came from Ning Buhui, otherwise it would be easier for him to judge the situation...

Maybe it’s because whatever comes to mind comes to mind.

Ye Han suddenly moved his eyes, waved his hand, and said to Fairy Ningyu: "Wait a minute!"

Fairy Ningyu immediately stopped and looked around: "What's wrong? Did you find anything?"


A ray of golden light flew down, turned into a golden bird, and said to Ye Han: "Friend Han! Our Yin Yang Sword Sect is in danger. I hope that fellow Taoists can support me. In addition, the great elder has brought The elder is going down the mountain! It’s time to reach the Gray Mist Mountains!”

After hearing this, Ye Han's eyes showed a strange look. He just remembered Ning Buhui, and now he was summoned?

Fairy Ningyu, on the other hand, said in surprise: "Junior brother! Is this the person from the Yin Yang Sword Sect you mentioned?"

However, Ye Han jumped to his feet and said, "Oops! We ran to the wrong place!"

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