Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 1021 I suffered a bit of a loss!

Ye Han's face was indescribably ugly. This sudden arm was not a magical power released by him...

Because this arm is the arm of the mysterious woman in the weird coffin that the purple tripod sucked in...

There was no trace of blood in this woman's arm. It was terrifyingly white, but its power was astonishing. It actually penetrated his purple cauldron space directly...

Click! The crab demon king kept releasing demonic energy, and a pair of pliers tried hard to clamp the arm, but it was of no use at all...

The jade-white palm, with extremely slender fingers and crystal clear nails, was indestructible. It suddenly grabbed the figure of the crab demon king, and circles of gold and silver runes tightly wrapped the crab demon. The king's figure immediately made the crab demon king completely unable to move, and he dragged it towards the purple whirlpool...

not good!

Seeing this, Ye Han pointed his finger, and the Five Elements Soul Suppression Tower blasted out dozens of chains and grabbed the Crab Demon King...


Clang, clang, clang! ! With a flick of his finger on his arm as white as jade, a stream of golden runes shot out, and the chains flying out of the Five Elements Soul Suppressing Tower were suddenly shaken out...

And the body of the Crab Demon King was dragged directly out of the purple cauldron space by the slender jade hands...

Ye Han's consciousness saw that in the purple cauldron in the sea of ​​consciousness, the mysterious coffin opened and dragged directly into the body of the Crab Demon King...

Before Ye Han could see the situation clearly...

Click! The coffin was immediately closed.

boom! ! Ye Han's consciousness felt an astonishing and suffocating impact, and was suddenly shaken out...

As a result, Ye Han's figure trembled, he took a few steps back, his face turned pale...

Damn it! That damn woman actually stole her own spoils? !

Ye Han's face turned black with anger.

Ever since he knew that the mysterious woman in the weird coffin of the Ziding Gang was absorbing his magic power, Ye Han had been guarding against that woman, especially the souls and souls of the immortal cultivators who had snatched the Ghost Skull Mirror that time. After that, Ye Han knew that this weird woman needed the soul, so he kept guarding against this guy continuing to absorb the soul...

Who would have thought that with day and night protection, this damn mysterious woman would not be able to obtain more souls...

This time I simply entered my own purple tripod space and grabbed it...

The reason why he captured the Crab Demon King and entered his Purple Cauldron Space was, on the one hand, to prevent the mysterious woman from stealing the Soul of the Soul. On the other hand, it was also because his Thousand Fantasy Celestial Bell needed more demon souls above the Demon King. soul……

Although the Crab Demon King resisted very fiercely, and although Ye Han killed the Crab Demon King, he was deceived by the Crab Demon King's innate magical power. This guy was not afraid of losing his head at all...

However, as long as he is in his Purple Cauldron space, if Ye Han wants to destroy this guy, he can still be sure of absorbing its demon soul soul...

Little did he know that the woman in the weird coffin would be snatched away by him at this time...

And when he wanted to use his spiritual consciousness to see what was going on, it was immediately rebounded...

An angry Ye Han cursed: "Damn it! Sooner or later I will drive you out!!"

What's even more outrageous is that the purple tripod also helped the woman in the weird coffin...

On the other hand, the spear light and sword light released by Fairy Ningyu erupted into an astonishing explosion of light. The spear light was thousands of and the golden light was like a rainbow, constantly blocking the figures of the besieging rune monsters...

Hearing Ye Han's curse, Fairy Ningyu said in surprise: "Junior brother! What's wrong? Isn't the Crab Demon King difficult to deal with?"

Of course she didn't know the situation. What Ye Han was scolding was not the Crab Demon King, but the mysterious woman who actually took away her trophy...

The Crab Demon King's soul, demon pill, and pair of big pliers are not good things. They were just snatched away by that damn woman, and he couldn't do anything about her. How could he not be angry?

Ye Han said helplessly: "It's okay, I suffered a little loss!"

He looked at the besieging rune monsters and the huge pillars in the square, and said in a deep voice: "Don't get entangled with these things! Let's move forward! Sword Twenty-Nine, Old Demon Blackwater and the others have entered!"

Now that things have happened, Ye Han once again used his consciousness to look inside the purple tripod. He couldn't see the specific situation on the coffin. However, the woman in the mysterious coffin was actually able to open the coffin by herself and snatched his trophy, which made him feel It's really bad...

This time you grab his Demon King trophy, next time you won’t grab his Heavenly Spiritual Treasure?

But, now is not the time to think about this.

Now the two of them have entered the Ascending Immortal Palace. The Old Demon of Black Water, the Red Dragon Girl, Sword Twenty-nine, the Black God Sea Demon Emperor and others have already entered the Ascending Immortal Palace first...

There is still chaotic demonic energy, sword energy, and demonic energy remaining in this void...

Among them, Ye Han and Fairy Ningyu immediately recognized the sword energy. It was the sword energy of the Yin Yang Sword Sect's swordsmanship...

And the scent of sword energy is very diverse...

Fairy Ningyu couldn't help but said: "Junior brother! It seems you are right. That Jian Twenty-Nine did bring other elders with him. If we fight him directly, we really have no advantage at all!"

Yes, Fairy Ningyu also questioned Ye Han on the way, whether he had made a wrong judgment. How could Jian Twenty-Nine lead the other elders to cooperate with the Black Water Old Demon and others from the Three God Sect?

As a result, looking at it now, it turns out that Jian Twenty-Nine came with the elder...

Obviously, compared with the sect, in the minds of the twenty-nine sword elders, their own cultivation and longevity are more important...

This is how the Yin Yang Sword Sect has changed over the past few hundred years...

Ye Han knew that Fairy Ningyu was still anxious for revenge, so he said in a deep voice: "Sister! Don't worry, Red Dragon Girl left me a signal, you must not be impulsive, even if you can't kill Sword Twenty-Nine in Feisheng Palace, I will help you in the future!"

He has always been worried that Fairy Ningyu is too anxious to avenge her sister, and if she loses her composure in Feisheng Palace, it will be a big trouble...

And since he has agreed to cooperate with Red Dragon Girl, Red Dragon Girl disguised as Tianlong Demon Saint came in first and quietly left him the contact breath location...

However, Feisheng Palace has a ban on the sky and the prohibition of spiritual consciousness, so he can only feel the approximate direction now...

Hearing Ye Han's words, Fairy Ning Yu's face changed, and she said calmly: "Okay! Junior Brother! I will definitely not be impulsive!"

She recalled the situation when she and her sister were plotted against by Jian Ershijiu. In fact, it was partly because they were not calm that they fell into Jian Ershijiu's conspiracy and led to the death of her sister...

If they could be calmer at that time, they would not have fallen into the other party's calculations...

Ye Han nodded, sensing the direction of Red Dragon Girl and the others, and pointed his finger. A series of golden sword beams burst out, defeating many rune monsters. Those rune monsters seemed to be immortal and exploded, and they were not affected much...

Huh? !

Ye Han's eyes suddenly moved and showed a look of surprise and said: "Good guy! This is a good thing!"

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