Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 1027: Subjugating Shui Ling

The Ten Thousand Year Water Spirit trembled, huddled up in the hot furnace, and roared: "I will never surrender even if I die!"

As he spoke, a circle of amazing runes burst out from the Ten Thousand Year Water Spirit's body, and the violent water spirit energy and mana burst out, causing the furnace to vibrate...

After hearing this, Ye Han shouted coldly: "Then it's not my fault!"

With his angry shout, the mana burst out, driving the fire of the furnace to grow...

Huhuhuhu!!! The flames burst out, how could the Ten Thousand Year Water Spirit suffer the pain of being burned by such true fire...


The Wannian Shuiling screamed exaggeratedly: "Ahhh! I'm burning to death! Spare my life!!! Spare me!"

Ye Han shouted coldly: "If you don't surrender, you will be burned to death!"

Although this Wannian Shuiling has been intelligent for many years, it has never suffered any pain, let alone such a difficult situation. The real fire restrains the water spirit, which makes it even more painful...

The Wannian Shuiling begged for mercy in panic and cried: "Spare my life! Spare my life! I surrender!"

Ye Han moved his consciousness and controlled the flame of the treasure refining furnace to lower a little, sinking He shouted: "Hand over your spirit crystal and acknowledge me as your master! I will spare you!"

After hearing this, the Ten Thousand Year Water Spirit roared: "Spirit crystal? You are dreaming!!"

As he spoke, the power of the law in the Ten Thousand Year Water Spirit's body erupted with chills, and the flames of the treasure refining furnace were actually shaken by the impact...

You know, the reason why the Ten Thousand Year Water Spirit can become a spirit is because of the spirit crystal, which gave birth to the spirit body. If you hand over the spirit crystal, it means that you have handed over your life to the other party, and the other party can do whatever they want to it!

This ten thousand year old water spirit didn't want this...

Ye Han shouted: "Looking for death!"

As Ye Han shouted angrily, the flame rune aura of the treasure refining furnace was bright, and the extremely hot flame that erupted suppressed the ten thousand year old water spirit flame in the treasure refining furnace. The flame burned the ten thousand year old water spirit's body...

The ten thousand year old water spirit screamed miserably: "Ah! I give it! I give it! Master! I give it to you!!!"

As he said, the rune aura of the ten thousand year old water spirit was bright, and he grabbed from his chest and grabbed a crystal stone wrapped in mysterious runes. If you look closely, , which is full of water law power...

Ye Han was delighted, and with a flick of his finger, a chain caught the spirit crystal of the ten thousand year old water spirit...

He didn't expect that the ten thousand year old water spirit was so afraid of fire and really handed over the spirit crystal...

In fact, although the true fire of this treasure refining furnace is powerful, it is very difficult to burn the ten thousand year old water spirit to death, and there is no benefit at all to burn and refine the ten thousand year old water spirit, and it also consumes a lot of mana to use the power of the true fire law to offset the resistance of the ten thousand year old water spirit...

It can be said that killing one thousand enemies will hurt one thousand of yourself, and there is no benefit at all.

It will be different if the ten thousand year old water spirit hands over the spirit crystal. Whether it is used to refine treasures in the future or for other purposes, it is a treasure...

However, when Ye Han saw the ten thousand year old water spirit hand over the spirit crystal, he flicked his finger, and a drop of blood flew out. As Ye Han pinched the formula and chanted the spell, a drop of blood recognized the master's mana was released...

Huchi! This spirit crystal absorbed the power of the blood that recognized the master, and this ten thousand year old water spirit became his slave. If he wanted to resist, as long as Ye Han had a thought, this guy would be wiped out!

In fact, Ye Han had never thought that this ten thousand year old water spirit would really surrender and recognize the master, but he also understood what was going on. This ten thousand year old water spirit was a naturally born spiritual spirit, and there was no real stubborn thoughts at all, only recognizing the strong...

Ye Han suddenly caught it and was able to torture this guy, so the ten thousand year old water spirit obeyed Ye Han and recognized the master...

If it was other monsters with more outstanding spiritual intelligence, it would not be so easy to surrender, at least they would have to negotiate conditions...

Feeling the restrictions that Ye Han had placed in his spirit crystal, the ten thousand year old water spirit said cautiously: "Master! Can you... let me out? ? "

Ye Han immediately said: "Of course there is no problem in letting you go, but what kind of spiritual spring are you? Can you take away those spiritual springs that can be taken away?"

The Ten Thousand Year Water Spirit immediately replied: "My body is the Four Seas Spirit Spring that was born naturally from heaven and earth. If the master wants to take me away, of course I will go, but... there must be a place to accommodate my body!"

Ning Yu Fairy saw that Ye Han actually subdued this Ten Thousand Year Water Spirit, and her eyes could not help but show envy. This thing is not an ordinary treasure. If it can be subdued by Ye Han, doesn't it mean that Ye Han has a treasure that can replenish water magic at any time?

She was a water-type cultivator with a natural spiritual root, so she was naturally very envious of this thing, but she was only tempted for a moment...

Ye Han pointed his finger, and a circle of runes surged out of the treasure refining furnace. When the furnace was opened, the ten thousand year old water spirit flew out...

The ten thousand year old water spirit said respectfully: "Master! I will let my body out now! But you have to let me fit in!"

Ye Han glanced at Fairy Ning Yu and said: "Just come in!"

As he said that, he pointed his finger, and the purple rune vortex swirled, opening a space hole for the ten thousand year old water spirit...

Fairy Ning Yu was extremely shocked when she saw it. This Ye Han actually has his own space secret realm? Where did he get this treasure? You know, this space secret realm is not only rare, but also can be freely controlled by Ye Han?

How many skills and treasures does this kid have? No wonder so many cultivators in Tianlan want to take advantage of this kid.

I have noticed this kid since the Dark Forbidden Land. This kid is definitely extraordinary and has a lot of good things on him...

However, Fairy Ningyu has a gentle personality and doesn't like to fight. If she wasn't so talented, she wouldn't have become a cultivator in the Golden Core Stage...

I saw that the Ten Thousand Years Water Spirit was circulating the spiritual energy and magic power on his body, and countless water law runes continued to surge on his body...

Runes were released one after another and surged into the dragon heads...


The spiritual water surged, and the so-called Four Seas Spiritual Springs sprayed out from the dragon heads, and continued to surge into the Ten Thousand Years Water Spirit.

As the Four Seas Spiritual Spring continued to flow into the body of the Ten Thousand Years Water Spirit, the mana and spiritual energy consumed by the Ten Thousand Years Water Spirit was restored at once, and the breath was still rising steadily, and it returned to the cultivation level above the Golden Core...

It is worth mentioning that the so-called cultivation level above the Golden Core of the Ten Thousand Years Water Spirit is not the Nascent Soul Stage, but it is beyond the Golden Core Stage, but not the cultivation level of the Golden Core Stage, because the Ten Thousand Years Water Spirit is a spirit body, and it is unknown how long it will take to condense the Nascent Soul. It must have a real physical body and then condense the Nascent Soul, and then it will become the Nascent Soul Stage.

As the spiritual spring continued to spew out from the faucet, the Ten Thousand Years Water Spirit trembled, opened its mouth and spurted out the spiritual spring water into Ye Han's purple tripod vortex space...

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